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Data model for skeletons.

Skeletons are collections of nodes and edges which describe the landmarks associated with a pose model. The edges represent the connections between them and may be used differently depending on the underlying pose model.


A connection between two Node objects within a Skeleton.

This is a directed edge, representing the ordering of Nodes in the Skeleton tree.


Name Type Description
source Node

The origin Node.

destination Node

The destination Node.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Edge:
    """A connection between two `Node` objects within a `Skeleton`.

    This is a directed edge, representing the ordering of `Node`s in the `Skeleton`

        source: The origin `Node`.
        destination: The destination `Node`.

    source: Node
    destination: Node

    def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Node:
        """Return the source `Node` (`idx` is 0) or destination `Node` (`idx` is 1)."""
        if idx == 0:
            return self.source
        elif idx == 1:
            return self.destination
            raise IndexError("Edge only has 2 nodes (source and destination).")


Return the source Node (idx is 0) or destination Node (idx is 1).

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Node:
    """Return the source `Node` (`idx` is 0) or destination `Node` (`idx` is 1)."""
    if idx == 0:
        return self.source
    elif idx == 1:
        return self.destination
        raise IndexError("Edge only has 2 nodes (source and destination).")


A landmark type within a Skeleton.

This typically corresponds to a unique landmark within a skeleton, such as the "left eye".


Name Type Description
name str

Descriptive label for the landmark.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
@define(frozen=True, cache_hash=True)
class Node:
    """A landmark type within a `Skeleton`.

    This typically corresponds to a unique landmark within a skeleton, such as the "left

        name: Descriptive label for the landmark.

    name: str


A description of a set of landmark types and connections between them.

Skeletons are represented by a directed graph composed of a set of Nodes (landmark types such as body parts) and Edges (connections between parts).


Name Type Description
nodes list[Node]

A list of Nodes. May be specified as a list of strings to create new nodes from their names.

edges list[Edge]

A list of Edges. May be specified as a list of 2-tuples of string names or integer indices of nodes. Each edge corresponds to a pair of source and destination nodes forming a directed edge.

symmetries list[Symmetry]

A list of Symmetrys. Each symmetry corresponds to symmetric body parts, such as "left eye", "right eye". This is used when applying flip (reflection) augmentation to images in order to appropriately swap the indices of symmetric landmarks.

name Optional[str]

A descriptive name for the Skeleton.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Skeleton:
    """A description of a set of landmark types and connections between them.

    Skeletons are represented by a directed graph composed of a set of `Node`s (landmark
    types such as body parts) and `Edge`s (connections between parts).

        nodes: A list of `Node`s. May be specified as a list of strings to create new
            nodes from their names.
        edges: A list of `Edge`s. May be specified as a list of 2-tuples of string names
            or integer indices of `nodes`. Each edge corresponds to a pair of source and
            destination nodes forming a directed edge.
        symmetries: A list of `Symmetry`s. Each symmetry corresponds to symmetric body
            parts, such as `"left eye", "right eye"`. This is used when applying flip
            (reflection) augmentation to images in order to appropriately swap the
            indices of symmetric landmarks.
        name: A descriptive name for the `Skeleton`.

    def _update_node_map(self, attr, nodes):
        """Callback for maintaining node name/index to `Node` map."""
        self._node_name_map = { node for node in nodes}
        self._node_ind_map = {node: i for i, node in enumerate(nodes)}

    nodes: list[Node] = field(factory=list, on_setattr=_update_node_map)
    edges: list[Edge] = field(factory=list)
    symmetries: list[Symmetry] = field(factory=list)
    name: Optional[str] = None
    _node_name_map: dict[str, Node] = field(init=False, repr=False, eq=False)
    _node_ind_map: dict[Node, int] = field(init=False, repr=False, eq=False)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        """Ensure nodes are `Node`s, edges are `Edge`s, and `Node` map is updated."""
        self._update_node_map(None, self.nodes)

    def _convert_nodes(self):
        """Convert nodes to `Node` objects if needed."""
        if isinstance(self.nodes, np.ndarray):
            object.__setattr__(self, "nodes", self.nodes.tolist())
        for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
            if type(node) == str:
                self.nodes[i] = Node(node)

    def _convert_edges(self):
        """Convert list of edge names or integers to `Edge` objects if needed."""
        if isinstance(self.edges, np.ndarray):
            self.edges = self.edges.tolist()
        node_names = self.node_names
        for i, edge in enumerate(self.edges):
            if type(edge) == Edge:
            src, dst = edge
            if type(src) == str:
                    src = node_names.index(src)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Node '{src}' specified in the edge list is not in the nodes."
            if type(src) == int or (
                np.isscalar(src) and np.issubdtype(src.dtype, np.integer)
                src = self.nodes[src]

            if type(dst) == str:
                    dst = node_names.index(dst)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Node '{dst}' specified in the edge list is not in the nodes."
            if type(dst) == int or (
                np.isscalar(dst) and np.issubdtype(dst.dtype, np.integer)
                dst = self.nodes[dst]

            self.edges[i] = Edge(src, dst)

    def node_names(self) -> list[str]:
        """Names of the nodes associated with this skeleton as a list of strings."""
        return [ for node in self.nodes]

    def edge_inds(self) -> list[Tuple[int, int]]:
        """Edges indices as a list of 2-tuples."""
        return [
            (self.nodes.index(edge.source), self.nodes.index(edge.destination))
            for edge in self.edges

    def edge_names(self) -> list[str, str]:
        """Edge names as a list of 2-tuples with string node names."""
        return [(, for edge in self.edges]

    def flipped_node_inds(self) -> list[int]:
        """Returns node indices that should be switched when horizontally flipping."""
        flip_idx = np.arange(len(self.nodes))
        if len(self.symmetries) > 0:
            symmetry_inds = np.array(
                [(self.index(a), self.index(b)) for a, b in self.symmetries]
            flip_idx[symmetry_inds[:, 0]] = symmetry_inds[:, 1]
            flip_idx[symmetry_inds[:, 1]] = symmetry_inds[:, 0]

        flip_idx = flip_idx.tolist()
        return flip_idx

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return the number of nodes in the skeleton."""
        return len(self.nodes)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return a readable representation of the skeleton."""
        nodes = ", ".join([f'"{node}"' for node in self.node_names])
        return "Skeleton(" f"nodes=[{nodes}], " f"edges={self.edge_inds}" ")"

    def index(self, node: Node | str) -> int:
        """Return the index of a node specified as a `Node` or string name."""
        if type(node) == str:
            return self.index(self._node_name_map[node])
        elif type(node) == Node:
            return self._node_ind_map[node]
            raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for skeleton: {node}")

    def __getitem__(self, idx: int | str) -> Node:
        """Return a `Node` when indexing by name or integer."""
        if type(idx) == int:
            return self.nodes[idx]
        elif type(idx) == str:
            return self._node_name_map[idx]
            raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for skeleton: {idx}")

    def add_node(self, node: Node | str):
        """Add a `Node` to the skeleton.

            node: A `Node` object or a string name to create a new node.
        if type(node) == str:
            node = Node(node)
        if node not in self.nodes:
            self._update_node_map(None, self.nodes)

    def add_edge(self, src: Edge | Node | str = None, dst: Node | str = None):
        """Add an `Edge` to the skeleton.

            src: The source `Node` or name of the source node.
            dst: The destination `Node` or name of the destination node.
        if type(src) == Edge:
            edge = src
            if edge not in self.edges:
            if edge.source not in self.nodes:
            if edge.destination not in self.nodes:

        if type(src) == str or type(src) == Node:
                src = self.index(src)
            except KeyError:
                src = self.index(src)

        if type(dst) == str or type(dst) == Node:
                dst = self.index(dst)
            except KeyError:
                dst = self.index(dst)

        edge = Edge(self.nodes[src], self.nodes[dst])
        if edge not in self.edges:

    def add_symmetry(
        self, node1: Symmetry | Node | str = None, node2: Node | str = None
        """Add a symmetry relationship to the skeleton.

            node1: The first `Node` or name of the first node.
            node2: The second `Node` or name of the second node.
        if type(node1) == Symmetry:
            if node1 not in self.symmetries:
                for node in node1.nodes:
                    if node not in self.nodes:

        if type(node1) == str or type(node1) == Node:
                node1 = self.index(node1)
            except KeyError:
                node1 = self.index(node1)

        if type(node2) == str or type(node2) == Node:
                node2 = self.index(node2)
            except KeyError:
                node2 = self.index(node2)

        symmetry = Symmetry({self.nodes[node1], self.nodes[node2]})
        if symmetry not in self.symmetries:

edge_inds: list[Tuple[int, int]] property

Edges indices as a list of 2-tuples.

edge_names: list[str, str] property

Edge names as a list of 2-tuples with string node names.

flipped_node_inds: list[int] property

Returns node indices that should be switched when horizontally flipping.

node_names: list[str] property

Names of the nodes associated with this skeleton as a list of strings.


Ensure nodes are Nodes, edges are Edges, and Node map is updated.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
    """Ensure nodes are `Node`s, edges are `Edge`s, and `Node` map is updated."""
    self._update_node_map(None, self.nodes)


Return a Node when indexing by name or integer.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(self, idx: int | str) -> Node:
    """Return a `Node` when indexing by name or integer."""
    if type(idx) == int:
        return self.nodes[idx]
    elif type(idx) == str:
        return self._node_name_map[idx]
        raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for skeleton: {idx}")


Return the number of nodes in the skeleton.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Return the number of nodes in the skeleton."""
    return len(self.nodes)


Return a readable representation of the skeleton.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return a readable representation of the skeleton."""
    nodes = ", ".join([f'"{node}"' for node in self.node_names])
    return "Skeleton(" f"nodes=[{nodes}], " f"edges={self.edge_inds}" ")"

add_edge(src=None, dst=None)

Add an Edge to the skeleton.


Name Type Description Default
src Edge | Node | str

The source Node or name of the source node.

dst Node | str

The destination Node or name of the destination node.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def add_edge(self, src: Edge | Node | str = None, dst: Node | str = None):
    """Add an `Edge` to the skeleton.

        src: The source `Node` or name of the source node.
        dst: The destination `Node` or name of the destination node.
    if type(src) == Edge:
        edge = src
        if edge not in self.edges:
        if edge.source not in self.nodes:
        if edge.destination not in self.nodes:

    if type(src) == str or type(src) == Node:
            src = self.index(src)
        except KeyError:
            src = self.index(src)

    if type(dst) == str or type(dst) == Node:
            dst = self.index(dst)
        except KeyError:
            dst = self.index(dst)

    edge = Edge(self.nodes[src], self.nodes[dst])
    if edge not in self.edges:


Add a Node to the skeleton.


Name Type Description Default
node Node | str

A Node object or a string name to create a new node.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def add_node(self, node: Node | str):
    """Add a `Node` to the skeleton.

        node: A `Node` object or a string name to create a new node.
    if type(node) == str:
        node = Node(node)
    if node not in self.nodes:
        self._update_node_map(None, self.nodes)

add_symmetry(node1=None, node2=None)

Add a symmetry relationship to the skeleton.


Name Type Description Default
node1 Symmetry | Node | str

The first Node or name of the first node.

node2 Node | str

The second Node or name of the second node.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def add_symmetry(
    self, node1: Symmetry | Node | str = None, node2: Node | str = None
    """Add a symmetry relationship to the skeleton.

        node1: The first `Node` or name of the first node.
        node2: The second `Node` or name of the second node.
    if type(node1) == Symmetry:
        if node1 not in self.symmetries:
            for node in node1.nodes:
                if node not in self.nodes:

    if type(node1) == str or type(node1) == Node:
            node1 = self.index(node1)
        except KeyError:
            node1 = self.index(node1)

    if type(node2) == str or type(node2) == Node:
            node2 = self.index(node2)
        except KeyError:
            node2 = self.index(node2)

    symmetry = Symmetry({self.nodes[node1], self.nodes[node2]})
    if symmetry not in self.symmetries:


Return the index of a node specified as a Node or string name.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def index(self, node: Node | str) -> int:
    """Return the index of a node specified as a `Node` or string name."""
    if type(node) == str:
        return self.index(self._node_name_map[node])
    elif type(node) == Node:
        return self._node_ind_map[node]
        raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for skeleton: {node}")


A relationship between a pair of nodes denoting their left/right pairing.


Name Type Description
nodes set[Node]

A set of two Nodes.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Symmetry:
    """A relationship between a pair of nodes denoting their left/right pairing.

        nodes: A set of two `Node`s.

    nodes: set[Node] = field(converter=set, validator=lambda _, __, val: len(val) == 2)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over the symmetric nodes."""
        return iter(self.nodes)

    def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Node:
        """Return the first node."""
        for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
            if i == idx:
                return node


Return the first node.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Node:
    """Return the first node."""
    for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
        if i == idx:
            return node


Iterate over the symmetric nodes.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __iter__(self):
    """Iterate over the symmetric nodes."""
    return iter(self.nodes)