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Data structures for data associated with a single instance such as an animal.

The Instance class is a SLEAP data structure that contains a collection of Points that correspond to landmarks within a Skeleton.

PredictedInstance additionally contains metadata associated with how the instance was estimated, such as confidence scores.


This class represents a ground truth instance such as an animal.

An Instance has a set of landmarks (Points) that correspond to the nodes defined in its Skeleton.

It may also be associated with a Track which links multiple instances together across frames or videos.


Name Type Description
points Union[dict[Node, Point], dict[Node, PredictedPoint]]

A dictionary with keys as Nodes and values as Points containing all of the landmarks of the instance. This can also be specified as a dictionary with node names, a list of length n_nodes, or a numpy array of shape (n_nodes, 2).

skeleton Skeleton

The Skeleton that describes the Nodes and Edges associated with this instance.

track Optional[Track]

An optional Track associated with a unique animal/object across frames or videos.

from_predicted Optional[PredictedInstance]

The PredictedInstance (if any) that this instance was initialized from. This is used with human-in-the-loop workflows.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
@define(auto_attribs=True, slots=True, eq=True)
class Instance:
    """This class represents a ground truth instance such as an animal.

    An `Instance` has a set of landmarks (`Point`s) that correspond to the nodes defined
    in its `Skeleton`.

    It may also be associated with a `Track` which links multiple instances together
    across frames or videos.

        points: A dictionary with keys as `Node`s and values as `Point`s containing all
            of the landmarks of the instance. This can also be specified as a dictionary
            with node names, a list of length `n_nodes`, or a numpy array of shape
            `(n_nodes, 2)`.
        skeleton: The `Skeleton` that describes the `Node`s and `Edge`s associated with
            this instance.
        track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across frames
            or videos.
        from_predicted: The `PredictedInstance` (if any) that this instance was
            initialized from. This is used with human-in-the-loop workflows.

    _POINT_TYPE = Point

    def _make_default_point(self, x, y):
        return self._POINT_TYPE(x, y, visible=not (math.isnan(x) or math.isnan(y)))

    def _convert_points(self, attr, points):
        """Maintain points mappings between nodes and points."""
        if type(points) == np.ndarray:
            points = points.tolist()

        if type(points) == list:
            if len(points) != len(self.skeleton):
                raise ValueError(
                    "If specifying points as a list, must provide as many points as "
                    "nodes in the skeleton."
            points = {node: pt for node, pt in zip(self.skeleton.nodes, points)}

        if type(points) == dict:
            keys = [
                node if type(node) == Node else self.skeleton[node]
                for node in points.keys()
            vals = [
                    if type(point) == self._POINT_TYPE
                    else self._make_default_point(*point)
                for point in points.values()
            points = {k: v for k, v in zip(keys, vals)}

        missing_nodes = list(set(self.skeleton.nodes) - set(points.keys()))
        for node in missing_nodes:
            points[node] = self._make_default_point(x=np.nan, y=np.nan)

        return points

    points: Union[dict[Node, Point], dict[Node, PredictedPoint]] = field(
        on_setattr=_convert_points, eq=cmp_using(eq=_compare_points)  # type: ignore
    skeleton: Skeleton
    track: Optional[Track] = None
    from_predicted: Optional[PredictedInstance] = None

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        """Maintain point mappings between node and points after initialization."""
        super().__setattr__("points", self._convert_points(None, self.points))

    def __getitem__(self, node: Union[int, str, Node]) -> Optional[Point]:
        """Return the point associated with a node or `None` if not set."""
        if (type(node) == int) or (type(node) == str):
            node = self.skeleton[node]
        if isinstance(node, Node):
            return self.points.get(node, None)
            raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for instance: {node}")

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of points in the instance."""
        return len(self.points)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return a readable representation of the instance."""
        pts = self.numpy().tolist()
        track = f'"{}"' if self.track is not None else self.track

        return f"Instance(points={pts}, track={track})"

    def n_visible(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of visible points in the instance."""
        return sum(pt.visible for pt in self.points.values())

    def is_empty(self) -> bool:
        """Return `True` if no points are visible on the instance."""
        return self.n_visible == 0

    def from_numpy(
        cls, points: np.ndarray, skeleton: Skeleton, track: Optional[Track] = None
    ) -> "Instance":
        """Create an instance object from a numpy array.

            points: A numpy array of shape `(n_nodes, 2)` corresponding to the points of
                the skeleton. Values of `np.nan` indicate "missing" nodes.
            skeleton: The `Skeleton` that this `Instance` is associated with. It should
                have `n_nodes` nodes.
            track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across
                frames or videos.
        return cls(
            points=points, skeleton=skeleton, track=track  # type: ignore[arg-type]

    def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the instance points as a numpy array."""
        pts = np.full((len(self.skeleton), 2), np.nan)
        for node, point in self.points.items():
            if point.visible:
                pts[self.skeleton.index(node)] = point.numpy()
        return pts

is_empty: bool property

Return True if no points are visible on the instance.

n_visible: int property

Return the number of visible points in the instance.


Maintain point mappings between node and points after initialization.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
    """Maintain point mappings between node and points after initialization."""
    super().__setattr__("points", self._convert_points(None, self.points))


Return the point associated with a node or None if not set.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(self, node: Union[int, str, Node]) -> Optional[Point]:
    """Return the point associated with a node or `None` if not set."""
    if (type(node) == int) or (type(node) == str):
        node = self.skeleton[node]
    if isinstance(node, Node):
        return self.points.get(node, None)
        raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for instance: {node}")


Return the number of points in the instance.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Return the number of points in the instance."""
    return len(self.points)


Return a readable representation of the instance.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return a readable representation of the instance."""
    pts = self.numpy().tolist()
    track = f'"{}"' if self.track is not None else self.track

    return f"Instance(points={pts}, track={track})"

from_numpy(points, skeleton, track=None) classmethod

Create an instance object from a numpy array.


Name Type Description Default
points ndarray

A numpy array of shape (n_nodes, 2) corresponding to the points of the skeleton. Values of np.nan indicate "missing" nodes.

skeleton Skeleton

The Skeleton that this Instance is associated with. It should have n_nodes nodes.

track Optional[Track]

An optional Track associated with a unique animal/object across frames or videos.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def from_numpy(
    cls, points: np.ndarray, skeleton: Skeleton, track: Optional[Track] = None
) -> "Instance":
    """Create an instance object from a numpy array.

        points: A numpy array of shape `(n_nodes, 2)` corresponding to the points of
            the skeleton. Values of `np.nan` indicate "missing" nodes.
        skeleton: The `Skeleton` that this `Instance` is associated with. It should
            have `n_nodes` nodes.
        track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across
            frames or videos.
    return cls(
        points=points, skeleton=skeleton, track=track  # type: ignore[arg-type]


Return the instance points as a numpy array.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return the instance points as a numpy array."""
    pts = np.full((len(self.skeleton), 2), np.nan)
    for node, point in self.points.items():
        if point.visible:
            pts[self.skeleton.index(node)] = point.numpy()
    return pts


A 2D spatial landmark and metadata associated with annotation.


Name Type Description
x float

The horizontal pixel location of point in image coordinates.

y float

The vertical pixel location of point in image coordinates.

visible bool

Whether point is visible in the image or not.

complete bool

Has the point been verified by the user labeler.

Class variables

eq_atol: Controls absolute tolerence allowed in x and y when comparing two Points for equality. eq_rtol: Controls relative tolerence allowed in x and y when comparing two Points for equality.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Point:
    """A 2D spatial landmark and metadata associated with annotation.

        x: The horizontal pixel location of point in image coordinates.
        y: The vertical pixel location of point in image coordinates.
        visible: Whether point is visible in the image or not.
        complete: Has the point been verified by the user labeler.

    Class variables:
        eq_atol: Controls absolute tolerence allowed in `x` and `y` when comparing two
            `Point`s for equality.
        eq_rtol: Controls relative tolerence allowed in `x` and `y` when comparing two
            `Point`s for equality.


    eq_atol: ClassVar[float] = 1e-08
    eq_rtol: ClassVar[float] = 0

    x: float
    y: float
    visible: bool = True
    complete: bool = False

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        """Compare `self` and `other` for equality.

        Precision error between the respective `x` and `y` properties of two
        instances may be allowed or controlled via the `Point.eq_atol` and
        `Point.eq_rtol` class variables. Set to zero to disable their effect.
        Internally, `numpy.isclose()` is used for the comparison:

            other: Instance of `Point` to compare to.

            Returns True if all attributes of `self` and `other` are the identical
                (possibly allowing precision error for `x` and `y` attributes).
        # Check that other is a Point.
        if type(other) is not type(self):
            return False

        # We know that we have some kind of point at this point.
        other = cast(Point, other)

        return bool(
                    [self.x, self.y],
                    [other.x, other.y],
            and (self.visible == other.visible)
            and (self.complete == other.complete)

    def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the coordinates as a numpy array of shape `(2,)`."""
        return np.array([self.x, self.y]) if self.visible else np.full((2,), np.nan)


Compare self and other for equality.

Precision error between the respective x and y properties of two instances may be allowed or controlled via the Point.eq_atol and Point.eq_rtol class variables. Set to zero to disable their effect. Internally, numpy.isclose() is used for the comparison:


Name Type Description Default
other object

Instance of Point to compare to.



Type Description

Returns True if all attributes of self and other are the identical (possibly allowing precision error for x and y attributes).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
    """Compare `self` and `other` for equality.

    Precision error between the respective `x` and `y` properties of two
    instances may be allowed or controlled via the `Point.eq_atol` and
    `Point.eq_rtol` class variables. Set to zero to disable their effect.
    Internally, `numpy.isclose()` is used for the comparison:

        other: Instance of `Point` to compare to.

        Returns True if all attributes of `self` and `other` are the identical
            (possibly allowing precision error for `x` and `y` attributes).
    # Check that other is a Point.
    if type(other) is not type(self):
        return False

    # We know that we have some kind of point at this point.
    other = cast(Point, other)

    return bool(
                [self.x, self.y],
                [other.x, other.y],
        and (self.visible == other.visible)
        and (self.complete == other.complete)


Return the coordinates as a numpy array of shape (2,).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return the coordinates as a numpy array of shape `(2,)`."""
    return np.array([self.x, self.y]) if self.visible else np.full((2,), np.nan)


Bases: Instance

A PredictedInstance is an Instance that was predicted using a model.


Name Type Description

The Skeleton that this Instance is associated with.


A dictionary where keys are Skeleton nodes and values are Points.


An optional Track associated with a unique animal/object across frames or videos.

from_predicted Optional[PredictedInstance]

Not applicable in PredictedInstances (must be set to None).

score float

The instance detection or part grouping prediction score. This is a scalar that represents the confidence with which this entire instance was predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model type.

tracking_score Optional[float]

The score associated with the Track assignment. This is typically the value from the score matrix used in an identity assignment.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class PredictedInstance(Instance):
    """A `PredictedInstance` is an `Instance` that was predicted using a model.

        skeleton: The `Skeleton` that this `Instance` is associated with.
        points: A dictionary where keys are `Skeleton` nodes and values are `Point`s.
        track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across frames
            or videos.
        from_predicted: Not applicable in `PredictedInstance`s (must be set to `None`).
        score: The instance detection or part grouping prediction score. This is a
            scalar that represents the confidence with which this entire instance was
            predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model type.
        tracking_score: The score associated with the `Track` assignment. This is
            typically the value from the score matrix used in an identity assignment.

    _POINT_TYPE = PredictedPoint

    from_predicted: Optional[PredictedInstance] = field(
        default=None, validator=validators.instance_of(type(None))
    score: float = 0.0
    tracking_score: Optional[float] = 0

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return a readable representation of the instance."""
        pts = self.numpy().tolist()
        track = f'"{}"' if self.track is not None else self.track

        score = str(self.score) if self.score is None else f"{self.score:.2f}"
        tracking_score = (
            if self.tracking_score is None
            else f"{self.tracking_score:.2f}"
        return (
            f"PredictedInstance(points={pts}, track={track}, "
            f"score={score}, tracking_score={tracking_score})"

    def from_numpy(  # type: ignore[override]
        points: np.ndarray,
        point_scores: np.ndarray,
        instance_score: float,
        skeleton: Skeleton,
        tracking_score: Optional[float] = None,
        track: Optional[Track] = None,
    ) -> "PredictedInstance":
        """Create an instance object from a numpy array.

            points: A numpy array of shape `(n_nodes, 2)` corresponding to the points of
                the skeleton. Values of `np.nan` indicate "missing" nodes.
            point_scores: The points-level prediction score. This is an array that
                represents the confidence with which each point in the instance was
                predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model
            instance_score: The instance detection or part grouping prediction score.
                This is a scalar that represents the confidence with which this entire
                instance was predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on
                the model type.
            skeleton: The `Skeleton` that this `Instance` is associated with. It should
                have `n_nodes` nodes.
            tracking_score: The score associated with the `Track` assignment. This is
                typically the value from the score matrix used in an identity
            track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across
                frames or videos.
        node_points = {
            node: PredictedPoint(pt[0], pt[1], score=score)
            for node, pt, score in zip(skeleton.nodes, points, point_scores)
        return cls(

    def numpy(self, scores: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the instance points as a numpy array."""
        pts = np.full((len(self.skeleton), 3), np.nan)
        for node, point in self.points.items():
            if point.visible:
                pts[self.skeleton.index(node)] = point.numpy()
        if not scores:
            pts = pts[:, :2]
        return pts


Return a readable representation of the instance.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return a readable representation of the instance."""
    pts = self.numpy().tolist()
    track = f'"{}"' if self.track is not None else self.track

    score = str(self.score) if self.score is None else f"{self.score:.2f}"
    tracking_score = (
        if self.tracking_score is None
        else f"{self.tracking_score:.2f}"
    return (
        f"PredictedInstance(points={pts}, track={track}, "
        f"score={score}, tracking_score={tracking_score})"

from_numpy(points, point_scores, instance_score, skeleton, tracking_score=None, track=None) classmethod

Create an instance object from a numpy array.


Name Type Description Default
points ndarray

A numpy array of shape (n_nodes, 2) corresponding to the points of the skeleton. Values of np.nan indicate "missing" nodes.

point_scores ndarray

The points-level prediction score. This is an array that represents the confidence with which each point in the instance was predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model type.

instance_score float

The instance detection or part grouping prediction score. This is a scalar that represents the confidence with which this entire instance was predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model type.

skeleton Skeleton

The Skeleton that this Instance is associated with. It should have n_nodes nodes.

tracking_score Optional[float]

The score associated with the Track assignment. This is typically the value from the score matrix used in an identity assignment.

track Optional[Track]

An optional Track associated with a unique animal/object across frames or videos.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def from_numpy(  # type: ignore[override]
    points: np.ndarray,
    point_scores: np.ndarray,
    instance_score: float,
    skeleton: Skeleton,
    tracking_score: Optional[float] = None,
    track: Optional[Track] = None,
) -> "PredictedInstance":
    """Create an instance object from a numpy array.

        points: A numpy array of shape `(n_nodes, 2)` corresponding to the points of
            the skeleton. Values of `np.nan` indicate "missing" nodes.
        point_scores: The points-level prediction score. This is an array that
            represents the confidence with which each point in the instance was
            predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on the model
        instance_score: The instance detection or part grouping prediction score.
            This is a scalar that represents the confidence with which this entire
            instance was predicted. This may not always be applicable depending on
            the model type.
        skeleton: The `Skeleton` that this `Instance` is associated with. It should
            have `n_nodes` nodes.
        tracking_score: The score associated with the `Track` assignment. This is
            typically the value from the score matrix used in an identity
        track: An optional `Track` associated with a unique animal/object across
            frames or videos.
    node_points = {
        node: PredictedPoint(pt[0], pt[1], score=score)
        for node, pt, score in zip(skeleton.nodes, points, point_scores)
    return cls(


Return the instance points as a numpy array.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def numpy(self, scores: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return the instance points as a numpy array."""
    pts = np.full((len(self.skeleton), 3), np.nan)
    for node, point in self.points.items():
        if point.visible:
            pts[self.skeleton.index(node)] = point.numpy()
    if not scores:
        pts = pts[:, :2]
    return pts


Bases: Point

A predicted point with associated score generated by a prediction model.

It has all the properties of a labeled Point, plus a score.


Name Type Description

The horizontal pixel location of point within image frame.


The vertical pixel location of point within image frame.


Whether point is visible in the image or not.


Has the point been verified by the user labeler.

score float

The point-level prediction score. This is typically the confidence and set to a value between 0 and 1.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class PredictedPoint(Point):
    """A predicted point with associated score generated by a prediction model.

    It has all the properties of a labeled `Point`, plus a `score`.

        x: The horizontal pixel location of point within image frame.
        y: The vertical pixel location of point within image frame.
        visible: Whether point is visible in the image or not.
        complete: Has the point been verified by the user labeler.
        score: The point-level prediction score. This is typically the confidence and
            set to a value between 0 and 1.

    score: float = 0.0

    def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Return the coordinates and score as a numpy array of shape `(3,)`."""
        return (
            np.array([self.x, self.y, self.score])
            if self.visible
            else np.full((3,), np.nan)

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        """Compare `self` and `other` for equality.

        See `Point.__eq__()` for important notes about point equality semantics!

            other: Instance of `PredictedPoint` to compare

            Returns True if all attributes of `self` and `other` are the identical
                (possibly allowing precision error for `x` and `y` attributes).
        if not super().__eq__(other):
            return False

        # we know that we have a point at this point
        other = cast(PredictedPoint, other)

        return self.score == other.score


Compare self and other for equality.

See Point.__eq__() for important notes about point equality semantics!


Name Type Description Default
other object

Instance of PredictedPoint to compare



Type Description

Returns True if all attributes of self and other are the identical (possibly allowing precision error for x and y attributes).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
    """Compare `self` and `other` for equality.

    See `Point.__eq__()` for important notes about point equality semantics!

        other: Instance of `PredictedPoint` to compare

        Returns True if all attributes of `self` and `other` are the identical
            (possibly allowing precision error for `x` and `y` attributes).
    if not super().__eq__(other):
        return False

    # we know that we have a point at this point
    other = cast(PredictedPoint, other)

    return self.score == other.score


Return the coordinates and score as a numpy array of shape (3,).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def numpy(self) -> np.ndarray:
    """Return the coordinates and score as a numpy array of shape `(3,)`."""
    return (
        np.array([self.x, self.y, self.score])
        if self.visible
        else np.full((3,), np.nan)


An object that represents the same animal/object across multiple detections.

This allows tracking of unique entities in the video over time and space.

A Track may also be used to refer to unique identity classes that span multiple videos, such as "female mouse".


Name Type Description
name str

A name given to this track for identification purposes.


Tracks are compared by identity. This means that unique track objects with the same name are considered to be different.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Track:
    """An object that represents the same animal/object across multiple detections.

    This allows tracking of unique entities in the video over time and space.

    A `Track` may also be used to refer to unique identity classes that span multiple
    videos, such as `"female mouse"`.

        name: A name given to this track for identification purposes.

        `Track`s are compared by identity. This means that unique track objects with the
        same name are considered to be different.

    name: str = ""