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Data model

sleap-io implements the core data structures used in SLEAP for storing data related to multi-instance pose tracking, including for annotation, training and inference.


Pose data for a set of videos that have user labels and/or predictions.


Name Type Description
labeled_frames list[LabeledFrame]

A list of LabeledFrames that are associated with this dataset.

videos list[Video]

A list of Videos that are associated with this dataset. Videos do not need to have corresponding LabeledFrames if they do not have any labels or predictions yet.

skeletons list[Skeleton]

A list of Skeletons that are associated with this dataset. This should generally only contain a single skeleton.

tracks list[Track]

A list of Tracks that are associated with this dataset.

suggestions list[SuggestionFrame]

A list of SuggestionFrames that are associated with this dataset.

provenance dict[str, Any]

Dictionary of arbitrary metadata providing additional information about where the dataset came from.


Videos in contain LabeledFrames, and Skeletons and Tracks in contained Instances are added to the respective lists automatically.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Labels:
    """Pose data for a set of videos that have user labels and/or predictions.

        labeled_frames: A list of `LabeledFrame`s that are associated with this dataset.
        videos: A list of `Video`s that are associated with this dataset. Videos do not
            need to have corresponding `LabeledFrame`s if they do not have any
            labels or predictions yet.
        skeletons: A list of `Skeleton`s that are associated with this dataset. This
            should generally only contain a single skeleton.
        tracks: A list of `Track`s that are associated with this dataset.
        suggestions: A list of `SuggestionFrame`s that are associated with this dataset.
        provenance: Dictionary of arbitrary metadata providing additional information
            about where the dataset came from.

        `Video`s in contain `LabeledFrame`s, and `Skeleton`s and `Track`s in contained
        `Instance`s are added to the respective lists automatically.

    labeled_frames: list[LabeledFrame] = field(factory=list)
    videos: list[Video] = field(factory=list)
    skeletons: list[Skeleton] = field(factory=list)
    tracks: list[Track] = field(factory=list)
    suggestions: list[SuggestionFrame] = field(factory=list)
    provenance: dict[str, Any] = field(factory=dict)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        """Append videos, skeletons, and tracks seen in `labeled_frames` to `Labels`."""

    def update(self):
        """Update data structures based on contents.

        This function will update the list of skeletons, videos and tracks from the
        labeled frames, instances and suggestions.
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:
            if not in self.videos:

            for inst in lf:
                if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

                if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

        for sf in self.suggestions:
            if not in self.videos:

    def __getitem__(
        self, key: int | slice | list[int] | np.ndarray | tuple[Video, int]
    ) -> list[LabeledFrame] | LabeledFrame:
        """Return one or more labeled frames based on indexing criteria."""
        if type(key) == int:
            return self.labeled_frames[key]
        elif type(key) == slice:
            return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
        elif type(key) == list:
            return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in key]
        elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray):
            return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in key.tolist()]
        elif type(key) == tuple and len(key) == 2:
            video, frame_idx = key
            res = self.find(video, frame_idx)
            if len(res) == 1:
                return res[0]
            elif len(res) == 0:
                raise IndexError(
                    f"No labeled frames found for video {video} and "
                    f"frame index {frame_idx}."
        elif type(key) == Video:
            res = self.find(key)
            if len(res) == 0:
                raise IndexError(f"No labeled frames found for video {key}.")
            return res
            raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for labels: {key}")

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over `labeled_frames` list when calling iter method on `Labels`."""
        return iter(self.labeled_frames)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return number of labeled frames."""
        return len(self.labeled_frames)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return a readable representation of the labels."""
        return (
            f"labeled_frames={len(self.labeled_frames)}, "
            f"videos={len(self.videos)}, "
            f"skeletons={len(self.skeletons)}, "
            f"tracks={len(self.tracks)}, "

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Return a readable representation of the labels."""
        return self.__repr__()

    def append(self, lf: LabeledFrame, update: bool = True):
        """Append a labeled frame to the labels.

            lf: A labeled frame to add to the labels.
            update: If `True` (the default), update list of videos, tracks and
                skeletons from the contents.

        if update:
            if not in self.videos:

            for inst in lf:
                if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

                if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

    def extend(self, lfs: list[LabeledFrame], update: bool = True):
        """Append a labeled frame to the labels.

            lfs: A list of labeled frames to add to the labels.
            update: If `True` (the default), update list of videos, tracks and
                skeletons from the contents.

        if update:
            for lf in lfs:
                if not in self.videos:

                for inst in lf:
                    if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

                    if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

    def numpy(
        video: Optional[Union[Video, int]] = None,
        all_frames: bool = True,
        untracked: bool = False,
        return_confidence: bool = False,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        """Construct a numpy array from instance points.

            video: Video or video index to convert to numpy arrays. If `None` (the
                default), uses the first video.
            untracked: If `False` (the default), include only instances that have a
                track assignment. If `True`, includes all instances in each frame in
                arbitrary order.
            return_confidence: If `False` (the default), only return points of nodes. If
                `True`, return the points and scores of nodes.

            An array of tracks of shape `(n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 2)` if
            `return_confidence` is `False`. Otherwise returned shape is
            `(n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 3)` if `return_confidence` is `True`.

            Missing data will be replaced with `np.nan`.

            If this is a single instance project, a track does not need to be assigned.

            Only predicted instances (NOT user instances) will be returned.

            This method assumes that instances have tracks assigned and is intended to
            function primarily for single-video prediction results.
        # Get labeled frames for specified video.
        if video is None:
            video = 0
        if type(video) == int:
            video = self.videos[video]
        lfs = [lf for lf in self.labeled_frames if == video]

        # Figure out frame index range.
        first_frame, last_frame = 0, 0
        for lf in lfs:
            first_frame = min(first_frame, lf.frame_idx)
            last_frame = max(last_frame, lf.frame_idx)

        # Figure out the number of tracks based on number of instances in each frame.
        # First, let's check the max number of predicted instances (regardless of
        # whether they're tracked.
        n_preds = 0
        for lf in lfs:
            n_pred_instances = len(lf.predicted_instances)
            n_preds = max(n_preds, n_pred_instances)

        # Case 1: We don't care about order because there's only 1 instance per frame,
        # or we're considering untracked instances.
        untracked = untracked or n_preds == 1
        if untracked:
            n_tracks = n_preds
            # Case 2: We're considering only tracked instances.
            n_tracks = len(self.tracks)

        n_frames = int(last_frame - first_frame + 1)
        skeleton = self.skeletons[-1]  # Assume project only uses last skeleton
        n_nodes = len(skeleton.nodes)

        if return_confidence:
            tracks = np.full((n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 3), np.nan, dtype="float32")
            tracks = np.full((n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 2), np.nan, dtype="float32")
        for lf in lfs:
            i = int(lf.frame_idx - first_frame)
            if untracked:
                for j, inst in enumerate(lf.predicted_instances):
                    tracks[i, j] = inst.numpy(scores=return_confidence)
                tracked_instances = [
                    for inst in lf.instances
                    if type(inst) == PredictedInstance and inst.track is not None
                for inst in tracked_instances:
                    j = self.tracks.index(inst.track)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                    tracks[i, j] = inst.numpy(scores=return_confidence)

        return tracks

    def video(self) -> Video:
        """Return the video if there is only a single video in the labels."""
        if len(self.videos) == 0:
            raise ValueError("There are no videos in the labels.")
        elif len(self.videos) == 1:
            return self.videos[0]
            raise ValueError(
                " can only be used when there is only a single video saved "
                "in the labels. Use Labels.videos instead."

    def skeleton(self) -> Skeleton:
        """Return the skeleton if there is only a single skeleton in the labels."""
        if len(self.skeletons) == 0:
            raise ValueError("There are no skeletons in the labels.")
        elif len(self.skeletons) == 1:
            return self.skeletons[0]
            raise ValueError(
                "Labels.skeleton can only be used when there is only a single skeleton "
                "saved in the labels. Use Labels.skeletons instead."

    def find(
        video: Video,
        frame_idx: int | list[int] | None = None,
        return_new: bool = False,
    ) -> list[LabeledFrame]:
        """Search for labeled frames given video and/or frame index.

            video: A `Video` that is associated with the project.
            frame_idx: The frame index (or indices) which we want to find in the video.
                If a range is specified, we'll return all frames with indices in that
                range. If not specific, then we'll return all labeled frames for video.
            return_new: Whether to return singleton of new and empty `LabeledFrame` if
                none are found in project.

            List of `LabeledFrame` objects that match the criteria.

            The list will be empty if no matches found, unless return_new is True, in
            which case it contains new (empty) `LabeledFrame` objects with `video` and
            `frame_index` set.
        results = []

        if frame_idx is None:
            for lf in self.labeled_frames:
                if == video:
            return results

        if np.isscalar(frame_idx):
            frame_idx = np.array(frame_idx).reshape(-1)

        for frame_ind in frame_idx:
            result = None
            for lf in self.labeled_frames:
                if == video and lf.frame_idx == frame_ind:
                    result = lf
            if result is None and return_new:
                results.append(LabeledFrame(video=video, frame_idx=frame_ind))

        return results

    def save(
        filename: str,
        format: Optional[str] = None,
        embed: bool | str | list[tuple[Video, int]] | None = None,
        """Save labels to file in specified format.

            filename: Path to save labels to.
            format: The format to save the labels in. If `None`, the format will be
                inferred from the file extension. Available formats are `"slp"`,
                `"nwb"`, `"labelstudio"`, and `"jabs"`.
            embed: Frames to embed in the saved labels file. One of `None`, `True`,
                `"all"`, `"user"`, `"suggestions"`, `"user+suggestions"`, `"source"` or
                list of tuples of `(video, frame_idx)`.

                If `None` is specified (the default) and the labels contains embedded
                frames, those embedded frames will be re-saved to the new file.

                If `True` or `"all"`, all labeled frames and suggested frames will be

                If `"source"` is specified, no images will be embedded and the source
                video will be restored if available.

                This argument is only valid for the SLP backend.
        from sleap_io import save_file

        save_file(self, filename, format=format, embed=embed, **kwargs)

    def clean(
        frames: bool = True,
        empty_instances: bool = False,
        skeletons: bool = True,
        tracks: bool = True,
        videos: bool = False,
        """Remove empty frames, unused skeletons, tracks and videos.

            frames: If `True` (the default), remove empty frames.
            empty_instances: If `True` (NOT default), remove instances that have no
                visible points.
            skeletons: If `True` (the default), remove unused skeletons.
            tracks: If `True` (the default), remove unused tracks.
            videos: If `True` (NOT default), remove videos that have no labeled frames.
        used_skeletons = []
        used_tracks = []
        used_videos = []
        kept_frames = []
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:

            if empty_instances:

            if frames and len(lf) == 0:

            if videos and not in used_videos:

            if skeletons or tracks:
                for inst in lf:
                    if skeletons and inst.skeleton not in used_skeletons:
                    if (
                        and inst.track is not None
                        and inst.track not in used_tracks

            if frames:

        if videos:
            self.videos = [video for video in self.videos if video in used_videos]

        if skeletons:
            self.skeletons = [
                skeleton for skeleton in self.skeletons if skeleton in used_skeletons

        if tracks:
            self.tracks = [track for track in self.tracks if track in used_tracks]

        if frames:
            self.labeled_frames = kept_frames

    def remove_predictions(self, clean: bool = True):
        """Remove all predicted instances from the labels.

            clean: If `True` (the default), also remove any empty frames and unused
                tracks and skeletons. It does NOT remove videos that have no labeled
                frames or instances with no visible points.

        See also: `Labels.clean`
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:

        if clean:

    def user_labeled_frames(self) -> list[LabeledFrame]:
        """Return all labeled frames with user (non-predicted) instances."""
        return [lf for lf in self.labeled_frames if lf.has_user_instances]

    def replace_videos(
        old_videos: list[Video] | None = None,
        new_videos: list[Video] | None = None,
        video_map: dict[Video, Video] | None = None,
        """Replace videos and update all references.

            old_videos: List of videos to be replaced.
            new_videos: List of videos to replace with.
            video_map: Alternative input of dictionary where keys are the old videos and
                values are the new videos.
        if video_map is None:
            video_map = {o: n for o, n in zip(old_videos, new_videos)}

        # Update the labeled frames with the new videos.
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:
            if in video_map:
       = video_map[]

        # Update suggestions with the new videos.
        for sf in self.suggestions:
            if in video_map:
       = video_map[]

    def replace_filenames(
        new_filenames: list[str | Path] | None = None,
        filename_map: dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None = None,
        prefix_map: dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None = None,
        """Replace video filenames.

            new_filenames: List of new filenames. Must have the same length as the
                number of videos in the labels.
            filename_map: Dictionary mapping old filenames (keys) to new filenames
            prefix_map: Dictonary mapping old prefixes (keys) to new prefixes (values).

            Only one of the argument types can be provided.
        n = 0
        if new_filenames is not None:
            n += 1
        if filename_map is not None:
            n += 1
        if prefix_map is not None:
            n += 1
        if n != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Exactly one input method must be provided to replace filenames."

        if new_filenames is not None:
            if len(self.videos) != len(new_filenames):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Number of new filenames ({len(new_filenames)}) does not match "
                    f"the number of videos ({len(self.videos)})."

            for video, new_filename in zip(self.videos, new_filenames):

        elif filename_map is not None:
            for video in self.videos:
                for old_fn, new_fn in filename_map.items():
                    if type(video.filename) == list:
                        new_fns = []
                        for fn in video.filename:
                            if Path(fn) == Path(old_fn):
                        if Path(video.filename) == Path(old_fn):

        elif prefix_map is not None:
            for video in self.videos:
                for old_prefix, new_prefix in prefix_map.items():
                    old_prefix, new_prefix = Path(old_prefix), Path(new_prefix)

                    if type(video.filename) == list:
                        new_fns = []
                        for fn in video.filename:
                            fn = Path(fn)
                            if fn.as_posix().startswith(old_prefix.as_posix()):
                                new_fns.append(new_prefix / fn.relative_to(old_prefix))
                        fn = Path(video.filename)
                        if fn.as_posix().startswith(old_prefix.as_posix()):
                                new_prefix / fn.relative_to(old_prefix)

    def split(self, n: int | float, seed: int | None = None) -> tuple[Labels, Labels]:
        """Separate the labels into random splits.

            n: Size of the first split. If integer >= 1, assumes that this is the number
                of labeled frames in the first split. If < 1.0, this will be treated as
                a fraction of the total labeled frames.
            seed: Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.

            A tuple of `split1, split2`.

            If an integer was specified, `len(split1) == n`.

            If a fraction was specified, `len(split1) == int(n * len(labels))`.

            The second split contains the remainder, i.e.,
            `len(split2) == len(labels) - len(split1)`.

            If there are too few frames, a minimum of 1 frame will be kept in the second

            If there is exactly 1 labeled frame in the labels, the same frame will be
            assigned to both splits.
        n0 = len(self)
        if n0 == 0:
            return self, self
        n1 = n
        if n < 1.0:
            n1 = max(int(n0 * float(n)), 1)
        n2 = max(n0 - n1, 1)
        n1, n2 = int(n1), int(n2)

        rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed)
        inds1 = rng.choice(n0, size=(n1,), replace=False)

        if n0 == 1:
            inds2 = np.array([0])
            inds2 = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(n0), inds1)

        split1, split2 = self[inds1], self[inds2]
        split1, split2 = deepcopy(split1), deepcopy(split2)
        split1, split2 = Labels(split1), Labels(split2)

        split1.provenance = self.provenance
        split2.provenance = self.provenance
        split1.provenance["source_labels"] = self.provenance.get("filename", None)
        split2.provenance["source_labels"] = self.provenance.get("filename", None)

        return split1, split2

    def make_training_splits(
        n_train: int | float,
        n_val: int | float | None = None,
        n_test: int | float | None = None,
        save_dir: str | Path | None = None,
        seed: int | None = None,
    ) -> tuple[Labels, Labels] | tuple[Labels, Labels, Labels]:
        """Make splits for training with embedded images.

            n_train: Size of the training split as integer or fraction.
            n_val: Size of the validation split as integer or fraction. If `None`,
                this will be inferred based on the values of `n_train` and `n_test`. If
                `n_test` is `None`, this will be the remainder of the data after the
                training split.
            n_test: Size of the testing split as integer or fraction. If `None`, the
                test split will not be saved.
            save_dir: If specified, save splits to SLP files with embedded images.
            seed: Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.

            A tuple of `labels_train, labels_val` or
            `labels_train, labels_val, labels_test` if `n_test` was specified.

            Predictions and suggestions will be removed before saving, leaving only
            frames with user labeled data (the source labels are not affected).

            Frames with user labeled data will be embedded in the resulting files.

            If `save_dir` is specified, this will save the randomly sampled splits to:

            - `{save_dir}/train.pkg.slp`
            - `{save_dir}/val.pkg.slp`
            - `{save_dir}/test.pkg.slp` (if `n_test` is specified)

        See also: `Labels.split`
        # Clean up labels.
        labels = deepcopy(self)
        labels.suggestions = []

        # Make splits.
        labels_train, labels_rest = labels.split(n_train, seed=seed)
        if n_test is not None:
            if n_test < 1:
                n_test = (n_test * len(labels)) / len(labels_rest)
            labels_test, labels_rest = labels_rest.split(n=n_test, seed=seed)
        if n_val is not None:
            if n_val < 1:
                n_val = (n_val * len(labels)) / len(labels_rest)
            labels_val, _ = labels_rest.split(n=n_val, seed=seed)
            labels_val = labels_rest

        # Save.
        if save_dir is not None:
            save_dir = Path(save_dir)
            save_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

   / "train.pkg.slp", embed="user")
   / "val.pkg.slp", embed="user")
   / "test.pkg.slp", embed="user")

        if n_test is None:
            return labels_train, labels_val
            return labels_train, labels_val, labels_test

skeleton: Skeleton property

Return the skeleton if there is only a single skeleton in the labels.

user_labeled_frames: list[LabeledFrame] property

Return all labeled frames with user (non-predicted) instances.

video: Video property

Return the video if there is only a single video in the labels.


Append videos, skeletons, and tracks seen in labeled_frames to Labels.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
    """Append videos, skeletons, and tracks seen in `labeled_frames` to `Labels`."""


Return one or more labeled frames based on indexing criteria.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(
    self, key: int | slice | list[int] | np.ndarray | tuple[Video, int]
) -> list[LabeledFrame] | LabeledFrame:
    """Return one or more labeled frames based on indexing criteria."""
    if type(key) == int:
        return self.labeled_frames[key]
    elif type(key) == slice:
        return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
    elif type(key) == list:
        return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in key]
    elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray):
        return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in key.tolist()]
    elif type(key) == tuple and len(key) == 2:
        video, frame_idx = key
        res = self.find(video, frame_idx)
        if len(res) == 1:
            return res[0]
        elif len(res) == 0:
            raise IndexError(
                f"No labeled frames found for video {video} and "
                f"frame index {frame_idx}."
    elif type(key) == Video:
        res = self.find(key)
        if len(res) == 0:
            raise IndexError(f"No labeled frames found for video {key}.")
        return res
        raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for labels: {key}")


Iterate over labeled_frames list when calling iter method on Labels.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __iter__(self):
    """Iterate over `labeled_frames` list when calling iter method on `Labels`."""
    return iter(self.labeled_frames)


Return number of labeled frames.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Return number of labeled frames."""
    return len(self.labeled_frames)


Return a readable representation of the labels.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return a readable representation of the labels."""
    return (
        f"labeled_frames={len(self.labeled_frames)}, "
        f"videos={len(self.videos)}, "
        f"skeletons={len(self.skeletons)}, "
        f"tracks={len(self.tracks)}, "


Return a readable representation of the labels.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Return a readable representation of the labels."""
    return self.__repr__()

append(lf, update=True)

Append a labeled frame to the labels.


Name Type Description Default
lf LabeledFrame

A labeled frame to add to the labels.

update bool

If True (the default), update list of videos, tracks and skeletons from the contents.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def append(self, lf: LabeledFrame, update: bool = True):
    """Append a labeled frame to the labels.

        lf: A labeled frame to add to the labels.
        update: If `True` (the default), update list of videos, tracks and
            skeletons from the contents.

    if update:
        if not in self.videos:

        for inst in lf:
            if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

            if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

clean(frames=True, empty_instances=False, skeletons=True, tracks=True, videos=False)

Remove empty frames, unused skeletons, tracks and videos.


Name Type Description Default
frames bool

If True (the default), remove empty frames.

empty_instances bool

If True (NOT default), remove instances that have no visible points.

skeletons bool

If True (the default), remove unused skeletons.

tracks bool

If True (the default), remove unused tracks.

videos bool

If True (NOT default), remove videos that have no labeled frames.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def clean(
    frames: bool = True,
    empty_instances: bool = False,
    skeletons: bool = True,
    tracks: bool = True,
    videos: bool = False,
    """Remove empty frames, unused skeletons, tracks and videos.

        frames: If `True` (the default), remove empty frames.
        empty_instances: If `True` (NOT default), remove instances that have no
            visible points.
        skeletons: If `True` (the default), remove unused skeletons.
        tracks: If `True` (the default), remove unused tracks.
        videos: If `True` (NOT default), remove videos that have no labeled frames.
    used_skeletons = []
    used_tracks = []
    used_videos = []
    kept_frames = []
    for lf in self.labeled_frames:

        if empty_instances:

        if frames and len(lf) == 0:

        if videos and not in used_videos:

        if skeletons or tracks:
            for inst in lf:
                if skeletons and inst.skeleton not in used_skeletons:
                if (
                    and inst.track is not None
                    and inst.track not in used_tracks

        if frames:

    if videos:
        self.videos = [video for video in self.videos if video in used_videos]

    if skeletons:
        self.skeletons = [
            skeleton for skeleton in self.skeletons if skeleton in used_skeletons

    if tracks:
        self.tracks = [track for track in self.tracks if track in used_tracks]

    if frames:
        self.labeled_frames = kept_frames

extend(lfs, update=True)

Append a labeled frame to the labels.


Name Type Description Default
lfs list[LabeledFrame]

A list of labeled frames to add to the labels.

update bool

If True (the default), update list of videos, tracks and skeletons from the contents.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def extend(self, lfs: list[LabeledFrame], update: bool = True):
    """Append a labeled frame to the labels.

        lfs: A list of labeled frames to add to the labels.
        update: If `True` (the default), update list of videos, tracks and
            skeletons from the contents.

    if update:
        for lf in lfs:
            if not in self.videos:

            for inst in lf:
                if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

                if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

find(video, frame_idx=None, return_new=False)

Search for labeled frames given video and/or frame index.


Name Type Description Default
video Video

A Video that is associated with the project.

frame_idx int | list[int] | None

The frame index (or indices) which we want to find in the video. If a range is specified, we'll return all frames with indices in that range. If not specific, then we'll return all labeled frames for video.

return_new bool

Whether to return singleton of new and empty LabeledFrame if none are found in project.



Type Description

List of LabeledFrame objects that match the criteria.

The list will be empty if no matches found, unless return_new is True, in which case it contains new (empty) LabeledFrame objects with video and frame_index set.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def find(
    video: Video,
    frame_idx: int | list[int] | None = None,
    return_new: bool = False,
) -> list[LabeledFrame]:
    """Search for labeled frames given video and/or frame index.

        video: A `Video` that is associated with the project.
        frame_idx: The frame index (or indices) which we want to find in the video.
            If a range is specified, we'll return all frames with indices in that
            range. If not specific, then we'll return all labeled frames for video.
        return_new: Whether to return singleton of new and empty `LabeledFrame` if
            none are found in project.

        List of `LabeledFrame` objects that match the criteria.

        The list will be empty if no matches found, unless return_new is True, in
        which case it contains new (empty) `LabeledFrame` objects with `video` and
        `frame_index` set.
    results = []

    if frame_idx is None:
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:
            if == video:
        return results

    if np.isscalar(frame_idx):
        frame_idx = np.array(frame_idx).reshape(-1)

    for frame_ind in frame_idx:
        result = None
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:
            if == video and lf.frame_idx == frame_ind:
                result = lf
        if result is None and return_new:
            results.append(LabeledFrame(video=video, frame_idx=frame_ind))

    return results

make_training_splits(n_train, n_val=None, n_test=None, save_dir=None, seed=None)

Make splits for training with embedded images.


Name Type Description Default
n_train int | float

Size of the training split as integer or fraction.

n_val int | float | None

Size of the validation split as integer or fraction. If None, this will be inferred based on the values of n_train and n_test. If n_test is None, this will be the remainder of the data after the training split.

n_test int | float | None

Size of the testing split as integer or fraction. If None, the test split will not be saved.

save_dir str | Path | None

If specified, save splits to SLP files with embedded images.

seed int | None

Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.



Type Description
tuple[Labels, Labels] | tuple[Labels, Labels, Labels]

A tuple of labels_train, labels_val or labels_train, labels_val, labels_test if n_test was specified.


Predictions and suggestions will be removed before saving, leaving only frames with user labeled data (the source labels are not affected).

Frames with user labeled data will be embedded in the resulting files.

If save_dir is specified, this will save the randomly sampled splits to:

  • {save_dir}/train.pkg.slp
  • {save_dir}/val.pkg.slp
  • {save_dir}/test.pkg.slp (if n_test is specified)

See also: Labels.split

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def make_training_splits(
    n_train: int | float,
    n_val: int | float | None = None,
    n_test: int | float | None = None,
    save_dir: str | Path | None = None,
    seed: int | None = None,
) -> tuple[Labels, Labels] | tuple[Labels, Labels, Labels]:
    """Make splits for training with embedded images.

        n_train: Size of the training split as integer or fraction.
        n_val: Size of the validation split as integer or fraction. If `None`,
            this will be inferred based on the values of `n_train` and `n_test`. If
            `n_test` is `None`, this will be the remainder of the data after the
            training split.
        n_test: Size of the testing split as integer or fraction. If `None`, the
            test split will not be saved.
        save_dir: If specified, save splits to SLP files with embedded images.
        seed: Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.

        A tuple of `labels_train, labels_val` or
        `labels_train, labels_val, labels_test` if `n_test` was specified.

        Predictions and suggestions will be removed before saving, leaving only
        frames with user labeled data (the source labels are not affected).

        Frames with user labeled data will be embedded in the resulting files.

        If `save_dir` is specified, this will save the randomly sampled splits to:

        - `{save_dir}/train.pkg.slp`
        - `{save_dir}/val.pkg.slp`
        - `{save_dir}/test.pkg.slp` (if `n_test` is specified)

    See also: `Labels.split`
    # Clean up labels.
    labels = deepcopy(self)
    labels.suggestions = []

    # Make splits.
    labels_train, labels_rest = labels.split(n_train, seed=seed)
    if n_test is not None:
        if n_test < 1:
            n_test = (n_test * len(labels)) / len(labels_rest)
        labels_test, labels_rest = labels_rest.split(n=n_test, seed=seed)
    if n_val is not None:
        if n_val < 1:
            n_val = (n_val * len(labels)) / len(labels_rest)
        labels_val, _ = labels_rest.split(n=n_val, seed=seed)
        labels_val = labels_rest

    # Save.
    if save_dir is not None:
        save_dir = Path(save_dir)
        save_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) / "train.pkg.slp", embed="user") / "val.pkg.slp", embed="user") / "test.pkg.slp", embed="user")

    if n_test is None:
        return labels_train, labels_val
        return labels_train, labels_val, labels_test

numpy(video=None, all_frames=True, untracked=False, return_confidence=False)

Construct a numpy array from instance points.


Name Type Description Default
video Optional[Union[Video, int]]

Video or video index to convert to numpy arrays. If None (the default), uses the first video.

untracked bool

If False (the default), include only instances that have a track assignment. If True, includes all instances in each frame in arbitrary order.

return_confidence bool

If False (the default), only return points of nodes. If True, return the points and scores of nodes.



Type Description

An array of tracks of shape (n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 2) if return_confidence is False. Otherwise returned shape is (n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 3) if return_confidence is True.

Missing data will be replaced with np.nan.

If this is a single instance project, a track does not need to be assigned.

Only predicted instances (NOT user instances) will be returned.


This method assumes that instances have tracks assigned and is intended to function primarily for single-video prediction results.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def numpy(
    video: Optional[Union[Video, int]] = None,
    all_frames: bool = True,
    untracked: bool = False,
    return_confidence: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Construct a numpy array from instance points.

        video: Video or video index to convert to numpy arrays. If `None` (the
            default), uses the first video.
        untracked: If `False` (the default), include only instances that have a
            track assignment. If `True`, includes all instances in each frame in
            arbitrary order.
        return_confidence: If `False` (the default), only return points of nodes. If
            `True`, return the points and scores of nodes.

        An array of tracks of shape `(n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 2)` if
        `return_confidence` is `False`. Otherwise returned shape is
        `(n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 3)` if `return_confidence` is `True`.

        Missing data will be replaced with `np.nan`.

        If this is a single instance project, a track does not need to be assigned.

        Only predicted instances (NOT user instances) will be returned.

        This method assumes that instances have tracks assigned and is intended to
        function primarily for single-video prediction results.
    # Get labeled frames for specified video.
    if video is None:
        video = 0
    if type(video) == int:
        video = self.videos[video]
    lfs = [lf for lf in self.labeled_frames if == video]

    # Figure out frame index range.
    first_frame, last_frame = 0, 0
    for lf in lfs:
        first_frame = min(first_frame, lf.frame_idx)
        last_frame = max(last_frame, lf.frame_idx)

    # Figure out the number of tracks based on number of instances in each frame.
    # First, let's check the max number of predicted instances (regardless of
    # whether they're tracked.
    n_preds = 0
    for lf in lfs:
        n_pred_instances = len(lf.predicted_instances)
        n_preds = max(n_preds, n_pred_instances)

    # Case 1: We don't care about order because there's only 1 instance per frame,
    # or we're considering untracked instances.
    untracked = untracked or n_preds == 1
    if untracked:
        n_tracks = n_preds
        # Case 2: We're considering only tracked instances.
        n_tracks = len(self.tracks)

    n_frames = int(last_frame - first_frame + 1)
    skeleton = self.skeletons[-1]  # Assume project only uses last skeleton
    n_nodes = len(skeleton.nodes)

    if return_confidence:
        tracks = np.full((n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 3), np.nan, dtype="float32")
        tracks = np.full((n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 2), np.nan, dtype="float32")
    for lf in lfs:
        i = int(lf.frame_idx - first_frame)
        if untracked:
            for j, inst in enumerate(lf.predicted_instances):
                tracks[i, j] = inst.numpy(scores=return_confidence)
            tracked_instances = [
                for inst in lf.instances
                if type(inst) == PredictedInstance and inst.track is not None
            for inst in tracked_instances:
                j = self.tracks.index(inst.track)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                tracks[i, j] = inst.numpy(scores=return_confidence)

    return tracks


Remove all predicted instances from the labels.


Name Type Description Default
clean bool

If True (the default), also remove any empty frames and unused tracks and skeletons. It does NOT remove videos that have no labeled frames or instances with no visible points.


See also: Labels.clean

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def remove_predictions(self, clean: bool = True):
    """Remove all predicted instances from the labels.

        clean: If `True` (the default), also remove any empty frames and unused
            tracks and skeletons. It does NOT remove videos that have no labeled
            frames or instances with no visible points.

    See also: `Labels.clean`
    for lf in self.labeled_frames:

    if clean:

replace_filenames(new_filenames=None, filename_map=None, prefix_map=None)

Replace video filenames.


Name Type Description Default
new_filenames list[str | Path] | None

List of new filenames. Must have the same length as the number of videos in the labels.

filename_map dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None

Dictionary mapping old filenames (keys) to new filenames (values).

prefix_map dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None

Dictonary mapping old prefixes (keys) to new prefixes (values).


Only one of the argument types can be provided.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def replace_filenames(
    new_filenames: list[str | Path] | None = None,
    filename_map: dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None = None,
    prefix_map: dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None = None,
    """Replace video filenames.

        new_filenames: List of new filenames. Must have the same length as the
            number of videos in the labels.
        filename_map: Dictionary mapping old filenames (keys) to new filenames
        prefix_map: Dictonary mapping old prefixes (keys) to new prefixes (values).

        Only one of the argument types can be provided.
    n = 0
    if new_filenames is not None:
        n += 1
    if filename_map is not None:
        n += 1
    if prefix_map is not None:
        n += 1
    if n != 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Exactly one input method must be provided to replace filenames."

    if new_filenames is not None:
        if len(self.videos) != len(new_filenames):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Number of new filenames ({len(new_filenames)}) does not match "
                f"the number of videos ({len(self.videos)})."

        for video, new_filename in zip(self.videos, new_filenames):

    elif filename_map is not None:
        for video in self.videos:
            for old_fn, new_fn in filename_map.items():
                if type(video.filename) == list:
                    new_fns = []
                    for fn in video.filename:
                        if Path(fn) == Path(old_fn):
                    if Path(video.filename) == Path(old_fn):

    elif prefix_map is not None:
        for video in self.videos:
            for old_prefix, new_prefix in prefix_map.items():
                old_prefix, new_prefix = Path(old_prefix), Path(new_prefix)

                if type(video.filename) == list:
                    new_fns = []
                    for fn in video.filename:
                        fn = Path(fn)
                        if fn.as_posix().startswith(old_prefix.as_posix()):
                            new_fns.append(new_prefix / fn.relative_to(old_prefix))
                    fn = Path(video.filename)
                    if fn.as_posix().startswith(old_prefix.as_posix()):
                            new_prefix / fn.relative_to(old_prefix)

replace_videos(old_videos=None, new_videos=None, video_map=None)

Replace videos and update all references.


Name Type Description Default
old_videos list[Video] | None

List of videos to be replaced.

new_videos list[Video] | None

List of videos to replace with.

video_map dict[Video, Video] | None

Alternative input of dictionary where keys are the old videos and values are the new videos.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def replace_videos(
    old_videos: list[Video] | None = None,
    new_videos: list[Video] | None = None,
    video_map: dict[Video, Video] | None = None,
    """Replace videos and update all references.

        old_videos: List of videos to be replaced.
        new_videos: List of videos to replace with.
        video_map: Alternative input of dictionary where keys are the old videos and
            values are the new videos.
    if video_map is None:
        video_map = {o: n for o, n in zip(old_videos, new_videos)}

    # Update the labeled frames with the new videos.
    for lf in self.labeled_frames:
        if in video_map:
   = video_map[]

    # Update suggestions with the new videos.
    for sf in self.suggestions:
        if in video_map:
   = video_map[]

save(filename, format=None, embed=None, **kwargs)

Save labels to file in specified format.


Name Type Description Default
filename str

Path to save labels to.

format Optional[str]

The format to save the labels in. If None, the format will be inferred from the file extension. Available formats are "slp", "nwb", "labelstudio", and "jabs".

embed bool | str | list[tuple[Video, int]] | None

Frames to embed in the saved labels file. One of None, True, "all", "user", "suggestions", "user+suggestions", "source" or list of tuples of (video, frame_idx).

If None is specified (the default) and the labels contains embedded frames, those embedded frames will be re-saved to the new file.

If True or "all", all labeled frames and suggested frames will be embedded.

If "source" is specified, no images will be embedded and the source video will be restored if available.

This argument is only valid for the SLP backend.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def save(
    filename: str,
    format: Optional[str] = None,
    embed: bool | str | list[tuple[Video, int]] | None = None,
    """Save labels to file in specified format.

        filename: Path to save labels to.
        format: The format to save the labels in. If `None`, the format will be
            inferred from the file extension. Available formats are `"slp"`,
            `"nwb"`, `"labelstudio"`, and `"jabs"`.
        embed: Frames to embed in the saved labels file. One of `None`, `True`,
            `"all"`, `"user"`, `"suggestions"`, `"user+suggestions"`, `"source"` or
            list of tuples of `(video, frame_idx)`.

            If `None` is specified (the default) and the labels contains embedded
            frames, those embedded frames will be re-saved to the new file.

            If `True` or `"all"`, all labeled frames and suggested frames will be

            If `"source"` is specified, no images will be embedded and the source
            video will be restored if available.

            This argument is only valid for the SLP backend.
    from sleap_io import save_file

    save_file(self, filename, format=format, embed=embed, **kwargs)

split(n, seed=None)

Separate the labels into random splits.


Name Type Description Default
n int | float

Size of the first split. If integer >= 1, assumes that this is the number of labeled frames in the first split. If < 1.0, this will be treated as a fraction of the total labeled frames.

seed int | None

Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.



Type Description
tuple[Labels, Labels]

A tuple of split1, split2.

If an integer was specified, len(split1) == n.

If a fraction was specified, len(split1) == int(n * len(labels)).

The second split contains the remainder, i.e., len(split2) == len(labels) - len(split1).

If there are too few frames, a minimum of 1 frame will be kept in the second split.

If there is exactly 1 labeled frame in the labels, the same frame will be assigned to both splits.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def split(self, n: int | float, seed: int | None = None) -> tuple[Labels, Labels]:
    """Separate the labels into random splits.

        n: Size of the first split. If integer >= 1, assumes that this is the number
            of labeled frames in the first split. If < 1.0, this will be treated as
            a fraction of the total labeled frames.
        seed: Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.

        A tuple of `split1, split2`.

        If an integer was specified, `len(split1) == n`.

        If a fraction was specified, `len(split1) == int(n * len(labels))`.

        The second split contains the remainder, i.e.,
        `len(split2) == len(labels) - len(split1)`.

        If there are too few frames, a minimum of 1 frame will be kept in the second

        If there is exactly 1 labeled frame in the labels, the same frame will be
        assigned to both splits.
    n0 = len(self)
    if n0 == 0:
        return self, self
    n1 = n
    if n < 1.0:
        n1 = max(int(n0 * float(n)), 1)
    n2 = max(n0 - n1, 1)
    n1, n2 = int(n1), int(n2)

    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed)
    inds1 = rng.choice(n0, size=(n1,), replace=False)

    if n0 == 1:
        inds2 = np.array([0])
        inds2 = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(n0), inds1)

    split1, split2 = self[inds1], self[inds2]
    split1, split2 = deepcopy(split1), deepcopy(split2)
    split1, split2 = Labels(split1), Labels(split2)

    split1.provenance = self.provenance
    split2.provenance = self.provenance
    split1.provenance["source_labels"] = self.provenance.get("filename", None)
    split2.provenance["source_labels"] = self.provenance.get("filename", None)

    return split1, split2


Update data structures based on contents.

This function will update the list of skeletons, videos and tracks from the labeled frames, instances and suggestions.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def update(self):
    """Update data structures based on contents.

    This function will update the list of skeletons, videos and tracks from the
    labeled frames, instances and suggestions.
    for lf in self.labeled_frames:
        if not in self.videos:

        for inst in lf:
            if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

            if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

    for sf in self.suggestions:
        if not in self.videos:


Labeled data for a single frame of a video.


Name Type Description
video Video

The Video associated with this LabeledFrame.

frame_idx int

The index of the LabeledFrame in the Video.

instances list[Union[Instance, PredictedInstance]]

List of Instance objects associated with this LabeledFrame.


Instances of this class are hashed by identity, not by value. This means that two LabeledFrame instances with the same attributes will NOT be considered equal in a set or dict.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class LabeledFrame:
    """Labeled data for a single frame of a video.

        video: The `Video` associated with this `LabeledFrame`.
        frame_idx: The index of the `LabeledFrame` in the `Video`.
        instances: List of `Instance` objects associated with this `LabeledFrame`.

        Instances of this class are hashed by identity, not by value. This means that
        two `LabeledFrame` instances with the same attributes will NOT be considered
        equal in a set or dict.

    video: Video
    frame_idx: int
    instances: list[Union[Instance, PredictedInstance]] = field(factory=list)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of instances in the frame."""
        return len(self.instances)

    def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> Union[Instance, PredictedInstance]:
        """Return the `Instance` at `key` index in the `instances` list."""
        return self.instances[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over `Instance`s in `instances` list."""
        return iter(self.instances)

    def user_instances(self) -> list[Instance]:
        """Frame instances that are user-labeled (`Instance` objects)."""
        return [inst for inst in self.instances if type(inst) == Instance]

    def has_user_instances(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if the frame has any user-labeled instances."""
        for inst in self.instances:
            if type(inst) == Instance:
                return True
        return False

    def predicted_instances(self) -> list[Instance]:
        """Frame instances that are predicted by a model (`PredictedInstance` objects)."""
        return [inst for inst in self.instances if type(inst) == PredictedInstance]

    def has_predicted_instances(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if the frame has any predicted instances."""
        for inst in self.instances:
            if type(inst) == PredictedInstance:
                return True
        return False

    def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return all instances in the frame as a numpy array.

            Points as a numpy array of shape `(n_instances, n_nodes, 2)`.

            Note that the order of the instances is arbitrary.
        n_instances = len(self.instances)
        n_nodes = len(self.instances[0]) if n_instances > 0 else 0
        pts = np.full((n_instances, n_nodes, 2), np.nan)
        for i, inst in enumerate(self.instances):
            pts[i] = inst.numpy()[:, 0:2]
        return pts

    def image(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the image of the frame as a numpy array."""

    def unused_predictions(self) -> list[Instance]:
        """Return a list of "unused" `PredictedInstance` objects in frame.

        This is all of the `PredictedInstance` objects which do not have a corresponding
        `Instance` in the same track in the same frame.
        unused_predictions = []
        any_tracks = [inst.track for inst in self.instances if inst.track is not None]
        if len(any_tracks):
            # Use tracks to determine which predicted instances have been used
            used_tracks = [
                for inst in self.instances
                if type(inst) == Instance and inst.track is not None
            unused_predictions = [
                for inst in self.instances
                if inst.track not in used_tracks and type(inst) == PredictedInstance

            # Use from_predicted to determine which predicted instances have been used
            # TODO: should we always do this instead of using tracks?
            used_instances = [
                for inst in self.instances
                if inst.from_predicted is not None
            unused_predictions = [
                for inst in self.instances
                if type(inst) == PredictedInstance and inst not in used_instances

        return unused_predictions

    def remove_predictions(self):
        """Remove all `PredictedInstance` objects from the frame."""
        self.instances = [inst for inst in self.instances if type(inst) == Instance]

    def remove_empty_instances(self):
        """Remove all instances with no visible points."""
        self.instances = [inst for inst in self.instances if not inst.is_empty]

has_predicted_instances: bool property

Return True if the frame has any predicted instances.

has_user_instances: bool property

Return True if the frame has any user-labeled instances.

image: np.ndarray property

Return the image of the frame as a numpy array.

predicted_instances: list[Instance] property

Frame instances that are predicted by a model (PredictedInstance objects).

unused_predictions: list[Instance] property

Return a list of "unused" PredictedInstance objects in frame.

This is all of the PredictedInstance objects which do not have a corresponding Instance in the same track in the same frame.

user_instances: list[Instance] property

Frame instances that are user-labeled (Instance objects).


Return the Instance at key index in the instances list.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> Union[Instance, PredictedInstance]:
    """Return the `Instance` at `key` index in the `instances` list."""
    return self.instances[key]


Iterate over Instances in instances list.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __iter__(self):
    """Iterate over `Instance`s in `instances` list."""
    return iter(self.instances)


Return the number of instances in the frame.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Return the number of instances in the frame."""
    return len(self.instances)


Return all instances in the frame as a numpy array.


Type Description

Points as a numpy array of shape (n_instances, n_nodes, 2).

Note that the order of the instances is arbitrary.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return all instances in the frame as a numpy array.

        Points as a numpy array of shape `(n_instances, n_nodes, 2)`.

        Note that the order of the instances is arbitrary.
    n_instances = len(self.instances)
    n_nodes = len(self.instances[0]) if n_instances > 0 else 0
    pts = np.full((n_instances, n_nodes, 2), np.nan)
    for i, inst in enumerate(self.instances):
        pts[i] = inst.numpy()[:, 0:2]
    return pts


Remove all instances with no visible points.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def remove_empty_instances(self):
    """Remove all instances with no visible points."""
    self.instances = [inst for inst in self.instances if not inst.is_empty]


Remove all PredictedInstance objects from the frame.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def remove_predictions(self):
    """Remove all `PredictedInstance` objects from the frame."""
    self.instances = [inst for inst in self.instances if type(inst) == Instance]


This class represents a ground truth instance such as an animal.

An Instance has a set of landmarks (Points) that correspond to the nodes defined in its Skeleton.

It may also be associated with a Track which links multiple instances together across frames or videos.


Name Type Description
points Union[dict[Node, Point], dict[Node, PredictedPoint]]

A dictionary with keys as Nodes and values as Points containing all of the landmarks of the instance. This can also be specified as a dictionary with node names, a list of length n_nodes, or a numpy array of shape (n_nodes, 2).

skeleton Skeleton

The Skeleton that describes the Nodes and Edges associated with this instance.

track Optional[Track]

An optional Track associated with a unique animal/object across frames or videos.

from_predicted Optional[PredictedInstance]

The PredictedInstance (if any) that this instance was initialized from. This is used with human-in-the-loop workflows.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
@define(auto_attribs=True, slots=True, eq=True)
class Instance:
    """This class represents a ground truth instance such as an animal.

    An `Instance` has a set of landmarks (`Point`s) that correspond to the nodes defined
    in its `Skeleton`.

    It may also be associated with a `Track` which links multiple instances together
    across frames or videos.

        points: A dictionary with keys as `Node`s and values as `Point`s containing all
            of the landmarks of the instance. This can also be specified as a dictionary
            with node names, a list of length `n_nodes`, or a numpy array of shape
            `(n_nodes, 2)`.
        skeleton: The `Skeleton` that describes the `Node`s and `Edge`s associated with
            this instance.
        track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across frames
            or videos.
        from_predicted: The `PredictedInstance` (if any) that this instance was
            initialized from. This is used with human-in-the-loop workflows.

    _POINT_TYPE = Point

    def _make_default_point(self, x, y):
        return self._POINT_TYPE(x, y, visible=not (math.isnan(x) or math.isnan(y)))

    def _convert_points(self, attr, points):
        """Maintain points mappings between nodes and points."""
        if type(points) == np.ndarray:
            points = points.tolist()

        if type(points) == list:
            if len(points) != len(self.skeleton):
                raise ValueError(
                    "If specifying points as a list, must provide as many points as "
                    "nodes in the skeleton."
            points = {node: pt for node, pt in zip(self.skeleton.nodes, points)}

        if type(points) == dict:
            keys = [
                node if type(node) == Node else self.skeleton[node]
                for node in points.keys()
            vals = [
                    if type(point) == self._POINT_TYPE
                    else self._make_default_point(*point)
                for point in points.values()
            points = {k: v for k, v in zip(keys, vals)}

        missing_nodes = list(set(self.skeleton.nodes) - set(points.keys()))
        for node in missing_nodes:
            points[node] = self._make_default_point(x=np.nan, y=np.nan)

        return points

    points: Union[dict[Node, Point], dict[Node, PredictedPoint]] = field(
        on_setattr=_convert_points, eq=cmp_using(eq=_compare_points)  # type: ignore
    skeleton: Skeleton
    track: Optional[Track] = None
    from_predicted: Optional[PredictedInstance] = None

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        """Maintain point mappings between node and points after initialization."""
        super().__setattr__("points", self._convert_points(None, self.points))

    def __getitem__(self, node: Union[int, str, Node]) -> Optional[Point]:
        """Return the point associated with a node or `None` if not set."""
        if (type(node) == int) or (type(node) == str):
            node = self.skeleton[node]
        if isinstance(node, Node):
            return self.points.get(node, None)
            raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for instance: {node}")

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of points in the instance."""
        return len(self.points)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return a readable representation of the instance."""
        pts = self.numpy().tolist()
        track = f'"{}"' if self.track is not None else self.track

        return f"Instance(points={pts}, track={track})"

    def n_visible(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of visible points in the instance."""
        return sum(pt.visible for pt in self.points.values())

    def is_empty(self) -> bool:
        """Return `True` if no points are visible on the instance."""
        return self.n_visible == 0

    def from_numpy(
        cls, points: np.ndarray, skeleton: Skeleton, track: Optional[Track] = None
    ) -> "Instance":
        """Create an instance object from a numpy array.

            points: A numpy array of shape `(n_nodes, 2)` corresponding to the points of
                the skeleton. Values of `np.nan` indicate "missing" nodes.
            skeleton: The `Skeleton` that this `Instance` is associated with. It should
                have `n_nodes` nodes.
            track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across
                frames or videos.
        return cls(
            points=points, skeleton=skeleton, track=track  # type: ignore[arg-type]

    def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the instance points as a numpy array."""
        pts = np.full((len(self.skeleton), 2), np.nan)
        for node, point in self.points.items():
            if point.visible:
                pts[self.skeleton.index(node)] = point.numpy()
        return pts

is_empty: bool property

Return True if no points are visible on the instance.

n_visible: int property

Return the number of visible points in the instance.


Maintain point mappings between node and points after initialization.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
    """Maintain point mappings between node and points after initialization."""
    super().__setattr__("points", self._convert_points(None, self.points))


Return the point associated with a node or None if not set.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(self, node: Union[int, str, Node]) -> Optional[Point]:
    """Return the point associated with a node or `None` if not set."""
    if (type(node) == int) or (type(node) == str):
        node = self.skeleton[node]
    if isinstance(node, Node):
        return self.points.get(node, None)
        raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for instance: {node}")


Return the number of points in the instance.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Return the number of points in the instance."""
    return len(self.points)


Return a readable representation of the instance.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return a readable representation of the instance."""
    pts = self.numpy().tolist()
    track = f'"{}"' if self.track is not None else self.track

    return f"Instance(points={pts}, track={track})"

from_numpy(points, skeleton, track=None) classmethod

Create an instance object from a numpy array.


Name Type Description Default
points ndarray

A numpy array of shape (n_nodes, 2) corresponding to the points of the skeleton. Values of np.nan indicate "missing" nodes.

skeleton Skeleton

The Skeleton that this Instance is associated with. It should have n_nodes nodes.

track Optional[Track]

An optional Track associated with a unique animal/object across frames or videos.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def from_numpy(
    cls, points: np.ndarray, skeleton: Skeleton, track: Optional[Track] = None
) -> "Instance":
    """Create an instance object from a numpy array.

        points: A numpy array of shape `(n_nodes, 2)` corresponding to the points of
            the skeleton. Values of `np.nan` indicate "missing" nodes.
        skeleton: The `Skeleton` that this `Instance` is associated with. It should
            have `n_nodes` nodes.
        track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across
            frames or videos.
    return cls(
        points=points, skeleton=skeleton, track=track  # type: ignore[arg-type]


Return the instance points as a numpy array.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return the instance points as a numpy array."""
    pts = np.full((len(self.skeleton), 2), np.nan)
    for node, point in self.points.items():
        if point.visible:
            pts[self.skeleton.index(node)] = point.numpy()
    return pts


Bases: Instance

A PredictedInstance is an Instance that was predicted using a model.


Name Type Description

The Skeleton that this Instance is associated with.


A dictionary where keys are Skeleton nodes and values are Points.


An optional Track associated with a unique animal/object across frames or videos.

from_predicted Optional[PredictedInstance]

Not applicable in PredictedInstances (must be set to None).

score float

The instance detection or part grouping prediction score. This is a scalar that represents the confidence with which this entire instance was predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model type.

tracking_score Optional[float]

The score associated with the Track assignment. This is typically the value from the score matrix used in an identity assignment.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class PredictedInstance(Instance):
    """A `PredictedInstance` is an `Instance` that was predicted using a model.

        skeleton: The `Skeleton` that this `Instance` is associated with.
        points: A dictionary where keys are `Skeleton` nodes and values are `Point`s.
        track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across frames
            or videos.
        from_predicted: Not applicable in `PredictedInstance`s (must be set to `None`).
        score: The instance detection or part grouping prediction score. This is a
            scalar that represents the confidence with which this entire instance was
            predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model type.
        tracking_score: The score associated with the `Track` assignment. This is
            typically the value from the score matrix used in an identity assignment.

    _POINT_TYPE = PredictedPoint

    from_predicted: Optional[PredictedInstance] = field(
        default=None, validator=validators.instance_of(type(None))
    score: float = 0.0
    tracking_score: Optional[float] = 0

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return a readable representation of the instance."""
        pts = self.numpy().tolist()
        track = f'"{}"' if self.track is not None else self.track

        score = str(self.score) if self.score is None else f"{self.score:.2f}"
        tracking_score = (
            if self.tracking_score is None
            else f"{self.tracking_score:.2f}"
        return (
            f"PredictedInstance(points={pts}, track={track}, "
            f"score={score}, tracking_score={tracking_score})"

    def from_numpy(  # type: ignore[override]
        points: np.ndarray,
        point_scores: np.ndarray,
        instance_score: float,
        skeleton: Skeleton,
        tracking_score: Optional[float] = None,
        track: Optional[Track] = None,
    ) -> "PredictedInstance":
        """Create an instance object from a numpy array.

            points: A numpy array of shape `(n_nodes, 2)` corresponding to the points of
                the skeleton. Values of `np.nan` indicate "missing" nodes.
            point_scores: The points-level prediction score. This is an array that
                represents the confidence with which each point in the instance was
                predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model
            instance_score: The instance detection or part grouping prediction score.
                This is a scalar that represents the confidence with which this entire
                instance was predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on
                the model type.
            skeleton: The `Skeleton` that this `Instance` is associated with. It should
                have `n_nodes` nodes.
            tracking_score: The score associated with the `Track` assignment. This is
                typically the value from the score matrix used in an identity
            track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across
                frames or videos.
        node_points = {
            node: PredictedPoint(pt[0], pt[1], score=score)
            for node, pt, score in zip(skeleton.nodes, points, point_scores)
        return cls(

    def numpy(self, scores: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the instance points as a numpy array."""
        pts = np.full((len(self.skeleton), 3), np.nan)
        for node, point in self.points.items():
            if point.visible:
                pts[self.skeleton.index(node)] = point.numpy()
        if not scores:
            pts = pts[:, :2]
        return pts


Return a readable representation of the instance.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return a readable representation of the instance."""
    pts = self.numpy().tolist()
    track = f'"{}"' if self.track is not None else self.track

    score = str(self.score) if self.score is None else f"{self.score:.2f}"
    tracking_score = (
        if self.tracking_score is None
        else f"{self.tracking_score:.2f}"
    return (
        f"PredictedInstance(points={pts}, track={track}, "
        f"score={score}, tracking_score={tracking_score})"

from_numpy(points, point_scores, instance_score, skeleton, tracking_score=None, track=None) classmethod

Create an instance object from a numpy array.


Name Type Description Default
points ndarray

A numpy array of shape (n_nodes, 2) corresponding to the points of the skeleton. Values of np.nan indicate "missing" nodes.

point_scores ndarray

The points-level prediction score. This is an array that represents the confidence with which each point in the instance was predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model type.

instance_score float

The instance detection or part grouping prediction score. This is a scalar that represents the confidence with which this entire instance was predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model type.

skeleton Skeleton

The Skeleton that this Instance is associated with. It should have n_nodes nodes.

tracking_score Optional[float]

The score associated with the Track assignment. This is typically the value from the score matrix used in an identity assignment.

track Optional[Track]

An optional Track associated with a unique animal/object across frames or videos.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def from_numpy(  # type: ignore[override]
    points: np.ndarray,
    point_scores: np.ndarray,
    instance_score: float,
    skeleton: Skeleton,
    tracking_score: Optional[float] = None,
    track: Optional[Track] = None,
) -> "PredictedInstance":
    """Create an instance object from a numpy array.

        points: A numpy array of shape `(n_nodes, 2)` corresponding to the points of
            the skeleton. Values of `np.nan` indicate "missing" nodes.
        point_scores: The points-level prediction score. This is an array that
            represents the confidence with which each point in the instance was
            predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model
        instance_score: The instance detection or part grouping prediction score.
            This is a scalar that represents the confidence with which this entire
            instance was predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on
            the model type.
        skeleton: The `Skeleton` that this `Instance` is associated with. It should
            have `n_nodes` nodes.
        tracking_score: The score associated with the `Track` assignment. This is
            typically the value from the score matrix used in an identity
        track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across
            frames or videos.
    node_points = {
        node: PredictedPoint(pt[0], pt[1], score=score)
        for node, pt, score in zip(skeleton.nodes, points, point_scores)
    return cls(


Return the instance points as a numpy array.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def numpy(self, scores: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return the instance points as a numpy array."""
    pts = np.full((len(self.skeleton), 3), np.nan)
    for node, point in self.points.items():
        if point.visible:
            pts[self.skeleton.index(node)] = point.numpy()
    if not scores:
        pts = pts[:, :2]
    return pts


A 2D spatial landmark and metadata associated with annotation.


Name Type Description
x float

The horizontal pixel location of point in image coordinates.

y float

The vertical pixel location of point in image coordinates.

visible bool

Whether point is visible in the image or not.

complete bool

Has the point been verified by the user labeler.

Class variables

eq_atol: Controls absolute tolerence allowed in x and y when comparing two Points for equality. eq_rtol: Controls relative tolerence allowed in x and y when comparing two Points for equality.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Point:
    """A 2D spatial landmark and metadata associated with annotation.

        x: The horizontal pixel location of point in image coordinates.
        y: The vertical pixel location of point in image coordinates.
        visible: Whether point is visible in the image or not.
        complete: Has the point been verified by the user labeler.

    Class variables:
        eq_atol: Controls absolute tolerence allowed in `x` and `y` when comparing two
            `Point`s for equality.
        eq_rtol: Controls relative tolerence allowed in `x` and `y` when comparing two
            `Point`s for equality.


    eq_atol: ClassVar[float] = 1e-08
    eq_rtol: ClassVar[float] = 0

    x: float
    y: float
    visible: bool = True
    complete: bool = False

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        """Compare `self` and `other` for equality.

        Precision error between the respective `x` and `y` properties of two
        instances may be allowed or controlled via the `Point.eq_atol` and
        `Point.eq_rtol` class variables. Set to zero to disable their effect.
        Internally, `numpy.isclose()` is used for the comparison:

            other: Instance of `Point` to compare to.

            Returns True if all attributes of `self` and `other` are the identical
                (possibly allowing precision error for `x` and `y` attributes).
        # Check that other is a Point.
        if type(other) is not type(self):
            return False

        # We know that we have some kind of point at this point.
        other = cast(Point, other)

        return bool(
                    [self.x, self.y],
                    [other.x, other.y],
            and (self.visible == other.visible)
            and (self.complete == other.complete)

    def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the coordinates as a numpy array of shape `(2,)`."""
        return np.array([self.x, self.y]) if self.visible else np.full((2,), np.nan)


Compare self and other for equality.

Precision error between the respective x and y properties of two instances may be allowed or controlled via the Point.eq_atol and Point.eq_rtol class variables. Set to zero to disable their effect. Internally, numpy.isclose() is used for the comparison:


Name Type Description Default
other object

Instance of Point to compare to.



Type Description

Returns True if all attributes of self and other are the identical (possibly allowing precision error for x and y attributes).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
    """Compare `self` and `other` for equality.

    Precision error between the respective `x` and `y` properties of two
    instances may be allowed or controlled via the `Point.eq_atol` and
    `Point.eq_rtol` class variables. Set to zero to disable their effect.
    Internally, `numpy.isclose()` is used for the comparison:

        other: Instance of `Point` to compare to.

        Returns True if all attributes of `self` and `other` are the identical
            (possibly allowing precision error for `x` and `y` attributes).
    # Check that other is a Point.
    if type(other) is not type(self):
        return False

    # We know that we have some kind of point at this point.
    other = cast(Point, other)

    return bool(
                [self.x, self.y],
                [other.x, other.y],
        and (self.visible == other.visible)
        and (self.complete == other.complete)


Return the coordinates as a numpy array of shape (2,).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return the coordinates as a numpy array of shape `(2,)`."""
    return np.array([self.x, self.y]) if self.visible else np.full((2,), np.nan)


Bases: Point

A predicted point with associated score generated by a prediction model.

It has all the properties of a labeled Point, plus a score.


Name Type Description

The horizontal pixel location of point within image frame.


The vertical pixel location of point within image frame.


Whether point is visible in the image or not.


Has the point been verified by the user labeler.

score float

The point-level prediction score. This is typically the confidence and set to a value between 0 and 1.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class PredictedPoint(Point):
    """A predicted point with associated score generated by a prediction model.

    It has all the properties of a labeled `Point`, plus a `score`.

        x: The horizontal pixel location of point within image frame.
        y: The vertical pixel location of point within image frame.
        visible: Whether point is visible in the image or not.
        complete: Has the point been verified by the user labeler.
        score: The point-level prediction score. This is typically the confidence and
            set to a value between 0 and 1.

    score: float = 0.0

    def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the coordinates and score as a numpy array of shape `(3,)`."""
        return (
            np.array([self.x, self.y, self.score])
            if self.visible
            else np.full((3,), np.nan)

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        """Compare `self` and `other` for equality.

        See `Point.__eq__()` for important notes about point equality semantics!

            other: Instance of `PredictedPoint` to compare

            Returns True if all attributes of `self` and `other` are the identical
                (possibly allowing precision error for `x` and `y` attributes).
        if not super().__eq__(other):
            return False

        # we know that we have a point at this point
        other = cast(PredictedPoint, other)

        return self.score == other.score


Compare self and other for equality.

See Point.__eq__() for important notes about point equality semantics!


Name Type Description Default
other object

Instance of PredictedPoint to compare



Type Description

Returns True if all attributes of self and other are the identical (possibly allowing precision error for x and y attributes).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
    """Compare `self` and `other` for equality.

    See `Point.__eq__()` for important notes about point equality semantics!

        other: Instance of `PredictedPoint` to compare

        Returns True if all attributes of `self` and `other` are the identical
            (possibly allowing precision error for `x` and `y` attributes).
    if not super().__eq__(other):
        return False

    # we know that we have a point at this point
    other = cast(PredictedPoint, other)

    return self.score == other.score


Return the coordinates and score as a numpy array of shape (3,).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return the coordinates and score as a numpy array of shape `(3,)`."""
    return (
        np.array([self.x, self.y, self.score])
        if self.visible
        else np.full((3,), np.nan)


A description of a set of landmark types and connections between them.

Skeletons are represented by a directed graph composed of a set of Nodes (landmark types such as body parts) and Edges (connections between parts).


Name Type Description
nodes list[Node]

A list of Nodes. May be specified as a list of strings to create new nodes from their names.

edges list[Edge]

A list of Edges. May be specified as a list of 2-tuples of string names or integer indices of nodes. Each edge corresponds to a pair of source and destination nodes forming a directed edge.

symmetries list[Symmetry]

A list of Symmetrys. Each symmetry corresponds to symmetric body parts, such as "left eye", "right eye". This is used when applying flip (reflection) augmentation to images in order to appropriately swap the indices of symmetric landmarks.

name Optional[str]

A descriptive name for the Skeleton.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Skeleton:
    """A description of a set of landmark types and connections between them.

    Skeletons are represented by a directed graph composed of a set of `Node`s (landmark
    types such as body parts) and `Edge`s (connections between parts).

        nodes: A list of `Node`s. May be specified as a list of strings to create new
            nodes from their names.
        edges: A list of `Edge`s. May be specified as a list of 2-tuples of string names
            or integer indices of `nodes`. Each edge corresponds to a pair of source and
            destination nodes forming a directed edge.
        symmetries: A list of `Symmetry`s. Each symmetry corresponds to symmetric body
            parts, such as `"left eye", "right eye"`. This is used when applying flip
            (reflection) augmentation to images in order to appropriately swap the
            indices of symmetric landmarks.
        name: A descriptive name for the `Skeleton`.

    def _update_node_map(self, attr, nodes):
        """Callback for maintaining node name/index to `Node` map."""
        self._node_name_map = { node for node in nodes}
        self._node_ind_map = {node: i for i, node in enumerate(nodes)}

    nodes: list[Node] = field(factory=list, on_setattr=_update_node_map)
    edges: list[Edge] = field(factory=list)
    symmetries: list[Symmetry] = field(factory=list)
    name: Optional[str] = None
    _node_name_map: dict[str, Node] = field(init=False, repr=False, eq=False)
    _node_ind_map: dict[Node, int] = field(init=False, repr=False, eq=False)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        """Ensure nodes are `Node`s, edges are `Edge`s, and `Node` map is updated."""
        self._update_node_map(None, self.nodes)

    def _convert_nodes(self):
        """Convert nodes to `Node` objects if needed."""
        if isinstance(self.nodes, np.ndarray):
            object.__setattr__(self, "nodes", self.nodes.tolist())
        for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
            if type(node) == str:
                self.nodes[i] = Node(node)

    def _convert_edges(self):
        """Convert list of edge names or integers to `Edge` objects if needed."""
        if isinstance(self.edges, np.ndarray):
            self.edges = self.edges.tolist()
        node_names = self.node_names
        for i, edge in enumerate(self.edges):
            if type(edge) == Edge:
            src, dst = edge
            if type(src) == str:
                    src = node_names.index(src)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Node '{src}' specified in the edge list is not in the nodes."
            if type(src) == int or (
                np.isscalar(src) and np.issubdtype(src.dtype, np.integer)
                src = self.nodes[src]

            if type(dst) == str:
                    dst = node_names.index(dst)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Node '{dst}' specified in the edge list is not in the nodes."
            if type(dst) == int or (
                np.isscalar(dst) and np.issubdtype(dst.dtype, np.integer)
                dst = self.nodes[dst]

            self.edges[i] = Edge(src, dst)

    def node_names(self) -> list[str]:
        """Names of the nodes associated with this skeleton as a list of strings."""
        return [ for node in self.nodes]

    def edge_inds(self) -> list[Tuple[int, int]]:
        """Edges indices as a list of 2-tuples."""
        return [
            (self.nodes.index(edge.source), self.nodes.index(edge.destination))
            for edge in self.edges

    def edge_names(self) -> list[str, str]:
        """Edge names as a list of 2-tuples with string node names."""
        return [(, for edge in self.edges]

    def flipped_node_inds(self) -> list[int]:
        """Returns node indices that should be switched when horizontally flipping."""
        flip_idx = np.arange(len(self.nodes))
        if len(self.symmetries) > 0:
            symmetry_inds = np.array(
                [(self.index(a), self.index(b)) for a, b in self.symmetries]
            flip_idx[symmetry_inds[:, 0]] = symmetry_inds[:, 1]
            flip_idx[symmetry_inds[:, 1]] = symmetry_inds[:, 0]

        flip_idx = flip_idx.tolist()
        return flip_idx

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of nodes in the skeleton."""
        return len(self.nodes)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return a readable representation of the skeleton."""
        nodes = ", ".join([f'"{node}"' for node in self.node_names])
        return "Skeleton(" f"nodes=[{nodes}], " f"edges={self.edge_inds}" ")"

    def index(self, node: Node | str) -> int:
        """Return the index of a node specified as a `Node` or string name."""
        if type(node) == str:
            return self.index(self._node_name_map[node])
        elif type(node) == Node:
            return self._node_ind_map[node]
            raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for skeleton: {node}")

    def __getitem__(self, idx: int | str) -> Node:
        """Return a `Node` when indexing by name or integer."""
        if type(idx) == int:
            return self.nodes[idx]
        elif type(idx) == str:
            return self._node_name_map[idx]
            raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for skeleton: {idx}")

    def add_node(self, node: Node | str):
        """Add a `Node` to the skeleton.

            node: A `Node` object or a string name to create a new node.
        if type(node) == str:
            node = Node(node)
        if node not in self.nodes:
            self._update_node_map(None, self.nodes)

    def add_edge(self, src: Edge | Node | str = None, dst: Node | str = None):
        """Add an `Edge` to the skeleton.

            src: The source `Node` or name of the source node.
            dst: The destination `Node` or name of the destination node.
        if type(src) == Edge:
            edge = src
            if edge not in self.edges:
            if edge.source not in self.nodes:
            if edge.destination not in self.nodes:

        if type(src) == str or type(src) == Node:
                src = self.index(src)
            except KeyError:
                src = self.index(src)

        if type(dst) == str or type(dst) == Node:
                dst = self.index(dst)
            except KeyError:
                dst = self.index(dst)

        edge = Edge(self.nodes[src], self.nodes[dst])
        if edge not in self.edges:

    def add_symmetry(
        self, node1: Symmetry | Node | str = None, node2: Node | str = None
        """Add a symmetry relationship to the skeleton.

            node1: The first `Node` or name of the first node.
            node2: The second `Node` or name of the second node.
        if type(node1) == Symmetry:
            if node1 not in self.symmetries:
                for node in node1.nodes:
                    if node not in self.nodes:

        if type(node1) == str or type(node1) == Node:
                node1 = self.index(node1)
            except KeyError:
                node1 = self.index(node1)

        if type(node2) == str or type(node2) == Node:
                node2 = self.index(node2)
            except KeyError:
                node2 = self.index(node2)

        symmetry = Symmetry({self.nodes[node1], self.nodes[node2]})
        if symmetry not in self.symmetries:

edge_inds: list[Tuple[int, int]] property

Edges indices as a list of 2-tuples.

edge_names: list[str, str] property

Edge names as a list of 2-tuples with string node names.

flipped_node_inds: list[int] property

Returns node indices that should be switched when horizontally flipping.

node_names: list[str] property

Names of the nodes associated with this skeleton as a list of strings.


Ensure nodes are Nodes, edges are Edges, and Node map is updated.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
    """Ensure nodes are `Node`s, edges are `Edge`s, and `Node` map is updated."""
    self._update_node_map(None, self.nodes)


Return a Node when indexing by name or integer.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(self, idx: int | str) -> Node:
    """Return a `Node` when indexing by name or integer."""
    if type(idx) == int:
        return self.nodes[idx]
    elif type(idx) == str:
        return self._node_name_map[idx]
        raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for skeleton: {idx}")


Return the number of nodes in the skeleton.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Return the number of nodes in the skeleton."""
    return len(self.nodes)


Return a readable representation of the skeleton.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return a readable representation of the skeleton."""
    nodes = ", ".join([f'"{node}"' for node in self.node_names])
    return "Skeleton(" f"nodes=[{nodes}], " f"edges={self.edge_inds}" ")"

add_edge(src=None, dst=None)

Add an Edge to the skeleton.


Name Type Description Default
src Edge | Node | str

The source Node or name of the source node.

dst Node | str

The destination Node or name of the destination node.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def add_edge(self, src: Edge | Node | str = None, dst: Node | str = None):
    """Add an `Edge` to the skeleton.

        src: The source `Node` or name of the source node.
        dst: The destination `Node` or name of the destination node.
    if type(src) == Edge:
        edge = src
        if edge not in self.edges:
        if edge.source not in self.nodes:
        if edge.destination not in self.nodes:

    if type(src) == str or type(src) == Node:
            src = self.index(src)
        except KeyError:
            src = self.index(src)

    if type(dst) == str or type(dst) == Node:
            dst = self.index(dst)
        except KeyError:
            dst = self.index(dst)

    edge = Edge(self.nodes[src], self.nodes[dst])
    if edge not in self.edges:


Add a Node to the skeleton.


Name Type Description Default
node Node | str

A Node object or a string name to create a new node.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def add_node(self, node: Node | str):
    """Add a `Node` to the skeleton.

        node: A `Node` object or a string name to create a new node.
    if type(node) == str:
        node = Node(node)
    if node not in self.nodes:
        self._update_node_map(None, self.nodes)

add_symmetry(node1=None, node2=None)

Add a symmetry relationship to the skeleton.


Name Type Description Default
node1 Symmetry | Node | str

The first Node or name of the first node.

node2 Node | str

The second Node or name of the second node.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def add_symmetry(
    self, node1: Symmetry | Node | str = None, node2: Node | str = None
    """Add a symmetry relationship to the skeleton.

        node1: The first `Node` or name of the first node.
        node2: The second `Node` or name of the second node.
    if type(node1) == Symmetry:
        if node1 not in self.symmetries:
            for node in node1.nodes:
                if node not in self.nodes:

    if type(node1) == str or type(node1) == Node:
            node1 = self.index(node1)
        except KeyError:
            node1 = self.index(node1)

    if type(node2) == str or type(node2) == Node:
            node2 = self.index(node2)
        except KeyError:
            node2 = self.index(node2)

    symmetry = Symmetry({self.nodes[node1], self.nodes[node2]})
    if symmetry not in self.symmetries:


Return the index of a node specified as a Node or string name.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def index(self, node: Node | str) -> int:
    """Return the index of a node specified as a `Node` or string name."""
    if type(node) == str:
        return self.index(self._node_name_map[node])
    elif type(node) == Node:
        return self._node_ind_map[node]
        raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for skeleton: {node}")


A landmark type within a Skeleton.

This typically corresponds to a unique landmark within a skeleton, such as the "left eye".


Name Type Description
name str

Descriptive label for the landmark.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
@define(frozen=True, cache_hash=True)
class Node:
    """A landmark type within a `Skeleton`.

    This typically corresponds to a unique landmark within a skeleton, such as the "left

        name: Descriptive label for the landmark.

    name: str


A connection between two Node objects within a Skeleton.

This is a directed edge, representing the ordering of Nodes in the Skeleton tree.


Name Type Description
source Node

The origin Node.

destination Node

The destination Node.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Edge:
    """A connection between two `Node` objects within a `Skeleton`.

    This is a directed edge, representing the ordering of `Node`s in the `Skeleton`

        source: The origin `Node`.
        destination: The destination `Node`.

    source: Node
    destination: Node

    def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Node:
        """Return the source `Node` (`idx` is 0) or destination `Node` (`idx` is 1)."""
        if idx == 0:
            return self.source
        elif idx == 1:
            return self.destination
            raise IndexError("Edge only has 2 nodes (source and destination).")


Return the source Node (idx is 0) or destination Node (idx is 1).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Node:
    """Return the source `Node` (`idx` is 0) or destination `Node` (`idx` is 1)."""
    if idx == 0:
        return self.source
    elif idx == 1:
        return self.destination
        raise IndexError("Edge only has 2 nodes (source and destination).")


A relationship between a pair of nodes denoting their left/right pairing.


Name Type Description
nodes set[Node]

A set of two Nodes.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Symmetry:
    """A relationship between a pair of nodes denoting their left/right pairing.

        nodes: A set of two `Node`s.

    nodes: set[Node] = field(converter=set, validator=lambda _, __, val: len(val) == 2)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over the symmetric nodes."""
        return iter(self.nodes)

    def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Node:
        """Return the first node."""
        for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
            if i == idx:
                return node


Return the first node.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Node:
    """Return the first node."""
    for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
        if i == idx:
            return node


Iterate over the symmetric nodes.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __iter__(self):
    """Iterate over the symmetric nodes."""
    return iter(self.nodes)


An object that represents the same animal/object across multiple detections.

This allows tracking of unique entities in the video over time and space.

A Track may also be used to refer to unique identity classes that span multiple videos, such as "female mouse".


Name Type Description
name str

A name given to this track for identification purposes.


Tracks are compared by identity. This means that unique track objects with the same name are considered to be different.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Track:
    """An object that represents the same animal/object across multiple detections.

    This allows tracking of unique entities in the video over time and space.

    A `Track` may also be used to refer to unique identity classes that span multiple
    videos, such as `"female mouse"`.

        name: A name given to this track for identification purposes.

        `Track`s are compared by identity. This means that unique track objects with the
        same name are considered to be different.

    name: str = ""


Video class used by sleap to represent videos and data associated with them.

This class is used to store information regarding a video and its components. It is used to store the video's filename, shape, and the video's backend.

To create a Video object, use the from_filename method which will select the backend appropriately.


Name Type Description
filename str | list[str]

The filename(s) of the video. Supported extensions: "mp4", "avi", "mov", "mj2", "mkv", "h5", "hdf5", "slp", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif", "tiff", "bmp". If the filename is a list, a list of image filenames are expected. If filename is a folder, it will be searched for images.

backend Optional[VideoBackend]

An object that implements the basic methods for reading and manipulating frames of a specific video type.

backend_metadata dict[str, any]

A dictionary of metadata specific to the backend. This is useful for storing metadata that requires an open backend (e.g., shape information) without having access to the video file itself.

source_video Optional[Video]

The source video object if this is a proxy video. This is present when the video contains an embedded subset of frames from another video.


Instances of this class are hashed by identity, not by value. This means that two Video instances with the same attributes will NOT be considered equal in a set or dict.

See also: VideoBackend

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Video:
    """`Video` class used by sleap to represent videos and data associated with them.

    This class is used to store information regarding a video and its components.
    It is used to store the video's `filename`, `shape`, and the video's `backend`.

    To create a `Video` object, use the `from_filename` method which will select the
    backend appropriately.

        filename: The filename(s) of the video. Supported extensions: "mp4", "avi",
            "mov", "mj2", "mkv", "h5", "hdf5", "slp", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif",
            "tiff", "bmp". If the filename is a list, a list of image filenames are
            expected. If filename is a folder, it will be searched for images.
        backend: An object that implements the basic methods for reading and
            manipulating frames of a specific video type.
        backend_metadata: A dictionary of metadata specific to the backend. This is
            useful for storing metadata that requires an open backend (e.g., shape
            information) without having access to the video file itself.
        source_video: The source video object if this is a proxy video. This is present
            when the video contains an embedded subset of frames from another video.

        Instances of this class are hashed by identity, not by value. This means that
        two `Video` instances with the same attributes will NOT be considered equal in a
        set or dict.

    See also: VideoBackend

    filename: str | list[str]
    backend: Optional[VideoBackend] = None
    backend_metadata: dict[str, any] = attrs.field(factory=dict)
    source_video: Optional[Video] = None

    EXTS = MediaVideo.EXTS + HDF5Video.EXTS + ImageVideo.EXTS

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        """Post init syntactic sugar."""
        if self.backend is None and self.exists():

    def from_filename(
        filename: str | list[str],
        dataset: Optional[str] = None,
        grayscale: Optional[bool] = None,
        keep_open: bool = True,
        source_video: Optional[Video] = None,
    ) -> VideoBackend:
        """Create a Video from a filename.

            filename: The filename(s) of the video. Supported extensions: "mp4", "avi",
                "mov", "mj2", "mkv", "h5", "hdf5", "slp", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif",
                "tiff", "bmp". If the filename is a list, a list of image filenames are
                expected. If filename is a folder, it will be searched for images.
            dataset: Name of dataset in HDF5 file.
            grayscale: Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame
            keep_open: Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read
                frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the
                default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls
                which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.
            source_video: The source video object if this is a proxy video. This is
                present when the video contains an embedded subset of frames from
                another video.

            Video instance with the appropriate backend instantiated.
        return cls(

    def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int] | None:
        """Return the shape of the video as (num_frames, height, width, channels).

        If the video backend is not set or it cannot determine the shape of the video,
        this will return None.
        return self._get_shape()

    def _get_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int] | None:
        """Return the shape of the video as (num_frames, height, width, channels).

        This suppresses errors related to querying the backend for the video shape, such
        as when it has not been set or when the video file is not found.
            return self.backend.shape
            if "shape" in self.backend_metadata:
                return self.backend_metadata["shape"]
            return None

    def grayscale(self) -> bool | None:
        """Return whether the video is grayscale.

        If the video backend is not set or it cannot determine whether the video is
        grayscale, this will return None.
        shape = self.shape
        if shape is not None:
            return shape[-1] == 1
            if "grayscale" in self.backend_metadata:
                return self.backend_metadata["grayscale"]
            return None

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return the length of the video as the number of frames."""
        shape = self.shape
        return 0 if shape is None else shape[0]

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Informal string representation (for print or format)."""
        dataset = (
            f"dataset={self.backend.dataset}, "
            if getattr(self.backend, "dataset", "")
            else ""
        return (
            f'filename="{self.filename}", '
            f"shape={self.shape}, "

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Informal string representation (for print or format)."""
        return self.__repr__()

    def __getitem__(self, inds: int | list[int] | slice) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the frames of the video at the given indices.

            inds: Index or list of indices of frames to read.

            Frame or frames as a numpy array of shape `(height, width, channels)` if a
            scalar index is provided, or `(frames, height, width, channels)` if a list
            of indices is provided.

        See also: VideoBackend.get_frame, VideoBackend.get_frames
        if not self.is_open:
        return self.backend[inds]

    def exists(self, check_all: bool = False) -> bool:
        """Check if the video file exists.

            check_all: If `True`, check that all filenames in a list exist. If `False`
                (the default), check that the first filename exists.
        if isinstance(self.filename, list):
            if check_all:
                for f in self.filename:
                    if not Path(f).exists():
                        return False
                return True
                return Path(self.filename[0]).exists()
        return Path(self.filename).exists()

    def is_open(self) -> bool:
        """Check if the video backend is open."""
        return self.exists() and self.backend is not None

    def open(
        dataset: Optional[str] = None,
        grayscale: Optional[str] = None,
        keep_open: bool = True,
        """Open the video backend for reading.

            dataset: Name of dataset in HDF5 file.
            grayscale: Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame
            keep_open: Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read
                frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the
                default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls
                which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.

            This is useful for opening the video backend to read frames and then closing
            it after reading all the necessary frames.

            If the backend was already open, it will be closed before opening a new one.
            Values for the HDF5 dataset and grayscale will be remembered if not
        if not self.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"Video file not found: {self.filename}")

        # Try to remember values from previous backend if available and not specified.
        if self.backend is not None:
            if dataset is None:
                dataset = getattr(self.backend, "dataset", None)
            if grayscale is None:
                grayscale = getattr(self.backend, "grayscale", None)

            if dataset is None and "dataset" in self.backend_metadata:
                dataset = self.backend_metadata["dataset"]
            if grayscale is None and "grayscale" in self.backend_metadata:
                grayscale = self.backend_metadata["grayscale"]

        # Close previous backend if open.

        # Create new backend.
        self.backend = VideoBackend.from_filename(

    def close(self):
        """Close the video backend."""
        if self.backend is not None:
            del self.backend
            self.backend = None

    def replace_filename(
        self, new_filename: str | Path | list[str] | list[Path], open: bool = True
        """Update the filename of the video, optionally opening the backend.

            new_filename: New filename to set for the video.
            open: If `True` (the default), open the backend with the new filename. If
                the new filename does not exist, no error is raised.
        if isinstance(new_filename, Path):
            new_filename = new_filename.as_posix()

        if isinstance(new_filename, list):
            new_filename = [
                p.as_posix() if isinstance(p, Path) else p for p in new_filename

        self.filename = new_filename

        if open:
            if self.exists():

grayscale: bool | None property

Return whether the video is grayscale.

If the video backend is not set or it cannot determine whether the video is grayscale, this will return None.

is_open: bool property

Check if the video backend is open.

shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int] | None property

Return the shape of the video as (num_frames, height, width, channels).

If the video backend is not set or it cannot determine the shape of the video, this will return None.


Post init syntactic sugar.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
    """Post init syntactic sugar."""
    if self.backend is None and self.exists():


Return the frames of the video at the given indices.


Name Type Description Default
inds int | list[int] | slice

Index or list of indices of frames to read.



Type Description

Frame or frames as a numpy array of shape (height, width, channels) if a scalar index is provided, or (frames, height, width, channels) if a list of indices is provided.

See also: VideoBackend.get_frame, VideoBackend.get_frames

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(self, inds: int | list[int] | slice) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return the frames of the video at the given indices.

        inds: Index or list of indices of frames to read.

        Frame or frames as a numpy array of shape `(height, width, channels)` if a
        scalar index is provided, or `(frames, height, width, channels)` if a list
        of indices is provided.

    See also: VideoBackend.get_frame, VideoBackend.get_frames
    if not self.is_open:
    return self.backend[inds]


Return the length of the video as the number of frames.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Return the length of the video as the number of frames."""
    shape = self.shape
    return 0 if shape is None else shape[0]


Informal string representation (for print or format).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Informal string representation (for print or format)."""
    dataset = (
        f"dataset={self.backend.dataset}, "
        if getattr(self.backend, "dataset", "")
        else ""
    return (
        f'filename="{self.filename}", '
        f"shape={self.shape}, "


Informal string representation (for print or format).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Informal string representation (for print or format)."""
    return self.__repr__()


Close the video backend.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def close(self):
    """Close the video backend."""
    if self.backend is not None:
        del self.backend
        self.backend = None


Check if the video file exists.


Name Type Description Default
check_all bool

If True, check that all filenames in a list exist. If False (the default), check that the first filename exists.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def exists(self, check_all: bool = False) -> bool:
    """Check if the video file exists.

        check_all: If `True`, check that all filenames in a list exist. If `False`
            (the default), check that the first filename exists.
    if isinstance(self.filename, list):
        if check_all:
            for f in self.filename:
                if not Path(f).exists():
                    return False
            return True
            return Path(self.filename[0]).exists()
    return Path(self.filename).exists()

from_filename(filename, dataset=None, grayscale=None, keep_open=True, source_video=None, **kwargs) classmethod

Create a Video from a filename.


Name Type Description Default
filename str | list[str]

The filename(s) of the video. Supported extensions: "mp4", "avi", "mov", "mj2", "mkv", "h5", "hdf5", "slp", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif", "tiff", "bmp". If the filename is a list, a list of image filenames are expected. If filename is a folder, it will be searched for images.

dataset Optional[str]

Name of dataset in HDF5 file.

grayscale Optional[bool]

Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame load.

keep_open bool

Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.

source_video Optional[Video]

The source video object if this is a proxy video. This is present when the video contains an embedded subset of frames from another video.



Type Description

Video instance with the appropriate backend instantiated.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def from_filename(
    filename: str | list[str],
    dataset: Optional[str] = None,
    grayscale: Optional[bool] = None,
    keep_open: bool = True,
    source_video: Optional[Video] = None,
) -> VideoBackend:
    """Create a Video from a filename.

        filename: The filename(s) of the video. Supported extensions: "mp4", "avi",
            "mov", "mj2", "mkv", "h5", "hdf5", "slp", "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif",
            "tiff", "bmp". If the filename is a list, a list of image filenames are
            expected. If filename is a folder, it will be searched for images.
        dataset: Name of dataset in HDF5 file.
        grayscale: Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame
        keep_open: Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read
            frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the
            default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls
            which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.
        source_video: The source video object if this is a proxy video. This is
            present when the video contains an embedded subset of frames from
            another video.

        Video instance with the appropriate backend instantiated.
    return cls(

open(dataset=None, grayscale=None, keep_open=True)

Open the video backend for reading.


Name Type Description Default
dataset Optional[str]

Name of dataset in HDF5 file.

grayscale Optional[str]

Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame load.

keep_open bool

Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.


This is useful for opening the video backend to read frames and then closing it after reading all the necessary frames.

If the backend was already open, it will be closed before opening a new one. Values for the HDF5 dataset and grayscale will be remembered if not specified.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def open(
    dataset: Optional[str] = None,
    grayscale: Optional[str] = None,
    keep_open: bool = True,
    """Open the video backend for reading.

        dataset: Name of dataset in HDF5 file.
        grayscale: Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame
        keep_open: Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read
            frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the
            default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls
            which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.

        This is useful for opening the video backend to read frames and then closing
        it after reading all the necessary frames.

        If the backend was already open, it will be closed before opening a new one.
        Values for the HDF5 dataset and grayscale will be remembered if not
    if not self.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Video file not found: {self.filename}")

    # Try to remember values from previous backend if available and not specified.
    if self.backend is not None:
        if dataset is None:
            dataset = getattr(self.backend, "dataset", None)
        if grayscale is None:
            grayscale = getattr(self.backend, "grayscale", None)

        if dataset is None and "dataset" in self.backend_metadata:
            dataset = self.backend_metadata["dataset"]
        if grayscale is None and "grayscale" in self.backend_metadata:
            grayscale = self.backend_metadata["grayscale"]

    # Close previous backend if open.

    # Create new backend.
    self.backend = VideoBackend.from_filename(

replace_filename(new_filename, open=True)

Update the filename of the video, optionally opening the backend.


Name Type Description Default
new_filename str | Path | list[str] | list[Path]

New filename to set for the video.

open bool

If True (the default), open the backend with the new filename. If the new filename does not exist, no error is raised.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def replace_filename(
    self, new_filename: str | Path | list[str] | list[Path], open: bool = True
    """Update the filename of the video, optionally opening the backend.

        new_filename: New filename to set for the video.
        open: If `True` (the default), open the backend with the new filename. If
            the new filename does not exist, no error is raised.
    if isinstance(new_filename, Path):
        new_filename = new_filename.as_posix()

    if isinstance(new_filename, list):
        new_filename = [
            p.as_posix() if isinstance(p, Path) else p for p in new_filename

    self.filename = new_filename

    if open:
        if self.exists():


Data structure for a single frame of suggestions.


Name Type Description
video Video

The video associated with the frame.

frame_idx int

The index of the frame in the video.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class SuggestionFrame:
    """Data structure for a single frame of suggestions.

        video: The video associated with the frame.
        frame_idx: The index of the frame in the video.

    video: Video
    frame_idx: int