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Backends for reading and writing videos.


Bases: VideoBackend

Video backend for reading videos stored in HDF5 files.

This backend supports reading videos stored in HDF5 files, both in rank-4 datasets as well as in datasets with lists of binary-encoded images.

Embedded image datasets are used in SLEAP when exporting package files (.pkg.slp) with videos embedded in them. This is useful for bundling training or inference data without having to worry about the videos (or frame images) being moved or deleted. It is expected that these types of datasets will be in a Group with a int8 variable length dataset called "video". This dataset must also contain an attribute called "format" with a string describing the image format (e.g., "png" or "jpg") which will be used to decode it appropriately.

If a frame_numbers dataset is present in the group, it will be used to map from source video frames to the frames in the dataset. This is useful to preserve frame indexing when exporting a subset of frames in the video. It will also be used to populate frame_map and source_inds attributes.


Name Type Description

Path to HDF5 file (.h5, .hdf5 or .slp).


Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame load.


Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.

dataset Optional[str]

Name of dataset to read from. If None, will try to find a rank-4 dataset by iterating through datasets in the file. If specifying an embedded dataset, this can be the group containing a "video" dataset or the dataset itself (e.g., "video0" or "video0/video").

input_format str

Format of the data in the dataset. One of "channels_last" (the default) in (frames, height, width, channels) order or "channels_first" in (frames, channels, width, height) order. Embedded datasets should use the "channels_last" format.

frame_map dict[int, int]

Mapping from frame indices to indices in the dataset. This is used to translate between the frame indices of the images within their source video and the indices of the images in the dataset. This is only used when reading embedded image datasets.

source_filename Optional[str]

Path to the source video file. This is metadata and only used when reading embedded image datasets.

source_inds Optional[ndarray]

Indices of the frames in the source video file. This is metadata and only used when reading embedded image datasets.

image_format str

Format of the images in the embedded dataset. This is metadata and only used when reading embedded image datasets.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
class HDF5Video(VideoBackend):
    """Video backend for reading videos stored in HDF5 files.

    This backend supports reading videos stored in HDF5 files, both in rank-4 datasets
    as well as in datasets with lists of binary-encoded images.

    Embedded image datasets are used in SLEAP when exporting package files (`.pkg.slp`)
    with videos embedded in them. This is useful for bundling training or inference data
    without having to worry about the videos (or frame images) being moved or deleted.
    It is expected that these types of datasets will be in a `Group` with a `int8`
    variable length dataset called `"video"`. This dataset must also contain an
    attribute called "format" with a string describing the image format (e.g., "png" or
    "jpg") which will be used to decode it appropriately.

    If a `frame_numbers` dataset is present in the group, it will be used to map from
    source video frames to the frames in the dataset. This is useful to preserve frame
    indexing when exporting a subset of frames in the video. It will also be used to
    populate `frame_map` and `source_inds` attributes.

        filename: Path to HDF5 file (.h5, .hdf5 or .slp).
        grayscale: Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame load.
        keep_open: Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read frames.
            If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the default), it
            will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls which may
            enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.
        dataset: Name of dataset to read from. If `None`, will try to find a rank-4
            dataset by iterating through datasets in the file. If specifying an embedded
            dataset, this can be the group containing a "video" dataset or the dataset
            itself (e.g., "video0" or "video0/video").
        input_format: Format of the data in the dataset. One of "channels_last" (the
            default) in `(frames, height, width, channels)` order or "channels_first" in
            `(frames, channels, width, height)` order. Embedded datasets should use the
            "channels_last" format.
        frame_map: Mapping from frame indices to indices in the dataset. This is used to
            translate between the frame indices of the images within their source video
            and the indices of the images in the dataset. This is only used when reading
            embedded image datasets.
        source_filename: Path to the source video file. This is metadata and only used
            when reading embedded image datasets.
        source_inds: Indices of the frames in the source video file. This is metadata
            and only used when reading embedded image datasets.
        image_format: Format of the images in the embedded dataset. This is metadata and
            only used when reading embedded image datasets.

    dataset: Optional[str] = None
    input_format: str = attrs.field(
        validator=attrs.validators.in_(["channels_last", "channels_first"]),
    frame_map: dict[int, int] = attrs.field(init=False, default=attrs.Factory(dict))
    source_filename: Optional[str] = None
    source_inds: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
    image_format: str = "hdf5"

    EXTS = ("h5", "hdf5", "slp")

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        """Auto-detect dataset and frame map heuristically."""
        # Check if the file accessible before applying heuristics.
            f = h5py.File(self.filename, "r")
        except OSError:

        if self.dataset is None:
            # Iterate through datasets to find a rank 4 array.
            def find_movies(name, obj):
                if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset) and obj.ndim == 4:
                    self.dataset = name
                    return True


        if self.dataset is None:
            # Iterate through datasets to find an embedded video dataset.
            def find_embedded(name, obj):
                if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset) and name.endswith("/video"):
                    self.dataset = name
                    return True


        if self.dataset is None:
            # Couldn't find video datasets.

        if isinstance(f[self.dataset], h5py.Group):
            # If this is a group, assume it's an embedded video dataset.
            if "video" in f[self.dataset]:
                self.dataset = f"{self.dataset}/video"

        if self.dataset.split("/")[-1] == "video":
            # This may be an embedded video dataset. Check for frame map.
            ds = f[self.dataset]

            if "format" in ds.attrs:
                self.image_format = ds.attrs["format"]

            if "frame_numbers" in ds.parent:
                frame_numbers = ds.parent["frame_numbers"][:].astype(int)
                self.frame_map = {frame: idx for idx, frame in enumerate(frame_numbers)}
                self.source_inds = frame_numbers

            if "source_video" in ds.parent:
                self.source_filename = json.loads(


    def num_frames(self) -> int:
        """Number of frames in the video."""
        with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
            return f[self.dataset].shape[0]

    def img_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
        """Shape of a single frame in the video as `(height, width, channels)`."""
        with h5py.File(self.filename, "r") as f:
            ds = f[self.dataset]
            if "height" in ds.attrs:
                img_shape = (
                img_shape = ds.shape[1:]
        if self.input_format == "channels_first":
            img_shape = img_shape[::-1]
        return int(img_shape[0]), int(img_shape[1]), int(img_shape[2])

    def read_test_frame(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Read a single frame from the video to test for grayscale."""
        if self.frame_map:
            frame_idx = list(self.frame_map.keys())[0]
            frame_idx = 0
        return self.read_frame(frame_idx)

    def has_embedded_images(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if the dataset contains embedded images."""
        return self.image_format is not None and self.image_format != "hdf5"

    def embedded_frame_inds(self) -> list[int]:
        """Return the frame indices of the embedded images."""
        return list(self.frame_map.keys())

    def decode_embedded(self, img_string: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Decode an embedded image string into a numpy array.

            img_string: Binary string of the image as a `int8` numpy vector with the
                bytes as values corresponding to the format-encoded image.

            The decoded image as a numpy array of shape `(height, width, channels)`. If
            a rank-2 image is decoded, it will be expanded such that channels will be 1.

            This method does not apply grayscale conversion as per the `grayscale`
            attribute. Use the `get_frame` or `get_frames` methods of the `VideoBackend`
            to apply grayscale conversion rather than calling this function directly.
        if "cv2" in sys.modules:
            img = cv2.imdecode(img_string, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
            img = iio.imread(BytesIO(img_string), extension=f".{self.image_format}")

        if img.ndim == 2:
            img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=-1)
        return img

    def _read_frame(self, frame_idx: int) -> np.ndarray:
        """Read a single frame from the video.

            frame_idx: Index of frame to read.

            The frame as a numpy array of shape `(height, width, channels)`.

            This does not apply grayscale conversion. It is recommended to use the
            `get_frame` method of the `VideoBackend` class instead.
        if self.keep_open:
            if self._open_reader is None:
                self._open_reader = h5py.File(self.filename, "r")
            f = self._open_reader
            f = h5py.File(self.filename, "r")

        ds = f[self.dataset]

        if self.frame_map:
            frame_idx = self.frame_map[frame_idx]

        img = ds[frame_idx]

        if self.has_embedded_images:
            img = self.decode_embedded(img)

        if self.input_format == "channels_first":
            img = np.transpose(img, (2, 1, 0))

        if not self.keep_open:
        return img

    def _read_frames(self, frame_inds: list) -> np.ndarray:
        """Read a list of frames from the video.

            frame_inds: List of indices of frames to read.

            The frame as a numpy array of shape `(frames, height, width, channels)`.

            This does not apply grayscale conversion. It is recommended to use the
            `get_frames` method of the `VideoBackend` class instead.
        if self.keep_open:
            if self._open_reader is None:
                self._open_reader = h5py.File(self.filename, "r")
            f = self._open_reader
            f = h5py.File(self.filename, "r")

        if self.frame_map:
            frame_inds = [self.frame_map[idx] for idx in frame_inds]

        ds = f[self.dataset]
        imgs = ds[frame_inds]

        if "format" in ds.attrs:
            imgs = np.stack(
                [self.decode_embedded(img) for img in imgs],

        if self.input_format == "channels_first":
            imgs = np.transpose(imgs, (0, 3, 2, 1))

        if not self.keep_open:

        return imgs

embedded_frame_inds: list[int] property

Return the frame indices of the embedded images.

has_embedded_images: bool property

Return True if the dataset contains embedded images.

img_shape: Tuple[int, int, int] property

Shape of a single frame in the video as (height, width, channels).

num_frames: int property

Number of frames in the video.


Auto-detect dataset and frame map heuristically.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
    """Auto-detect dataset and frame map heuristically."""
    # Check if the file accessible before applying heuristics.
        f = h5py.File(self.filename, "r")
    except OSError:

    if self.dataset is None:
        # Iterate through datasets to find a rank 4 array.
        def find_movies(name, obj):
            if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset) and obj.ndim == 4:
                self.dataset = name
                return True


    if self.dataset is None:
        # Iterate through datasets to find an embedded video dataset.
        def find_embedded(name, obj):
            if isinstance(obj, h5py.Dataset) and name.endswith("/video"):
                self.dataset = name
                return True


    if self.dataset is None:
        # Couldn't find video datasets.

    if isinstance(f[self.dataset], h5py.Group):
        # If this is a group, assume it's an embedded video dataset.
        if "video" in f[self.dataset]:
            self.dataset = f"{self.dataset}/video"

    if self.dataset.split("/")[-1] == "video":
        # This may be an embedded video dataset. Check for frame map.
        ds = f[self.dataset]

        if "format" in ds.attrs:
            self.image_format = ds.attrs["format"]

        if "frame_numbers" in ds.parent:
            frame_numbers = ds.parent["frame_numbers"][:].astype(int)
            self.frame_map = {frame: idx for idx, frame in enumerate(frame_numbers)}
            self.source_inds = frame_numbers

        if "source_video" in ds.parent:
            self.source_filename = json.loads(



Decode an embedded image string into a numpy array.


Name Type Description Default
img_string ndarray

Binary string of the image as a int8 numpy vector with the bytes as values corresponding to the format-encoded image.



Type Description

The decoded image as a numpy array of shape (height, width, channels). If a rank-2 image is decoded, it will be expanded such that channels will be 1.

This method does not apply grayscale conversion as per the grayscale attribute. Use the get_frame or get_frames methods of the VideoBackend to apply grayscale conversion rather than calling this function directly.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
def decode_embedded(self, img_string: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Decode an embedded image string into a numpy array.

        img_string: Binary string of the image as a `int8` numpy vector with the
            bytes as values corresponding to the format-encoded image.

        The decoded image as a numpy array of shape `(height, width, channels)`. If
        a rank-2 image is decoded, it will be expanded such that channels will be 1.

        This method does not apply grayscale conversion as per the `grayscale`
        attribute. Use the `get_frame` or `get_frames` methods of the `VideoBackend`
        to apply grayscale conversion rather than calling this function directly.
    if "cv2" in sys.modules:
        img = cv2.imdecode(img_string, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
        img = iio.imread(BytesIO(img_string), extension=f".{self.image_format}")

    if img.ndim == 2:
        img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=-1)
    return img


Read a single frame from the video to test for grayscale.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
def read_test_frame(self) -> np.ndarray:
    """Read a single frame from the video to test for grayscale."""
    if self.frame_map:
        frame_idx = list(self.frame_map.keys())[0]
        frame_idx = 0
    return self.read_frame(frame_idx)


Bases: VideoBackend

Video backend for reading videos stored as image files.

This backend supports reading videos stored as a list of images.


Name Type Description

Path to video files.


Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame load.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
class ImageVideo(VideoBackend):
    """Video backend for reading videos stored as image files.

    This backend supports reading videos stored as a list of images.

        filename: Path to video files.
        grayscale: Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame load.

    EXTS = ("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif", "tiff", "bmp")

    def find_images(folder: str) -> list[str]:
        """Find images in a folder and return a list of filenames."""
        folder = Path(folder)
        return sorted(
            [f.as_posix() for f in folder.glob("*") if f.suffix[1:] in ImageVideo.EXTS]

    def num_frames(self) -> int:
        """Number of frames in the video."""
        return len(self.filename)

    def _read_frame(self, frame_idx: int) -> np.ndarray:
        """Read a single frame from the video.

            frame_idx: Index of frame to read.

            The frame as a numpy array of shape `(height, width, channels)`.

            This does not apply grayscale conversion. It is recommended to use the
            `get_frame` method of the `VideoBackend` class instead.
        img = iio.imread(self.filename[frame_idx])
        if img.ndim == 2:
            img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=-1)
        return img

num_frames: int property

Number of frames in the video.

find_images(folder) staticmethod

Find images in a folder and return a list of filenames.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
def find_images(folder: str) -> list[str]:
    """Find images in a folder and return a list of filenames."""
    folder = Path(folder)
    return sorted(
        [f.as_posix() for f in folder.glob("*") if f.suffix[1:] in ImageVideo.EXTS]


Bases: VideoBackend

Video backend for reading videos stored as common media files.

This backend supports reading through FFMPEG (the default), pyav, or OpenCV. Here are their trade-offs:

- "opencv": Fastest video reader, but only supports a limited number of codecs
    and may not be able to read some videos. It requires `opencv-python` to be
    installed. It is the fastest because it uses the OpenCV C++ library to read
    videos, but is limited by the version of FFMPEG that was linked into it at
    build time as well as the OpenCV version used.
- "FFMPEG": Slowest, but most reliable. This is the default backend. It requires
    `imageio-ffmpeg` and a `ffmpeg` executable on the system path (which can be
    installed via conda). The `imageio` plugin for FFMPEG reads frames into raw
    bytes which are communicated to Python through STDOUT on a subprocess pipe,
    which can be slow. However, it is the most reliable and feature-complete. If
    you install the conda-forge version of ffmpeg, it will be compiled with
    support for many codecs, including GPU-accelerated codecs like NVDEC for
    H264 and others.
- "pyav": Supports most codecs that FFMPEG does, but not as complete or reliable
    of an implementation in `imageio` as FFMPEG for some video types. It is
    faster than FFMPEG because it uses the `av` package to read frames directly
    into numpy arrays in memory without the need for a subprocess pipe. These
    are Python bindings for the C library libav, which is the same library that
    FFMPEG uses under the hood.


Name Type Description

Path to video file.


Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame load.


Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.

plugin str

Video plugin to use. One of "opencv", "FFMPEG", or "pyav". If None, will use the first available plugin in the order listed above.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
class MediaVideo(VideoBackend):
    """Video backend for reading videos stored as common media files.

    This backend supports reading through FFMPEG (the default), pyav, or OpenCV. Here
    are their trade-offs:

        - "opencv": Fastest video reader, but only supports a limited number of codecs
            and may not be able to read some videos. It requires `opencv-python` to be
            installed. It is the fastest because it uses the OpenCV C++ library to read
            videos, but is limited by the version of FFMPEG that was linked into it at
            build time as well as the OpenCV version used.
        - "FFMPEG": Slowest, but most reliable. This is the default backend. It requires
            `imageio-ffmpeg` and a `ffmpeg` executable on the system path (which can be
            installed via conda). The `imageio` plugin for FFMPEG reads frames into raw
            bytes which are communicated to Python through STDOUT on a subprocess pipe,
            which can be slow. However, it is the most reliable and feature-complete. If
            you install the conda-forge version of ffmpeg, it will be compiled with
            support for many codecs, including GPU-accelerated codecs like NVDEC for
            H264 and others.
        - "pyav": Supports most codecs that FFMPEG does, but not as complete or reliable
            of an implementation in `imageio` as FFMPEG for some video types. It is
            faster than FFMPEG because it uses the `av` package to read frames directly
            into numpy arrays in memory without the need for a subprocess pipe. These
            are Python bindings for the C library libav, which is the same library that
            FFMPEG uses under the hood.

        filename: Path to video file.
        grayscale: Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame load.
        keep_open: Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read frames.
            If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the default), it
            will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls which may
            enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.
        plugin: Video plugin to use. One of "opencv", "FFMPEG", or "pyav". If `None`,
            will use the first available plugin in the order listed above.

    plugin: str = attrs.field(
        validator=attrs.validators.in_(["opencv", "FFMPEG", "pyav"])

    EXTS = ("mp4", "avi", "mov", "mj2", "mkv")

    def _default_plugin(self) -> str:
        if "cv2" in sys.modules:
            return "opencv"
        elif "imageio_ffmpeg" in sys.modules:
            return "FFMPEG"
        elif "av" in sys.modules:
            return "pyav"
            raise ImportError(
                "No video plugins found. Install opencv-python, imageio-ffmpeg, or av."

    def reader(self) -> object:
        """Return the reader object for the video, caching if necessary."""
        if self.keep_open:
            if self._open_reader is None:
                if self.plugin == "opencv":
                    self._open_reader = cv2.VideoCapture(self.filename)
                elif self.plugin == "pyav" or self.plugin == "FFMPEG":
                    self._open_reader = iio.imopen(
                        self.filename, "r", plugin=self.plugin
            return self._open_reader
            if self.plugin == "opencv":
                return cv2.VideoCapture(self.filename)
            elif self.plugin == "pyav" or self.plugin == "FFMPEG":
                return iio.imopen(self.filename, "r", plugin=self.plugin)

    def num_frames(self) -> int:
        """Number of frames in the video."""
        if self.plugin == "opencv":
            return int(self.reader.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
            props = iio.improps(self.filename, plugin=self.plugin)
            n_frames = props.n_images
            if np.isinf(n_frames):
                legacy_reader = self.reader.legacy_get_reader()
                # Note: This might be super slow for some videos, so maybe we should
                # defer evaluation of this or give the user control over it.
                n_frames = legacy_reader.count_frames()
            return n_frames

    def _read_frame(self, frame_idx: int) -> np.ndarray:
        """Read a single frame from the video.

            frame_idx: Index of frame to read.

            The frame as a numpy array of shape `(height, width, channels)`.

            This does not apply grayscale conversion. It is recommended to use the
            `get_frame` method of the `VideoBackend` class instead.
        if self.plugin == "opencv":
            if self.reader.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) != frame_idx:
                self.reader.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frame_idx)
            _, img =
        elif self.plugin == "pyav" or self.plugin == "FFMPEG":
            if self.keep_open:
                img =
                with iio.imopen(self.filename, "r", plugin=self.plugin) as reader:
                    img =
        return img

    def _read_frames(self, frame_inds: list) -> np.ndarray:
        """Read a list of frames from the video.

            frame_inds: List of indices of frames to read.

            The frame as a numpy array of shape `(frames, height, width, channels)`.

            This does not apply grayscale conversion. It is recommended to use the
            `get_frames` method of the `VideoBackend` class instead.
        if self.plugin == "opencv":
            if self.keep_open:
                if self._open_reader is None:
                    self._open_reader = cv2.VideoCapture(self.filename)
                reader = self._open_reader
                reader = cv2.VideoCapture(self.filename)

            reader.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frame_inds[0])
            imgs = []
            for idx in frame_inds:
                if reader.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES) != idx:
                    reader.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, idx)
                _, img =
                img = img[..., ::-1]  # BGR -> RGB
            imgs = np.stack(imgs, axis=0)

        elif self.plugin == "pyav" or self.plugin == "FFMPEG":
            if self.keep_open:
                if self._open_reader is None:
                    self._open_reader = iio.imopen(
                        self.filename, "r", plugin=self.plugin
                reader = self._open_reader
                imgs = np.stack([ for idx in frame_inds], axis=0)
                with iio.imopen(self.filename, "r", plugin=self.plugin) as reader:
                    imgs = np.stack(
                        [ for idx in frame_inds], axis=0
        return imgs

num_frames: int property

Number of frames in the video.

reader: object property

Return the reader object for the video, caching if necessary.


Base class for video backends.

This class is not meant to be used directly. Instead, use the from_filename constructor to create a backend instance.


Name Type Description
filename str | Path | list[str] | list[Path]

Path to video file(s).

grayscale Optional[bool]

Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame load.

keep_open bool

Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
class VideoBackend:
    """Base class for video backends.

    This class is not meant to be used directly. Instead, use the `from_filename`
    constructor to create a backend instance.

        filename: Path to video file(s).
        grayscale: Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame load.
        keep_open: Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read frames.
            If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the default), it
            will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls which may
            enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.

    filename: str | Path | list[str] | list[Path]
    grayscale: Optional[bool] = None
    keep_open: bool = True
    _cached_shape: Optional[Tuple[int, int, int, int]] = None
    _open_reader: Optional[object] = None

    def from_filename(
        filename: str | list[str],
        dataset: Optional[str] = None,
        grayscale: Optional[bool] = None,
        keep_open: bool = True,
    ) -> VideoBackend:
        """Create a VideoBackend from a filename.

            filename: Path to video file(s).
            dataset: Name of dataset in HDF5 file.
            grayscale: Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame
            keep_open: Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read
                frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the
                default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls
                which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.

            VideoBackend subclass instance.
        if isinstance(filename, Path):
            filename = filename.as_posix()

        if type(filename) == str and Path(filename).is_dir():
            filename = ImageVideo.find_images(filename)

        if type(filename) == list:
            filename = [Path(f).as_posix() for f in filename]
            return ImageVideo(
                filename, grayscale=grayscale, **_get_valid_kwargs(ImageVideo, kwargs)
        elif filename.endswith(ImageVideo.EXTS):
            return ImageVideo(
                [filename], grayscale=grayscale, **_get_valid_kwargs(ImageVideo, kwargs)
        elif filename.endswith(MediaVideo.EXTS):
            return MediaVideo(
                **_get_valid_kwargs(MediaVideo, kwargs),
        elif filename.endswith(HDF5Video.EXTS):
            return HDF5Video(
                **_get_valid_kwargs(HDF5Video, kwargs),
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown video file type: {filename}")

    def _read_frame(self, frame_idx: int) -> np.ndarray:
        """Read a single frame from the video. Must be implemented in subclasses."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _read_frames(self, frame_inds: list) -> np.ndarray:
        """Read a list of frames from the video."""
        return np.stack([self.get_frame(i) for i in frame_inds], axis=0)

    def read_test_frame(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Read a single frame from the video to test for grayscale.

            This reads the frame at index 0. This may not be appropriate if the first
            frame is not available in a given backend.
        return self._read_frame(0)

    def detect_grayscale(self, test_img: np.ndarray | None = None) -> bool:
        """Detect whether the video is grayscale.

        This works by reading in a test frame and comparing the first and last channel
        for equality. It may fail in cases where, due to compression, the first and
        last channels are not exactly the same.

            test_img: Optional test image to use. If not provided, a test image will be
                loaded via the `read_test_frame` method.

            Whether the video is grayscale. This value is also cached in the `grayscale`
            attribute of the class.
        if test_img is None:
            test_img = self.read_test_frame()
        is_grayscale = bool(np.all(test_img[..., 0] == test_img[..., -1]))
        self.grayscale = is_grayscale
        return is_grayscale

    def num_frames(self) -> int:
        """Number of frames in the video. Must be implemented in subclasses."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def img_shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
        """Shape of a single frame in the video."""
        height, width, channels = self.get_frame(0).shape
        return int(height), int(width), int(channels)

    def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
        """Shape of the video as a tuple of `(frames, height, width, channels)`.

        On first call, this will defer to `num_frames` and `img_shape` to determine the
        full shape. This call may be expensive for some subclasses, so the result is
        cached and returned on subsequent calls.
        if self._cached_shape is not None:
            return self._cached_shape
            shape = (self.num_frames,) + self.img_shape
            self._cached_shape = shape
            return shape

    def frames(self) -> int:
        """Number of frames in the video."""
        return self.shape[0]

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return number of frames in the video."""
        return self.shape[0]

    def get_frame(self, frame_idx: int) -> np.ndarray:
        """Read a single frame from the video.

            frame_idx: Index of frame to read.

            Frame as a numpy array of shape `(height, width, channels)` where the
            `channels` dimension is 1 for grayscale videos and 3 for color videos.

            If the `grayscale` attribute is set to `True`, the `channels` dimension will
            be reduced to 1 if an RGB frame is loaded from the backend.

            If the `grayscale` attribute is set to `None`, the `grayscale` attribute
            will be automatically set based on the first frame read.

        See also: `get_frames`
        img = self._read_frame(frame_idx)

        if self.grayscale is None:

        if self.grayscale:
            img = img[..., [0]]

        return img

    def get_frames(self, frame_inds: list[int]) -> np.ndarray:
        """Read a list of frames from the video.

        Depending on the backend implementation, this may be faster than reading frames
        individually using `get_frame`.

            frame_inds: List of frame indices to read.

            Frames as a numpy array of shape `(frames, height, width, channels)` where
            `channels` dimension is 1 for grayscale videos and 3 for color videos.

            If the `grayscale` attribute is set to `True`, the `channels` dimension will
            be reduced to 1 if an RGB frame is loaded from the backend.

            If the `grayscale` attribute is set to `None`, the `grayscale` attribute
            will be automatically set based on the first frame read.

        See also: `get_frame`
        imgs = self._read_frames(frame_inds)

        if self.grayscale is None:

        if self.grayscale:
            imgs = imgs[..., [0]]

        return imgs

    def __getitem__(self, ind: int | list[int] | slice) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return a single frame or a list of frames from the video.

            ind: Index or list of indices of frames to read.

            Frame or frames as a numpy array of shape `(height, width, channels)` if a
            scalar index is provided, or `(frames, height, width, channels)` if a list
            of indices is provided.

        See also: get_frame, get_frames
        if np.isscalar(ind):
            return self.get_frame(ind)
            if type(ind) is slice:
                start = (ind.start or 0) % len(self)
                stop = ind.stop or len(self)
                if stop < 0:
                    stop = len(self) + stop
                step = ind.step or 1
                ind = range(start, stop, step)
            return self.get_frames(ind)

frames: int property

Number of frames in the video.

img_shape: Tuple[int, int, int] property

Shape of a single frame in the video.

num_frames: int property

Number of frames in the video. Must be implemented in subclasses.

shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int] property

Shape of the video as a tuple of (frames, height, width, channels).

On first call, this will defer to num_frames and img_shape to determine the full shape. This call may be expensive for some subclasses, so the result is cached and returned on subsequent calls.


Return a single frame or a list of frames from the video.


Name Type Description Default
ind int | list[int] | slice

Index or list of indices of frames to read.



Type Description

Frame or frames as a numpy array of shape (height, width, channels) if a scalar index is provided, or (frames, height, width, channels) if a list of indices is provided.

See also: get_frame, get_frames

Source code in sleap_io/io/
def __getitem__(self, ind: int | list[int] | slice) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return a single frame or a list of frames from the video.

        ind: Index or list of indices of frames to read.

        Frame or frames as a numpy array of shape `(height, width, channels)` if a
        scalar index is provided, or `(frames, height, width, channels)` if a list
        of indices is provided.

    See also: get_frame, get_frames
    if np.isscalar(ind):
        return self.get_frame(ind)
        if type(ind) is slice:
            start = (ind.start or 0) % len(self)
            stop = ind.stop or len(self)
            if stop < 0:
                stop = len(self) + stop
            step = ind.step or 1
            ind = range(start, stop, step)
        return self.get_frames(ind)


Return number of frames in the video.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Return number of frames in the video."""
    return self.shape[0]


Detect whether the video is grayscale.

This works by reading in a test frame and comparing the first and last channel for equality. It may fail in cases where, due to compression, the first and last channels are not exactly the same.


Name Type Description Default
test_img ndarray | None

Optional test image to use. If not provided, a test image will be loaded via the read_test_frame method.



Type Description

Whether the video is grayscale. This value is also cached in the grayscale attribute of the class.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
def detect_grayscale(self, test_img: np.ndarray | None = None) -> bool:
    """Detect whether the video is grayscale.

    This works by reading in a test frame and comparing the first and last channel
    for equality. It may fail in cases where, due to compression, the first and
    last channels are not exactly the same.

        test_img: Optional test image to use. If not provided, a test image will be
            loaded via the `read_test_frame` method.

        Whether the video is grayscale. This value is also cached in the `grayscale`
        attribute of the class.
    if test_img is None:
        test_img = self.read_test_frame()
    is_grayscale = bool(np.all(test_img[..., 0] == test_img[..., -1]))
    self.grayscale = is_grayscale
    return is_grayscale

from_filename(filename, dataset=None, grayscale=None, keep_open=True, **kwargs) classmethod

Create a VideoBackend from a filename.


Name Type Description Default
filename str | list[str]

Path to video file(s).

dataset Optional[str]

Name of dataset in HDF5 file.

grayscale Optional[bool]

Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame load.

keep_open bool

Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.



Type Description

VideoBackend subclass instance.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
def from_filename(
    filename: str | list[str],
    dataset: Optional[str] = None,
    grayscale: Optional[bool] = None,
    keep_open: bool = True,
) -> VideoBackend:
    """Create a VideoBackend from a filename.

        filename: Path to video file(s).
        dataset: Name of dataset in HDF5 file.
        grayscale: Whether to force grayscale. If None, autodetect on first frame
        keep_open: Whether to keep the video reader open between calls to read
            frames. If False, will close the reader after each call. If True (the
            default), it will keep the reader open and cache it for subsequent calls
            which may enhance the performance of reading multiple frames.

        VideoBackend subclass instance.
    if isinstance(filename, Path):
        filename = filename.as_posix()

    if type(filename) == str and Path(filename).is_dir():
        filename = ImageVideo.find_images(filename)

    if type(filename) == list:
        filename = [Path(f).as_posix() for f in filename]
        return ImageVideo(
            filename, grayscale=grayscale, **_get_valid_kwargs(ImageVideo, kwargs)
    elif filename.endswith(ImageVideo.EXTS):
        return ImageVideo(
            [filename], grayscale=grayscale, **_get_valid_kwargs(ImageVideo, kwargs)
    elif filename.endswith(MediaVideo.EXTS):
        return MediaVideo(
            **_get_valid_kwargs(MediaVideo, kwargs),
    elif filename.endswith(HDF5Video.EXTS):
        return HDF5Video(
            **_get_valid_kwargs(HDF5Video, kwargs),
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown video file type: {filename}")


Read a single frame from the video.


Name Type Description Default
frame_idx int

Index of frame to read.



Type Description

Frame as a numpy array of shape (height, width, channels) where the channels dimension is 1 for grayscale videos and 3 for color videos.


If the grayscale attribute is set to True, the channels dimension will be reduced to 1 if an RGB frame is loaded from the backend.

If the grayscale attribute is set to None, the grayscale attribute will be automatically set based on the first frame read.

See also: get_frames

Source code in sleap_io/io/
def get_frame(self, frame_idx: int) -> np.ndarray:
    """Read a single frame from the video.

        frame_idx: Index of frame to read.

        Frame as a numpy array of shape `(height, width, channels)` where the
        `channels` dimension is 1 for grayscale videos and 3 for color videos.

        If the `grayscale` attribute is set to `True`, the `channels` dimension will
        be reduced to 1 if an RGB frame is loaded from the backend.

        If the `grayscale` attribute is set to `None`, the `grayscale` attribute
        will be automatically set based on the first frame read.

    See also: `get_frames`
    img = self._read_frame(frame_idx)

    if self.grayscale is None:

    if self.grayscale:
        img = img[..., [0]]

    return img


Read a list of frames from the video.

Depending on the backend implementation, this may be faster than reading frames individually using get_frame.


Name Type Description Default
frame_inds list[int]

List of frame indices to read.



Type Description

Frames as a numpy array of shape (frames, height, width, channels) where channels dimension is 1 for grayscale videos and 3 for color videos.


If the grayscale attribute is set to True, the channels dimension will be reduced to 1 if an RGB frame is loaded from the backend.

If the grayscale attribute is set to None, the grayscale attribute will be automatically set based on the first frame read.

See also: get_frame

Source code in sleap_io/io/
def get_frames(self, frame_inds: list[int]) -> np.ndarray:
    """Read a list of frames from the video.

    Depending on the backend implementation, this may be faster than reading frames
    individually using `get_frame`.

        frame_inds: List of frame indices to read.

        Frames as a numpy array of shape `(frames, height, width, channels)` where
        `channels` dimension is 1 for grayscale videos and 3 for color videos.

        If the `grayscale` attribute is set to `True`, the `channels` dimension will
        be reduced to 1 if an RGB frame is loaded from the backend.

        If the `grayscale` attribute is set to `None`, the `grayscale` attribute
        will be automatically set based on the first frame read.

    See also: `get_frame`
    imgs = self._read_frames(frame_inds)

    if self.grayscale is None:

    if self.grayscale:
        imgs = imgs[..., [0]]

    return imgs


Read a single frame from the video to test for grayscale.


This reads the frame at index 0. This may not be appropriate if the first frame is not available in a given backend.

Source code in sleap_io/io/
def read_test_frame(self) -> np.ndarray:
    """Read a single frame from the video to test for grayscale.

        This reads the frame at index 0. This may not be appropriate if the first
        frame is not available in a given backend.
    return self._read_frame(0)