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Data structure for the labels, a top-level container for pose data.

Labels contain LabeledFrames, which in turn contain Instances, which contain Points.

This structure also maintains metadata that is common across all child objects such as Tracks, Videos, Skeletons and others.

It is intended to be the entrypoint for deserialization and main container that should be used for serialization. It is designed to support both labeled data (used for training models) and predictions (inference results).


Name Description

Pose data for a set of videos that have user labels and/or predictions.


Pose data for a set of videos that have user labels and/or predictions.


Name Type Description
labeled_frames list[LabeledFrame]

A list of LabeledFrames that are associated with this dataset.

videos list[Video]

A list of Videos that are associated with this dataset. Videos do not need to have corresponding LabeledFrames if they do not have any labels or predictions yet.

skeletons list[Skeleton]

A list of Skeletons that are associated with this dataset. This should generally only contain a single skeleton.

tracks list[Track]

A list of Tracks that are associated with this dataset.

suggestions list[SuggestionFrame]

A list of SuggestionFrames that are associated with this dataset.

provenance dict[str, Any]

Dictionary of arbitrary metadata providing additional information about where the dataset came from.


Videos in contain LabeledFrames, and Skeletons and Tracks in contained Instances are added to the respective lists automatically.


Name Description

Append videos, skeletons, and tracks seen in labeled_frames to Labels.


Return one or more labeled frames based on indexing criteria.


Iterate over labeled_frames list when calling iter method on Labels.


Return number of labeled frames.


Return a readable representation of the labels.


Return a readable representation of the labels.


Append a labeled frame to the labels.


Remove empty frames, unused skeletons, tracks and videos.


Append a labeled frame to the labels.


Extract a set of frames into a new Labels object.


Search for labeled frames given video and/or frame index.


Make splits for training with embedded images.


Construct a numpy array from instance points.


Remove nodes from the skeleton.


Remove all predicted instances from the labels.


Rename nodes in the skeleton.


Reorder nodes in the skeleton.


Replace video filenames.


Replace the skeleton in the labels.


Replace videos and update all references.


Save labels to file in specified format.


Separate the labels into random splits.


Trim the labels to a subset of frames and videos accordingly.


Update data structures based on contents.


Name Type Description
instances Iterator[Instance]

Return an iterator over all instances within all labeled frames.

skeleton Skeleton

Return the skeleton if there is only a single skeleton in the labels.

user_labeled_frames list[LabeledFrame]

Return all labeled frames with user (non-predicted) instances.

video Video

Return the video if there is only a single video in the labels.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
class Labels:
    """Pose data for a set of videos that have user labels and/or predictions.

        labeled_frames: A list of `LabeledFrame`s that are associated with this dataset.
        videos: A list of `Video`s that are associated with this dataset. Videos do not
            need to have corresponding `LabeledFrame`s if they do not have any
            labels or predictions yet.
        skeletons: A list of `Skeleton`s that are associated with this dataset. This
            should generally only contain a single skeleton.
        tracks: A list of `Track`s that are associated with this dataset.
        suggestions: A list of `SuggestionFrame`s that are associated with this dataset.
        provenance: Dictionary of arbitrary metadata providing additional information
            about where the dataset came from.

        `Video`s in contain `LabeledFrame`s, and `Skeleton`s and `Track`s in contained
        `Instance`s are added to the respective lists automatically.

    labeled_frames: list[LabeledFrame] = field(factory=list)
    videos: list[Video] = field(factory=list)
    skeletons: list[Skeleton] = field(factory=list)
    tracks: list[Track] = field(factory=list)
    suggestions: list[SuggestionFrame] = field(factory=list)
    provenance: dict[str, Any] = field(factory=dict)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self):
        """Append videos, skeletons, and tracks seen in `labeled_frames` to `Labels`."""

    def update(self):
        """Update data structures based on contents.

        This function will update the list of skeletons, videos and tracks from the
        labeled frames, instances and suggestions.
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:
            if not in self.videos:

            for inst in lf:
                if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

                if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

        for sf in self.suggestions:
            if not in self.videos:

    def __getitem__(
        self, key: int | slice | list[int] | np.ndarray | tuple[Video, int]
    ) -> list[LabeledFrame] | LabeledFrame:
        """Return one or more labeled frames based on indexing criteria."""
        if type(key) == int:
            return self.labeled_frames[key]
        elif type(key) == slice:
            return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
        elif type(key) == list:
            return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in key]
        elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray):
            return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in key.tolist()]
        elif type(key) == tuple and len(key) == 2:
            video, frame_idx = key
            res = self.find(video, frame_idx)
            if len(res) == 1:
                return res[0]
            elif len(res) == 0:
                raise IndexError(
                    f"No labeled frames found for video {video} and "
                    f"frame index {frame_idx}."
        elif type(key) == Video:
            res = self.find(key)
            if len(res) == 0:
                raise IndexError(f"No labeled frames found for video {key}.")
            return res
            raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for labels: {key}")

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterate over `labeled_frames` list when calling iter method on `Labels`."""
        return iter(self.labeled_frames)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Return number of labeled frames."""
        return len(self.labeled_frames)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        """Return a readable representation of the labels."""
        return (
            f"labeled_frames={len(self.labeled_frames)}, "
            f"videos={len(self.videos)}, "
            f"skeletons={len(self.skeletons)}, "
            f"tracks={len(self.tracks)}, "

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Return a readable representation of the labels."""
        return self.__repr__()

    def append(self, lf: LabeledFrame, update: bool = True):
        """Append a labeled frame to the labels.

            lf: A labeled frame to add to the labels.
            update: If `True` (the default), update list of videos, tracks and
                skeletons from the contents.

        if update:
            if not in self.videos:

            for inst in lf:
                if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

                if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

    def extend(self, lfs: list[LabeledFrame], update: bool = True):
        """Append a labeled frame to the labels.

            lfs: A list of labeled frames to add to the labels.
            update: If `True` (the default), update list of videos, tracks and
                skeletons from the contents.

        if update:
            for lf in lfs:
                if not in self.videos:

                for inst in lf:
                    if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

                    if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

    def numpy(
        video: Optional[Union[Video, int]] = None,
        all_frames: bool = True,
        untracked: bool = False,
        return_confidence: bool = False,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        """Construct a numpy array from instance points.

            video: Video or video index to convert to numpy arrays. If `None` (the
                default), uses the first video.
            untracked: If `False` (the default), include only instances that have a
                track assignment. If `True`, includes all instances in each frame in
                arbitrary order.
            return_confidence: If `False` (the default), only return points of nodes. If
                `True`, return the points and scores of nodes.

            An array of tracks of shape `(n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 2)` if
            `return_confidence` is `False`. Otherwise returned shape is
            `(n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 3)` if `return_confidence` is `True`.

            Missing data will be replaced with `np.nan`.

            If this is a single instance project, a track does not need to be assigned.

            Only predicted instances (NOT user instances) will be returned.

            This method assumes that instances have tracks assigned and is intended to
            function primarily for single-video prediction results.
        # Get labeled frames for specified video.
        if video is None:
            video = 0
        if type(video) == int:
            video = self.videos[video]
        lfs = [lf for lf in self.labeled_frames if == video]

        # Figure out frame index range.
        first_frame, last_frame = 0, 0
        for lf in lfs:
            first_frame = min(first_frame, lf.frame_idx)
            last_frame = max(last_frame, lf.frame_idx)

        # Figure out the number of tracks based on number of instances in each frame.
        # First, let's check the max number of predicted instances (regardless of
        # whether they're tracked.
        n_preds = 0
        for lf in lfs:
            n_pred_instances = len(lf.predicted_instances)
            n_preds = max(n_preds, n_pred_instances)

        # Case 1: We don't care about order because there's only 1 instance per frame,
        # or we're considering untracked instances.
        untracked = untracked or n_preds == 1
        if untracked:
            n_tracks = n_preds
            # Case 2: We're considering only tracked instances.
            n_tracks = len(self.tracks)

        n_frames = int(last_frame - first_frame + 1)
        skeleton = self.skeletons[-1]  # Assume project only uses last skeleton
        n_nodes = len(skeleton.nodes)

        if return_confidence:
            tracks = np.full((n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 3), np.nan, dtype="float32")
            tracks = np.full((n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 2), np.nan, dtype="float32")
        for lf in lfs:
            i = int(lf.frame_idx - first_frame)
            if untracked:
                for j, inst in enumerate(lf.predicted_instances):
                    tracks[i, j] = inst.numpy(scores=return_confidence)
                tracked_instances = [
                    for inst in lf.instances
                    if type(inst) == PredictedInstance and inst.track is not None
                for inst in tracked_instances:
                    j = self.tracks.index(inst.track)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                    tracks[i, j] = inst.numpy(scores=return_confidence)

        return tracks

    def video(self) -> Video:
        """Return the video if there is only a single video in the labels."""
        if len(self.videos) == 0:
            raise ValueError("There are no videos in the labels.")
        elif len(self.videos) == 1:
            return self.videos[0]
            raise ValueError(
                " can only be used when there is only a single video saved "
                "in the labels. Use Labels.videos instead."

    def skeleton(self) -> Skeleton:
        """Return the skeleton if there is only a single skeleton in the labels."""
        if len(self.skeletons) == 0:
            raise ValueError("There are no skeletons in the labels.")
        elif len(self.skeletons) == 1:
            return self.skeletons[0]
            raise ValueError(
                "Labels.skeleton can only be used when there is only a single skeleton "
                "saved in the labels. Use Labels.skeletons instead."

    def find(
        video: Video,
        frame_idx: int | list[int] | None = None,
        return_new: bool = False,
    ) -> list[LabeledFrame]:
        """Search for labeled frames given video and/or frame index.

            video: A `Video` that is associated with the project.
            frame_idx: The frame index (or indices) which we want to find in the video.
                If a range is specified, we'll return all frames with indices in that
                range. If not specific, then we'll return all labeled frames for video.
            return_new: Whether to return singleton of new and empty `LabeledFrame` if
                none are found in project.

            List of `LabeledFrame` objects that match the criteria.

            The list will be empty if no matches found, unless return_new is True, in
            which case it contains new (empty) `LabeledFrame` objects with `video` and
            `frame_index` set.
        results = []

        if frame_idx is None:
            for lf in self.labeled_frames:
                if == video:
            return results

        if np.isscalar(frame_idx):
            frame_idx = np.array(frame_idx).reshape(-1)

        for frame_ind in frame_idx:
            result = None
            for lf in self.labeled_frames:
                if == video and lf.frame_idx == frame_ind:
                    result = lf
            if result is None and return_new:
                results.append(LabeledFrame(video=video, frame_idx=frame_ind))

        return results

    def save(
        filename: str,
        format: Optional[str] = None,
        embed: bool | str | list[tuple[Video, int]] | None = None,
        """Save labels to file in specified format.

            filename: Path to save labels to.
            format: The format to save the labels in. If `None`, the format will be
                inferred from the file extension. Available formats are `"slp"`,
                `"nwb"`, `"labelstudio"`, and `"jabs"`.
            embed: Frames to embed in the saved labels file. One of `None`, `True`,
                `"all"`, `"user"`, `"suggestions"`, `"user+suggestions"`, `"source"` or
                list of tuples of `(video, frame_idx)`.

                If `None` is specified (the default) and the labels contains embedded
                frames, those embedded frames will be re-saved to the new file.

                If `True` or `"all"`, all labeled frames and suggested frames will be

                If `"source"` is specified, no images will be embedded and the source
                video will be restored if available.

                This argument is only valid for the SLP backend.
        from sleap_io import save_file

        save_file(self, filename, format=format, embed=embed, **kwargs)

    def clean(
        frames: bool = True,
        empty_instances: bool = False,
        skeletons: bool = True,
        tracks: bool = True,
        videos: bool = False,
        """Remove empty frames, unused skeletons, tracks and videos.

            frames: If `True` (the default), remove empty frames.
            empty_instances: If `True` (NOT default), remove instances that have no
                visible points.
            skeletons: If `True` (the default), remove unused skeletons.
            tracks: If `True` (the default), remove unused tracks.
            videos: If `True` (NOT default), remove videos that have no labeled frames.
        used_skeletons = []
        used_tracks = []
        used_videos = []
        kept_frames = []
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:

            if empty_instances:

            if frames and len(lf) == 0:

            if videos and not in used_videos:

            if skeletons or tracks:
                for inst in lf:
                    if skeletons and inst.skeleton not in used_skeletons:
                    if (
                        and inst.track is not None
                        and inst.track not in used_tracks

            if frames:

        if videos:
            self.videos = [video for video in self.videos if video in used_videos]

        if skeletons:
            self.skeletons = [
                skeleton for skeleton in self.skeletons if skeleton in used_skeletons

        if tracks:
            self.tracks = [track for track in self.tracks if track in used_tracks]

        if frames:
            self.labeled_frames = kept_frames

    def remove_predictions(self, clean: bool = True):
        """Remove all predicted instances from the labels.

            clean: If `True` (the default), also remove any empty frames and unused
                tracks and skeletons. It does NOT remove videos that have no labeled
                frames or instances with no visible points.

        See also: `Labels.clean`
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:

        if clean:

    def user_labeled_frames(self) -> list[LabeledFrame]:
        """Return all labeled frames with user (non-predicted) instances."""
        return [lf for lf in self.labeled_frames if lf.has_user_instances]

    def instances(self) -> Iterator[Instance]:
        """Return an iterator over all instances within all labeled frames."""
        return (instance for lf in self.labeled_frames for instance in lf.instances)

    def rename_nodes(
        name_map: dict[NodeOrIndex, str] | list[str],
        skeleton: Skeleton | None = None,
        """Rename nodes in the skeleton.

            name_map: A dictionary mapping old node names to new node names. Keys can be
                specified as `Node` objects, integer indices, or string names. Values
                must be specified as string names.

                If a list of strings is provided of the same length as the current
                nodes, the nodes will be renamed to the names in the list in order.
            skeleton: `Skeleton` to update. If `None` (the default), assumes there is
                only one skeleton in the labels and raises `ValueError` otherwise.

            ValueError: If the new node names exist in the skeleton, if the old node
                names are not found in the skeleton, or if there is more than one
                skeleton in the `Labels` but it is not specified.

            This method is recommended over `Skeleton.rename_nodes` as it will update
            all instances in the labels to reflect the new node names.

            >>> labels = Labels(skeletons=[Skeleton(["A", "B", "C"])])
            >>> labels.rename_nodes({"A": "X", "B": "Y", "C": "Z"})
            >>> labels.skeleton.node_names
            ["X", "Y", "Z"]
            >>> labels.rename_nodes(["a", "b", "c"])
            >>> labels.skeleton.node_names
            ["a", "b", "c"]
        if skeleton is None:
            if len(self.skeletons) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Skeleton must be specified when there is more than one skeleton in "
                    "the labels."
            skeleton = self.skeleton


    def remove_nodes(self, nodes: list[NodeOrIndex], skeleton: Skeleton | None = None):
        """Remove nodes from the skeleton.

            nodes: A list of node names, indices, or `Node` objects to remove.
            skeleton: `Skeleton` to update. If `None` (the default), assumes there is
                only one skeleton in the labels and raises `ValueError` otherwise.

            ValueError: If the nodes are not found in the skeleton, or if there is more
                than one skeleton in the `Labels` but it is not specified.

            This method should always be used when removing nodes from the skeleton as
            it handles updating the lookup caches necessary for indexing nodes by name,
            and updating instances to reflect the changes made to the skeleton.

            Any edges and symmetries that are connected to the removed nodes will also
            be removed.
        if skeleton is None:
            if len(self.skeletons) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Skeleton must be specified when there is more than one skeleton "
                    "in the labels."
            skeleton = self.skeleton


        for inst in self.instances:
            if inst.skeleton == skeleton:

    def reorder_nodes(
        self, new_order: list[NodeOrIndex], skeleton: Skeleton | None = None
        """Reorder nodes in the skeleton.

            new_order: A list of node names, indices, or `Node` objects specifying the
                new order of the nodes.
            skeleton: `Skeleton` to update. If `None` (the default), assumes there is
                only one skeleton in the labels and raises `ValueError` otherwise.

            ValueError: If the new order of nodes is not the same length as the current
                nodes, or if there is more than one skeleton in the `Labels` but it is
                not specified.

            This method handles updating the lookup caches necessary for indexing nodes
            by name, as well as updating instances to reflect the changes made to the
        if skeleton is None:
            if len(self.skeletons) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Skeleton must be specified when there is more than one skeleton "
                    "in the labels."
            skeleton = self.skeleton


        for inst in self.instances:
            if inst.skeleton == skeleton:

    def replace_skeleton(
        new_skeleton: Skeleton,
        old_skeleton: Skeleton | None = None,
        node_map: dict[NodeOrIndex, NodeOrIndex] | None = None,
        """Replace the skeleton in the labels.

            new_skeleton: The new `Skeleton` to replace the old skeleton with.
            old_skeleton: The old `Skeleton` to replace. If `None` (the default),
                assumes there is only one skeleton in the labels and raises `ValueError`
            node_map: Dictionary mapping nodes in the old skeleton to nodes in the new
                skeleton. Keys and values can be specified as `Node` objects, integer
                indices, or string names. If not provided, only nodes with identical
                names will be mapped. Points associated with unmapped nodes will be

            ValueError: If there is more than one skeleton in the `Labels` but it is not

            This method will replace the skeleton in all instances in the labels that
            have the old skeleton. **All point data associated with nodes not in the
            `node_map` will be lost.**
        if old_skeleton is None:
            if len(self.skeletons) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Old skeleton must be specified when there is more than one "
                    "skeleton in the labels."
            old_skeleton = self.skeleton

        if node_map is None:
            node_map = {}
            for old_node in old_skeleton.nodes:
                for new_node in new_skeleton.nodes:
                    if ==
                        node_map[old_node] = new_node
            node_map = {
                    old, add_missing=False
                ): new_skeleton.require_node(new, add_missing=False)
                for old, new in node_map.items()

        # Make new -> old mapping for nodes for efficiency.
        rev_node_map = {new: old for old, new in node_map.items()}

        # Replace the skeleton in the instances.
        for inst in self.instances:
            if inst.skeleton == old_skeleton:
                inst.replace_skeleton(new_skeleton, rev_node_map=rev_node_map)

        # Replace the skeleton in the labels.
        self.skeletons[self.skeletons.index(old_skeleton)] = new_skeleton

    def replace_videos(
        old_videos: list[Video] | None = None,
        new_videos: list[Video] | None = None,
        video_map: dict[Video, Video] | None = None,
        """Replace videos and update all references.

            old_videos: List of videos to be replaced.
            new_videos: List of videos to replace with.
            video_map: Alternative input of dictionary where keys are the old videos and
                values are the new videos.
        if (
            old_videos is None
            and new_videos is not None
            and len(new_videos) == len(self.videos)
            old_videos = self.videos

        if video_map is None:
            video_map = {o: n for o, n in zip(old_videos, new_videos)}

        # Update the labeled frames with the new videos.
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:
            if in video_map:
       = video_map[]

        # Update suggestions with the new videos.
        for sf in self.suggestions:
            if in video_map:
       = video_map[]

        # Update the list of videos.
        self.videos = [video_map.get(video, video) for video in self.videos]

    def replace_filenames(
        new_filenames: list[str | Path] | None = None,
        filename_map: dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None = None,
        prefix_map: dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None = None,
        """Replace video filenames.

            new_filenames: List of new filenames. Must have the same length as the
                number of videos in the labels.
            filename_map: Dictionary mapping old filenames (keys) to new filenames
            prefix_map: Dictonary mapping old prefixes (keys) to new prefixes (values).

            Only one of the argument types can be provided.
        n = 0
        if new_filenames is not None:
            n += 1
        if filename_map is not None:
            n += 1
        if prefix_map is not None:
            n += 1
        if n != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Exactly one input method must be provided to replace filenames."

        if new_filenames is not None:
            if len(self.videos) != len(new_filenames):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Number of new filenames ({len(new_filenames)}) does not match "
                    f"the number of videos ({len(self.videos)})."

            for video, new_filename in zip(self.videos, new_filenames):

        elif filename_map is not None:
            for video in self.videos:
                for old_fn, new_fn in filename_map.items():
                    if type(video.filename) == list:
                        new_fns = []
                        for fn in video.filename:
                            if Path(fn) == Path(old_fn):
                        if Path(video.filename) == Path(old_fn):

        elif prefix_map is not None:
            for video in self.videos:
                for old_prefix, new_prefix in prefix_map.items():
                    old_prefix, new_prefix = Path(old_prefix), Path(new_prefix)

                    if type(video.filename) == list:
                        new_fns = []
                        for fn in video.filename:
                            fn = Path(fn)
                            if fn.as_posix().startswith(old_prefix.as_posix()):
                                new_fns.append(new_prefix / fn.relative_to(old_prefix))
                        fn = Path(video.filename)
                        if fn.as_posix().startswith(old_prefix.as_posix()):
                                new_prefix / fn.relative_to(old_prefix)

    def extract(
        self, inds: list[int] | list[tuple[Video, int]] | np.ndarray, copy: bool = True
    ) -> Labels:
        """Extract a set of frames into a new Labels object.

            inds: Indices of labeled frames. Can be specified as a list of array of
                integer indices of labeled frames or tuples of Video and frame indices.
            copy: If `True` (the default), return a copy of the frames and containing
                objects. Otherwise, return a reference to the data.

            A new `Labels` object containing the selected labels.

            This copies the labeled frames and their associated data, including
            skeletons and tracks, and tries to maintain the relative ordering.

            This also copies the provenance and inserts an extra key: `"source_labels"`
            with the path to the current labels, if available.

            It does NOT copy suggested frames.
        lfs = self[inds]

        if copy:
            lfs = deepcopy(lfs)
        labels = Labels(lfs)

        # Try to keep the lists in the same order.
        track_to_ind = { ind for ind, track in enumerate(self.tracks)}
        labels.tracks = sorted(labels.tracks, key=lambda x: track_to_ind[])

        skel_to_ind = { ind for ind, skel in enumerate(self.skeletons)}
        labels.skeletons = sorted(labels.skeletons, key=lambda x: skel_to_ind[])

        labels.provenance = deepcopy(labels.provenance)
        labels.provenance["source_labels"] = self.provenance.get("filename", None)

        return labels

    def split(self, n: int | float, seed: int | None = None) -> tuple[Labels, Labels]:
        """Separate the labels into random splits.

            n: Size of the first split. If integer >= 1, assumes that this is the number
                of labeled frames in the first split. If < 1.0, this will be treated as
                a fraction of the total labeled frames.
            seed: Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.

            A tuple of `split1, split2`.

            If an integer was specified, `len(split1) == n`.

            If a fraction was specified, `len(split1) == int(n * len(labels))`.

            The second split contains the remainder, i.e.,
            `len(split2) == len(labels) - len(split1)`.

            If there are too few frames, a minimum of 1 frame will be kept in the second

            If there is exactly 1 labeled frame in the labels, the same frame will be
            assigned to both splits.
        n0 = len(self)
        if n0 == 0:
            return self, self
        n1 = n
        if n < 1.0:
            n1 = max(int(n0 * float(n)), 1)
        n2 = max(n0 - n1, 1)
        n1, n2 = int(n1), int(n2)

        rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed)
        inds1 = rng.choice(n0, size=(n1,), replace=False)

        if n0 == 1:
            inds2 = np.array([0])
            inds2 = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(n0), inds1)

        split1 = self.extract(inds1, copy=True)
        split2 = self.extract(inds2, copy=True)

        return split1, split2

    def make_training_splits(
        n_train: int | float,
        n_val: int | float | None = None,
        n_test: int | float | None = None,
        save_dir: str | Path | None = None,
        seed: int | None = None,
        embed: bool = True,
    ) -> tuple[Labels, Labels] | tuple[Labels, Labels, Labels]:
        """Make splits for training with embedded images.

            n_train: Size of the training split as integer or fraction.
            n_val: Size of the validation split as integer or fraction. If `None`,
                this will be inferred based on the values of `n_train` and `n_test`. If
                `n_test` is `None`, this will be the remainder of the data after the
                training split.
            n_test: Size of the testing split as integer or fraction. If `None`, the
                test split will not be saved.
            save_dir: If specified, save splits to SLP files with embedded images.
            seed: Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.
            embed: If `True` (the default), embed user labeled frame images in the saved
                files, which is useful for portability but can be slow for large
                projects. If `False`, labels are saved with references to the source
                videos files.

            A tuple of `labels_train, labels_val` or
            `labels_train, labels_val, labels_test` if `n_test` was specified.

            Predictions and suggestions will be removed before saving, leaving only
            frames with user labeled data (the source labels are not affected).

            Frames with user labeled data will be embedded in the resulting files.

            If `save_dir` is specified, this will save the randomly sampled splits to:

            - `{save_dir}/train.pkg.slp`
            - `{save_dir}/val.pkg.slp`
            - `{save_dir}/test.pkg.slp` (if `n_test` is specified)

            If `embed` is `False`, the files will be saved without embedded images to:

            - `{save_dir}/train.slp`
            - `{save_dir}/val.slp`
            - `{save_dir}/test.slp` (if `n_test` is specified)

        See also: `Labels.split`
        # Clean up labels.
        labels = deepcopy(self)
        labels.suggestions = []

        # Make train split.
        labels_train, labels_rest = labels.split(n_train, seed=seed)

        # Make test split.
        if n_test is not None:
            if n_test < 1:
                n_test = (n_test * len(labels)) / len(labels_rest)
            labels_test, labels_rest = labels_rest.split(n=n_test, seed=seed)

        # Make val split.
        if n_val is not None:
            if n_val < 1:
                n_val = (n_val * len(labels)) / len(labels_rest)
            if isinstance(n_val, float) and n_val == 1.0:
                labels_val = labels_rest
                labels_val, _ = labels_rest.split(n=n_val, seed=seed)
            labels_val = labels_rest

        # Update provenance.
        source_labels = self.provenance.get("filename", None)
        labels_train.provenance["source_labels"] = source_labels
        if n_val is not None:
            labels_val.provenance["source_labels"] = source_labels
        if n_test is not None:
            labels_test.provenance["source_labels"] = source_labels

        # Save.
        if save_dir is not None:
            save_dir = Path(save_dir)
            save_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

            if embed:
       / "train.pkg.slp", embed="user")
       / "val.pkg.slp", embed="user")
       / "test.pkg.slp", embed="user")
       / "train.slp", embed=False)
       / "val.slp", embed=False)
       / "test.slp", embed=False)

        if n_test is None:
            return labels_train, labels_val
            return labels_train, labels_val, labels_test

    def trim(
        save_path: str | Path,
        frame_inds: list[int] | np.ndarray,
        video: Video | int | None = None,
        video_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    ) -> Labels:
        """Trim the labels to a subset of frames and videos accordingly.

            save_path: Path to the trimmed labels SLP file. Video will be saved with the
                same base name but with .mp4 extension.
            frame_inds: Frame indices to save. Can be specified as a list or array of
                frame integers.
            video: Video or integer index of the video to trim. Does not need to be
                specified for single-video projects.
            video_kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments to provide to
                `sio.save_video` for video compression.

            The resulting labels object referencing the trimmed data.

            This will remove any data outside of the trimmed frames, save new videos,
            and adjust the frame indices to match the newly trimmed videos.
        if video is None:
            if len(self.videos) == 1:
                video =
                raise ValueError(
                    "Video needs to be specified when trimming multi-video projects."
        if type(video) == int:
            video = self.videos[video]

        # Write trimmed clip.
        save_path = Path(save_path)
        video_path = save_path.with_suffix(".mp4")
        fidx0, fidx1 = np.min(frame_inds), np.max(frame_inds)
        new_video =
            frame_inds=np.arange(fidx0, fidx1 + 1),

        # Get frames in range.
        # TODO: Create an optimized search function for this access pattern.
        inds = []
        for ind, lf in enumerate(self):
            if == video and lf.frame_idx >= fidx0 and lf.frame_idx <= fidx1:
        trimmed_labels = self.extract(inds, copy=True)

        # Adjust video and frame indices.
        trimmed_labels.videos = [new_video]
        for lf in trimmed_labels:
   = new_video
            lf.frame_idx = lf.frame_idx - fidx0

        # Save.

        return trimmed_labels

instances: Iterator[Instance] property

Return an iterator over all instances within all labeled frames.

skeleton: Skeleton property

Return the skeleton if there is only a single skeleton in the labels.

user_labeled_frames: list[LabeledFrame] property

Return all labeled frames with user (non-predicted) instances.

video: Video property

Return the video if there is only a single video in the labels.


Append videos, skeletons, and tracks seen in labeled_frames to Labels.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
    """Append videos, skeletons, and tracks seen in `labeled_frames` to `Labels`."""


Return one or more labeled frames based on indexing criteria.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __getitem__(
    self, key: int | slice | list[int] | np.ndarray | tuple[Video, int]
) -> list[LabeledFrame] | LabeledFrame:
    """Return one or more labeled frames based on indexing criteria."""
    if type(key) == int:
        return self.labeled_frames[key]
    elif type(key) == slice:
        return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
    elif type(key) == list:
        return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in key]
    elif isinstance(key, np.ndarray):
        return [self.labeled_frames[i] for i in key.tolist()]
    elif type(key) == tuple and len(key) == 2:
        video, frame_idx = key
        res = self.find(video, frame_idx)
        if len(res) == 1:
            return res[0]
        elif len(res) == 0:
            raise IndexError(
                f"No labeled frames found for video {video} and "
                f"frame index {frame_idx}."
    elif type(key) == Video:
        res = self.find(key)
        if len(res) == 0:
            raise IndexError(f"No labeled frames found for video {key}.")
        return res
        raise IndexError(f"Invalid indexing argument for labels: {key}")


Iterate over labeled_frames list when calling iter method on Labels.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __iter__(self):
    """Iterate over `labeled_frames` list when calling iter method on `Labels`."""
    return iter(self.labeled_frames)


Return number of labeled frames.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """Return number of labeled frames."""
    return len(self.labeled_frames)


Return a readable representation of the labels.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __repr__(self) -> str:
    """Return a readable representation of the labels."""
    return (
        f"labeled_frames={len(self.labeled_frames)}, "
        f"videos={len(self.videos)}, "
        f"skeletons={len(self.skeletons)}, "
        f"tracks={len(self.tracks)}, "


Return a readable representation of the labels.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def __str__(self) -> str:
    """Return a readable representation of the labels."""
    return self.__repr__()

append(lf, update=True)

Append a labeled frame to the labels.


Name Type Description Default
lf LabeledFrame

A labeled frame to add to the labels.

update bool

If True (the default), update list of videos, tracks and skeletons from the contents.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def append(self, lf: LabeledFrame, update: bool = True):
    """Append a labeled frame to the labels.

        lf: A labeled frame to add to the labels.
        update: If `True` (the default), update list of videos, tracks and
            skeletons from the contents.

    if update:
        if not in self.videos:

        for inst in lf:
            if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

            if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

clean(frames=True, empty_instances=False, skeletons=True, tracks=True, videos=False)

Remove empty frames, unused skeletons, tracks and videos.


Name Type Description Default
frames bool

If True (the default), remove empty frames.

empty_instances bool

If True (NOT default), remove instances that have no visible points.

skeletons bool

If True (the default), remove unused skeletons.

tracks bool

If True (the default), remove unused tracks.

videos bool

If True (NOT default), remove videos that have no labeled frames.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def clean(
    frames: bool = True,
    empty_instances: bool = False,
    skeletons: bool = True,
    tracks: bool = True,
    videos: bool = False,
    """Remove empty frames, unused skeletons, tracks and videos.

        frames: If `True` (the default), remove empty frames.
        empty_instances: If `True` (NOT default), remove instances that have no
            visible points.
        skeletons: If `True` (the default), remove unused skeletons.
        tracks: If `True` (the default), remove unused tracks.
        videos: If `True` (NOT default), remove videos that have no labeled frames.
    used_skeletons = []
    used_tracks = []
    used_videos = []
    kept_frames = []
    for lf in self.labeled_frames:

        if empty_instances:

        if frames and len(lf) == 0:

        if videos and not in used_videos:

        if skeletons or tracks:
            for inst in lf:
                if skeletons and inst.skeleton not in used_skeletons:
                if (
                    and inst.track is not None
                    and inst.track not in used_tracks

        if frames:

    if videos:
        self.videos = [video for video in self.videos if video in used_videos]

    if skeletons:
        self.skeletons = [
            skeleton for skeleton in self.skeletons if skeleton in used_skeletons

    if tracks:
        self.tracks = [track for track in self.tracks if track in used_tracks]

    if frames:
        self.labeled_frames = kept_frames

extend(lfs, update=True)

Append a labeled frame to the labels.


Name Type Description Default
lfs list[LabeledFrame]

A list of labeled frames to add to the labels.

update bool

If True (the default), update list of videos, tracks and skeletons from the contents.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def extend(self, lfs: list[LabeledFrame], update: bool = True):
    """Append a labeled frame to the labels.

        lfs: A list of labeled frames to add to the labels.
        update: If `True` (the default), update list of videos, tracks and
            skeletons from the contents.

    if update:
        for lf in lfs:
            if not in self.videos:

            for inst in lf:
                if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

                if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

extract(inds, copy=True)

Extract a set of frames into a new Labels object.


Name Type Description Default
inds list[int] | list[tuple[Video, int]] | ndarray

Indices of labeled frames. Can be specified as a list of array of integer indices of labeled frames or tuples of Video and frame indices.

copy bool

If True (the default), return a copy of the frames and containing objects. Otherwise, return a reference to the data.



Type Description

A new Labels object containing the selected labels.


This copies the labeled frames and their associated data, including skeletons and tracks, and tries to maintain the relative ordering.

This also copies the provenance and inserts an extra key: "source_labels" with the path to the current labels, if available.

It does NOT copy suggested frames.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def extract(
    self, inds: list[int] | list[tuple[Video, int]] | np.ndarray, copy: bool = True
) -> Labels:
    """Extract a set of frames into a new Labels object.

        inds: Indices of labeled frames. Can be specified as a list of array of
            integer indices of labeled frames or tuples of Video and frame indices.
        copy: If `True` (the default), return a copy of the frames and containing
            objects. Otherwise, return a reference to the data.

        A new `Labels` object containing the selected labels.

        This copies the labeled frames and their associated data, including
        skeletons and tracks, and tries to maintain the relative ordering.

        This also copies the provenance and inserts an extra key: `"source_labels"`
        with the path to the current labels, if available.

        It does NOT copy suggested frames.
    lfs = self[inds]

    if copy:
        lfs = deepcopy(lfs)
    labels = Labels(lfs)

    # Try to keep the lists in the same order.
    track_to_ind = { ind for ind, track in enumerate(self.tracks)}
    labels.tracks = sorted(labels.tracks, key=lambda x: track_to_ind[])

    skel_to_ind = { ind for ind, skel in enumerate(self.skeletons)}
    labels.skeletons = sorted(labels.skeletons, key=lambda x: skel_to_ind[])

    labels.provenance = deepcopy(labels.provenance)
    labels.provenance["source_labels"] = self.provenance.get("filename", None)

    return labels

find(video, frame_idx=None, return_new=False)

Search for labeled frames given video and/or frame index.


Name Type Description Default
video Video

A Video that is associated with the project.

frame_idx int | list[int] | None

The frame index (or indices) which we want to find in the video. If a range is specified, we'll return all frames with indices in that range. If not specific, then we'll return all labeled frames for video.

return_new bool

Whether to return singleton of new and empty LabeledFrame if none are found in project.



Type Description

List of LabeledFrame objects that match the criteria.

The list will be empty if no matches found, unless return_new is True, in which case it contains new (empty) LabeledFrame objects with video and frame_index set.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def find(
    video: Video,
    frame_idx: int | list[int] | None = None,
    return_new: bool = False,
) -> list[LabeledFrame]:
    """Search for labeled frames given video and/or frame index.

        video: A `Video` that is associated with the project.
        frame_idx: The frame index (or indices) which we want to find in the video.
            If a range is specified, we'll return all frames with indices in that
            range. If not specific, then we'll return all labeled frames for video.
        return_new: Whether to return singleton of new and empty `LabeledFrame` if
            none are found in project.

        List of `LabeledFrame` objects that match the criteria.

        The list will be empty if no matches found, unless return_new is True, in
        which case it contains new (empty) `LabeledFrame` objects with `video` and
        `frame_index` set.
    results = []

    if frame_idx is None:
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:
            if == video:
        return results

    if np.isscalar(frame_idx):
        frame_idx = np.array(frame_idx).reshape(-1)

    for frame_ind in frame_idx:
        result = None
        for lf in self.labeled_frames:
            if == video and lf.frame_idx == frame_ind:
                result = lf
        if result is None and return_new:
            results.append(LabeledFrame(video=video, frame_idx=frame_ind))

    return results

make_training_splits(n_train, n_val=None, n_test=None, save_dir=None, seed=None, embed=True)

Make splits for training with embedded images.


Name Type Description Default
n_train int | float

Size of the training split as integer or fraction.

n_val int | float | None

Size of the validation split as integer or fraction. If None, this will be inferred based on the values of n_train and n_test. If n_test is None, this will be the remainder of the data after the training split.

n_test int | float | None

Size of the testing split as integer or fraction. If None, the test split will not be saved.

save_dir str | Path | None

If specified, save splits to SLP files with embedded images.

seed int | None

Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.

embed bool

If True (the default), embed user labeled frame images in the saved files, which is useful for portability but can be slow for large projects. If False, labels are saved with references to the source videos files.



Type Description
tuple[Labels, Labels] | tuple[Labels, Labels, Labels]

A tuple of labels_train, labels_val or labels_train, labels_val, labels_test if n_test was specified.


Predictions and suggestions will be removed before saving, leaving only frames with user labeled data (the source labels are not affected).

Frames with user labeled data will be embedded in the resulting files.

If save_dir is specified, this will save the randomly sampled splits to:

  • {save_dir}/train.pkg.slp
  • {save_dir}/val.pkg.slp
  • {save_dir}/test.pkg.slp (if n_test is specified)

If embed is False, the files will be saved without embedded images to:

  • {save_dir}/train.slp
  • {save_dir}/val.slp
  • {save_dir}/test.slp (if n_test is specified)

See also: Labels.split

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def make_training_splits(
    n_train: int | float,
    n_val: int | float | None = None,
    n_test: int | float | None = None,
    save_dir: str | Path | None = None,
    seed: int | None = None,
    embed: bool = True,
) -> tuple[Labels, Labels] | tuple[Labels, Labels, Labels]:
    """Make splits for training with embedded images.

        n_train: Size of the training split as integer or fraction.
        n_val: Size of the validation split as integer or fraction. If `None`,
            this will be inferred based on the values of `n_train` and `n_test`. If
            `n_test` is `None`, this will be the remainder of the data after the
            training split.
        n_test: Size of the testing split as integer or fraction. If `None`, the
            test split will not be saved.
        save_dir: If specified, save splits to SLP files with embedded images.
        seed: Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.
        embed: If `True` (the default), embed user labeled frame images in the saved
            files, which is useful for portability but can be slow for large
            projects. If `False`, labels are saved with references to the source
            videos files.

        A tuple of `labels_train, labels_val` or
        `labels_train, labels_val, labels_test` if `n_test` was specified.

        Predictions and suggestions will be removed before saving, leaving only
        frames with user labeled data (the source labels are not affected).

        Frames with user labeled data will be embedded in the resulting files.

        If `save_dir` is specified, this will save the randomly sampled splits to:

        - `{save_dir}/train.pkg.slp`
        - `{save_dir}/val.pkg.slp`
        - `{save_dir}/test.pkg.slp` (if `n_test` is specified)

        If `embed` is `False`, the files will be saved without embedded images to:

        - `{save_dir}/train.slp`
        - `{save_dir}/val.slp`
        - `{save_dir}/test.slp` (if `n_test` is specified)

    See also: `Labels.split`
    # Clean up labels.
    labels = deepcopy(self)
    labels.suggestions = []

    # Make train split.
    labels_train, labels_rest = labels.split(n_train, seed=seed)

    # Make test split.
    if n_test is not None:
        if n_test < 1:
            n_test = (n_test * len(labels)) / len(labels_rest)
        labels_test, labels_rest = labels_rest.split(n=n_test, seed=seed)

    # Make val split.
    if n_val is not None:
        if n_val < 1:
            n_val = (n_val * len(labels)) / len(labels_rest)
        if isinstance(n_val, float) and n_val == 1.0:
            labels_val = labels_rest
            labels_val, _ = labels_rest.split(n=n_val, seed=seed)
        labels_val = labels_rest

    # Update provenance.
    source_labels = self.provenance.get("filename", None)
    labels_train.provenance["source_labels"] = source_labels
    if n_val is not None:
        labels_val.provenance["source_labels"] = source_labels
    if n_test is not None:
        labels_test.provenance["source_labels"] = source_labels

    # Save.
    if save_dir is not None:
        save_dir = Path(save_dir)
        save_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

        if embed:
   / "train.pkg.slp", embed="user")
   / "val.pkg.slp", embed="user")
   / "test.pkg.slp", embed="user")
   / "train.slp", embed=False)
   / "val.slp", embed=False)
   / "test.slp", embed=False)

    if n_test is None:
        return labels_train, labels_val
        return labels_train, labels_val, labels_test

numpy(video=None, all_frames=True, untracked=False, return_confidence=False)

Construct a numpy array from instance points.


Name Type Description Default
video Optional[Union[Video, int]]

Video or video index to convert to numpy arrays. If None (the default), uses the first video.

untracked bool

If False (the default), include only instances that have a track assignment. If True, includes all instances in each frame in arbitrary order.

return_confidence bool

If False (the default), only return points of nodes. If True, return the points and scores of nodes.



Type Description

An array of tracks of shape (n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 2) if return_confidence is False. Otherwise returned shape is (n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 3) if return_confidence is True.

Missing data will be replaced with np.nan.

If this is a single instance project, a track does not need to be assigned.

Only predicted instances (NOT user instances) will be returned.


This method assumes that instances have tracks assigned and is intended to function primarily for single-video prediction results.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def numpy(
    video: Optional[Union[Video, int]] = None,
    all_frames: bool = True,
    untracked: bool = False,
    return_confidence: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Construct a numpy array from instance points.

        video: Video or video index to convert to numpy arrays. If `None` (the
            default), uses the first video.
        untracked: If `False` (the default), include only instances that have a
            track assignment. If `True`, includes all instances in each frame in
            arbitrary order.
        return_confidence: If `False` (the default), only return points of nodes. If
            `True`, return the points and scores of nodes.

        An array of tracks of shape `(n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 2)` if
        `return_confidence` is `False`. Otherwise returned shape is
        `(n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 3)` if `return_confidence` is `True`.

        Missing data will be replaced with `np.nan`.

        If this is a single instance project, a track does not need to be assigned.

        Only predicted instances (NOT user instances) will be returned.

        This method assumes that instances have tracks assigned and is intended to
        function primarily for single-video prediction results.
    # Get labeled frames for specified video.
    if video is None:
        video = 0
    if type(video) == int:
        video = self.videos[video]
    lfs = [lf for lf in self.labeled_frames if == video]

    # Figure out frame index range.
    first_frame, last_frame = 0, 0
    for lf in lfs:
        first_frame = min(first_frame, lf.frame_idx)
        last_frame = max(last_frame, lf.frame_idx)

    # Figure out the number of tracks based on number of instances in each frame.
    # First, let's check the max number of predicted instances (regardless of
    # whether they're tracked.
    n_preds = 0
    for lf in lfs:
        n_pred_instances = len(lf.predicted_instances)
        n_preds = max(n_preds, n_pred_instances)

    # Case 1: We don't care about order because there's only 1 instance per frame,
    # or we're considering untracked instances.
    untracked = untracked or n_preds == 1
    if untracked:
        n_tracks = n_preds
        # Case 2: We're considering only tracked instances.
        n_tracks = len(self.tracks)

    n_frames = int(last_frame - first_frame + 1)
    skeleton = self.skeletons[-1]  # Assume project only uses last skeleton
    n_nodes = len(skeleton.nodes)

    if return_confidence:
        tracks = np.full((n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 3), np.nan, dtype="float32")
        tracks = np.full((n_frames, n_tracks, n_nodes, 2), np.nan, dtype="float32")
    for lf in lfs:
        i = int(lf.frame_idx - first_frame)
        if untracked:
            for j, inst in enumerate(lf.predicted_instances):
                tracks[i, j] = inst.numpy(scores=return_confidence)
            tracked_instances = [
                for inst in lf.instances
                if type(inst) == PredictedInstance and inst.track is not None
            for inst in tracked_instances:
                j = self.tracks.index(inst.track)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                tracks[i, j] = inst.numpy(scores=return_confidence)

    return tracks

remove_nodes(nodes, skeleton=None)

Remove nodes from the skeleton.


Name Type Description Default
nodes list[NodeOrIndex]

A list of node names, indices, or Node objects to remove.

skeleton Skeleton | None

Skeleton to update. If None (the default), assumes there is only one skeleton in the labels and raises ValueError otherwise.



Type Description

If the nodes are not found in the skeleton, or if there is more than one skeleton in the Labels but it is not specified.


This method should always be used when removing nodes from the skeleton as it handles updating the lookup caches necessary for indexing nodes by name, and updating instances to reflect the changes made to the skeleton.

Any edges and symmetries that are connected to the removed nodes will also be removed.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def remove_nodes(self, nodes: list[NodeOrIndex], skeleton: Skeleton | None = None):
    """Remove nodes from the skeleton.

        nodes: A list of node names, indices, or `Node` objects to remove.
        skeleton: `Skeleton` to update. If `None` (the default), assumes there is
            only one skeleton in the labels and raises `ValueError` otherwise.

        ValueError: If the nodes are not found in the skeleton, or if there is more
            than one skeleton in the `Labels` but it is not specified.

        This method should always be used when removing nodes from the skeleton as
        it handles updating the lookup caches necessary for indexing nodes by name,
        and updating instances to reflect the changes made to the skeleton.

        Any edges and symmetries that are connected to the removed nodes will also
        be removed.
    if skeleton is None:
        if len(self.skeletons) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Skeleton must be specified when there is more than one skeleton "
                "in the labels."
        skeleton = self.skeleton


    for inst in self.instances:
        if inst.skeleton == skeleton:


Remove all predicted instances from the labels.


Name Type Description Default
clean bool

If True (the default), also remove any empty frames and unused tracks and skeletons. It does NOT remove videos that have no labeled frames or instances with no visible points.


See also: Labels.clean

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def remove_predictions(self, clean: bool = True):
    """Remove all predicted instances from the labels.

        clean: If `True` (the default), also remove any empty frames and unused
            tracks and skeletons. It does NOT remove videos that have no labeled
            frames or instances with no visible points.

    See also: `Labels.clean`
    for lf in self.labeled_frames:

    if clean:

rename_nodes(name_map, skeleton=None)

Rename nodes in the skeleton.


Name Type Description Default
name_map dict[NodeOrIndex, str] | list[str]

A dictionary mapping old node names to new node names. Keys can be specified as Node objects, integer indices, or string names. Values must be specified as string names.

If a list of strings is provided of the same length as the current nodes, the nodes will be renamed to the names in the list in order.

skeleton Skeleton | None

Skeleton to update. If None (the default), assumes there is only one skeleton in the labels and raises ValueError otherwise.



Type Description

If the new node names exist in the skeleton, if the old node names are not found in the skeleton, or if there is more than one skeleton in the Labels but it is not specified.


This method is recommended over Skeleton.rename_nodes as it will update all instances in the labels to reflect the new node names.


labels = Labels(skeletons=[Skeleton(["A", "B", "C"])]) labels.rename_nodes({"A": "X", "B": "Y", "C": "Z"}) labels.skeleton.node_names ["X", "Y", "Z"] labels.rename_nodes(["a", "b", "c"]) labels.skeleton.node_names ["a", "b", "c"]

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def rename_nodes(
    name_map: dict[NodeOrIndex, str] | list[str],
    skeleton: Skeleton | None = None,
    """Rename nodes in the skeleton.

        name_map: A dictionary mapping old node names to new node names. Keys can be
            specified as `Node` objects, integer indices, or string names. Values
            must be specified as string names.

            If a list of strings is provided of the same length as the current
            nodes, the nodes will be renamed to the names in the list in order.
        skeleton: `Skeleton` to update. If `None` (the default), assumes there is
            only one skeleton in the labels and raises `ValueError` otherwise.

        ValueError: If the new node names exist in the skeleton, if the old node
            names are not found in the skeleton, or if there is more than one
            skeleton in the `Labels` but it is not specified.

        This method is recommended over `Skeleton.rename_nodes` as it will update
        all instances in the labels to reflect the new node names.

        >>> labels = Labels(skeletons=[Skeleton(["A", "B", "C"])])
        >>> labels.rename_nodes({"A": "X", "B": "Y", "C": "Z"})
        >>> labels.skeleton.node_names
        ["X", "Y", "Z"]
        >>> labels.rename_nodes(["a", "b", "c"])
        >>> labels.skeleton.node_names
        ["a", "b", "c"]
    if skeleton is None:
        if len(self.skeletons) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Skeleton must be specified when there is more than one skeleton in "
                "the labels."
        skeleton = self.skeleton


reorder_nodes(new_order, skeleton=None)

Reorder nodes in the skeleton.


Name Type Description Default
new_order list[NodeOrIndex]

A list of node names, indices, or Node objects specifying the new order of the nodes.

skeleton Skeleton | None

Skeleton to update. If None (the default), assumes there is only one skeleton in the labels and raises ValueError otherwise.



Type Description

If the new order of nodes is not the same length as the current nodes, or if there is more than one skeleton in the Labels but it is not specified.


This method handles updating the lookup caches necessary for indexing nodes by name, as well as updating instances to reflect the changes made to the skeleton.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def reorder_nodes(
    self, new_order: list[NodeOrIndex], skeleton: Skeleton | None = None
    """Reorder nodes in the skeleton.

        new_order: A list of node names, indices, or `Node` objects specifying the
            new order of the nodes.
        skeleton: `Skeleton` to update. If `None` (the default), assumes there is
            only one skeleton in the labels and raises `ValueError` otherwise.

        ValueError: If the new order of nodes is not the same length as the current
            nodes, or if there is more than one skeleton in the `Labels` but it is
            not specified.

        This method handles updating the lookup caches necessary for indexing nodes
        by name, as well as updating instances to reflect the changes made to the
    if skeleton is None:
        if len(self.skeletons) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Skeleton must be specified when there is more than one skeleton "
                "in the labels."
        skeleton = self.skeleton


    for inst in self.instances:
        if inst.skeleton == skeleton:

replace_filenames(new_filenames=None, filename_map=None, prefix_map=None)

Replace video filenames.


Name Type Description Default
new_filenames list[str | Path] | None

List of new filenames. Must have the same length as the number of videos in the labels.

filename_map dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None

Dictionary mapping old filenames (keys) to new filenames (values).

prefix_map dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None

Dictonary mapping old prefixes (keys) to new prefixes (values).


Only one of the argument types can be provided.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def replace_filenames(
    new_filenames: list[str | Path] | None = None,
    filename_map: dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None = None,
    prefix_map: dict[str | Path, str | Path] | None = None,
    """Replace video filenames.

        new_filenames: List of new filenames. Must have the same length as the
            number of videos in the labels.
        filename_map: Dictionary mapping old filenames (keys) to new filenames
        prefix_map: Dictonary mapping old prefixes (keys) to new prefixes (values).

        Only one of the argument types can be provided.
    n = 0
    if new_filenames is not None:
        n += 1
    if filename_map is not None:
        n += 1
    if prefix_map is not None:
        n += 1
    if n != 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Exactly one input method must be provided to replace filenames."

    if new_filenames is not None:
        if len(self.videos) != len(new_filenames):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Number of new filenames ({len(new_filenames)}) does not match "
                f"the number of videos ({len(self.videos)})."

        for video, new_filename in zip(self.videos, new_filenames):

    elif filename_map is not None:
        for video in self.videos:
            for old_fn, new_fn in filename_map.items():
                if type(video.filename) == list:
                    new_fns = []
                    for fn in video.filename:
                        if Path(fn) == Path(old_fn):
                    if Path(video.filename) == Path(old_fn):

    elif prefix_map is not None:
        for video in self.videos:
            for old_prefix, new_prefix in prefix_map.items():
                old_prefix, new_prefix = Path(old_prefix), Path(new_prefix)

                if type(video.filename) == list:
                    new_fns = []
                    for fn in video.filename:
                        fn = Path(fn)
                        if fn.as_posix().startswith(old_prefix.as_posix()):
                            new_fns.append(new_prefix / fn.relative_to(old_prefix))
                    fn = Path(video.filename)
                    if fn.as_posix().startswith(old_prefix.as_posix()):
                            new_prefix / fn.relative_to(old_prefix)

replace_skeleton(new_skeleton, old_skeleton=None, node_map=None)

Replace the skeleton in the labels.


Name Type Description Default
new_skeleton Skeleton

The new Skeleton to replace the old skeleton with.

old_skeleton Skeleton | None

The old Skeleton to replace. If None (the default), assumes there is only one skeleton in the labels and raises ValueError otherwise.

node_map dict[NodeOrIndex, NodeOrIndex] | None

Dictionary mapping nodes in the old skeleton to nodes in the new skeleton. Keys and values can be specified as Node objects, integer indices, or string names. If not provided, only nodes with identical names will be mapped. Points associated with unmapped nodes will be removed.



Type Description

If there is more than one skeleton in the Labels but it is not specified.


This method will replace the skeleton in all instances in the labels that have the old skeleton. All point data associated with nodes not in the node_map will be lost.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def replace_skeleton(
    new_skeleton: Skeleton,
    old_skeleton: Skeleton | None = None,
    node_map: dict[NodeOrIndex, NodeOrIndex] | None = None,
    """Replace the skeleton in the labels.

        new_skeleton: The new `Skeleton` to replace the old skeleton with.
        old_skeleton: The old `Skeleton` to replace. If `None` (the default),
            assumes there is only one skeleton in the labels and raises `ValueError`
        node_map: Dictionary mapping nodes in the old skeleton to nodes in the new
            skeleton. Keys and values can be specified as `Node` objects, integer
            indices, or string names. If not provided, only nodes with identical
            names will be mapped. Points associated with unmapped nodes will be

        ValueError: If there is more than one skeleton in the `Labels` but it is not

        This method will replace the skeleton in all instances in the labels that
        have the old skeleton. **All point data associated with nodes not in the
        `node_map` will be lost.**
    if old_skeleton is None:
        if len(self.skeletons) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Old skeleton must be specified when there is more than one "
                "skeleton in the labels."
        old_skeleton = self.skeleton

    if node_map is None:
        node_map = {}
        for old_node in old_skeleton.nodes:
            for new_node in new_skeleton.nodes:
                if ==
                    node_map[old_node] = new_node
        node_map = {
                old, add_missing=False
            ): new_skeleton.require_node(new, add_missing=False)
            for old, new in node_map.items()

    # Make new -> old mapping for nodes for efficiency.
    rev_node_map = {new: old for old, new in node_map.items()}

    # Replace the skeleton in the instances.
    for inst in self.instances:
        if inst.skeleton == old_skeleton:
            inst.replace_skeleton(new_skeleton, rev_node_map=rev_node_map)

    # Replace the skeleton in the labels.
    self.skeletons[self.skeletons.index(old_skeleton)] = new_skeleton

replace_videos(old_videos=None, new_videos=None, video_map=None)

Replace videos and update all references.


Name Type Description Default
old_videos list[Video] | None

List of videos to be replaced.

new_videos list[Video] | None

List of videos to replace with.

video_map dict[Video, Video] | None

Alternative input of dictionary where keys are the old videos and values are the new videos.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def replace_videos(
    old_videos: list[Video] | None = None,
    new_videos: list[Video] | None = None,
    video_map: dict[Video, Video] | None = None,
    """Replace videos and update all references.

        old_videos: List of videos to be replaced.
        new_videos: List of videos to replace with.
        video_map: Alternative input of dictionary where keys are the old videos and
            values are the new videos.
    if (
        old_videos is None
        and new_videos is not None
        and len(new_videos) == len(self.videos)
        old_videos = self.videos

    if video_map is None:
        video_map = {o: n for o, n in zip(old_videos, new_videos)}

    # Update the labeled frames with the new videos.
    for lf in self.labeled_frames:
        if in video_map:
   = video_map[]

    # Update suggestions with the new videos.
    for sf in self.suggestions:
        if in video_map:
   = video_map[]

    # Update the list of videos.
    self.videos = [video_map.get(video, video) for video in self.videos]

save(filename, format=None, embed=None, **kwargs)

Save labels to file in specified format.


Name Type Description Default
filename str

Path to save labels to.

format Optional[str]

The format to save the labels in. If None, the format will be inferred from the file extension. Available formats are "slp", "nwb", "labelstudio", and "jabs".

embed bool | str | list[tuple[Video, int]] | None

Frames to embed in the saved labels file. One of None, True, "all", "user", "suggestions", "user+suggestions", "source" or list of tuples of (video, frame_idx).

If None is specified (the default) and the labels contains embedded frames, those embedded frames will be re-saved to the new file.

If True or "all", all labeled frames and suggested frames will be embedded.

If "source" is specified, no images will be embedded and the source video will be restored if available.

This argument is only valid for the SLP backend.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def save(
    filename: str,
    format: Optional[str] = None,
    embed: bool | str | list[tuple[Video, int]] | None = None,
    """Save labels to file in specified format.

        filename: Path to save labels to.
        format: The format to save the labels in. If `None`, the format will be
            inferred from the file extension. Available formats are `"slp"`,
            `"nwb"`, `"labelstudio"`, and `"jabs"`.
        embed: Frames to embed in the saved labels file. One of `None`, `True`,
            `"all"`, `"user"`, `"suggestions"`, `"user+suggestions"`, `"source"` or
            list of tuples of `(video, frame_idx)`.

            If `None` is specified (the default) and the labels contains embedded
            frames, those embedded frames will be re-saved to the new file.

            If `True` or `"all"`, all labeled frames and suggested frames will be

            If `"source"` is specified, no images will be embedded and the source
            video will be restored if available.

            This argument is only valid for the SLP backend.
    from sleap_io import save_file

    save_file(self, filename, format=format, embed=embed, **kwargs)

split(n, seed=None)

Separate the labels into random splits.


Name Type Description Default
n int | float

Size of the first split. If integer >= 1, assumes that this is the number of labeled frames in the first split. If < 1.0, this will be treated as a fraction of the total labeled frames.

seed int | None

Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.



Type Description
tuple[Labels, Labels]

A tuple of split1, split2.

If an integer was specified, len(split1) == n.

If a fraction was specified, len(split1) == int(n * len(labels)).

The second split contains the remainder, i.e., len(split2) == len(labels) - len(split1).

If there are too few frames, a minimum of 1 frame will be kept in the second split.

If there is exactly 1 labeled frame in the labels, the same frame will be assigned to both splits.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def split(self, n: int | float, seed: int | None = None) -> tuple[Labels, Labels]:
    """Separate the labels into random splits.

        n: Size of the first split. If integer >= 1, assumes that this is the number
            of labeled frames in the first split. If < 1.0, this will be treated as
            a fraction of the total labeled frames.
        seed: Optional integer seed to use for reproducibility.

        A tuple of `split1, split2`.

        If an integer was specified, `len(split1) == n`.

        If a fraction was specified, `len(split1) == int(n * len(labels))`.

        The second split contains the remainder, i.e.,
        `len(split2) == len(labels) - len(split1)`.

        If there are too few frames, a minimum of 1 frame will be kept in the second

        If there is exactly 1 labeled frame in the labels, the same frame will be
        assigned to both splits.
    n0 = len(self)
    if n0 == 0:
        return self, self
    n1 = n
    if n < 1.0:
        n1 = max(int(n0 * float(n)), 1)
    n2 = max(n0 - n1, 1)
    n1, n2 = int(n1), int(n2)

    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seed)
    inds1 = rng.choice(n0, size=(n1,), replace=False)

    if n0 == 1:
        inds2 = np.array([0])
        inds2 = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(n0), inds1)

    split1 = self.extract(inds1, copy=True)
    split2 = self.extract(inds2, copy=True)

    return split1, split2

trim(save_path, frame_inds, video=None, video_kwargs=None)

Trim the labels to a subset of frames and videos accordingly.


Name Type Description Default
save_path str | Path

Path to the trimmed labels SLP file. Video will be saved with the same base name but with .mp4 extension.

frame_inds list[int] | ndarray

Frame indices to save. Can be specified as a list or array of frame integers.

video Video | int | None

Video or integer index of the video to trim. Does not need to be specified for single-video projects.

video_kwargs dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary of keyword arguments to provide to sio.save_video for video compression.



Type Description

The resulting labels object referencing the trimmed data.


This will remove any data outside of the trimmed frames, save new videos, and adjust the frame indices to match the newly trimmed videos.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def trim(
    save_path: str | Path,
    frame_inds: list[int] | np.ndarray,
    video: Video | int | None = None,
    video_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
) -> Labels:
    """Trim the labels to a subset of frames and videos accordingly.

        save_path: Path to the trimmed labels SLP file. Video will be saved with the
            same base name but with .mp4 extension.
        frame_inds: Frame indices to save. Can be specified as a list or array of
            frame integers.
        video: Video or integer index of the video to trim. Does not need to be
            specified for single-video projects.
        video_kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments to provide to
            `sio.save_video` for video compression.

        The resulting labels object referencing the trimmed data.

        This will remove any data outside of the trimmed frames, save new videos,
        and adjust the frame indices to match the newly trimmed videos.
    if video is None:
        if len(self.videos) == 1:
            video =
            raise ValueError(
                "Video needs to be specified when trimming multi-video projects."
    if type(video) == int:
        video = self.videos[video]

    # Write trimmed clip.
    save_path = Path(save_path)
    video_path = save_path.with_suffix(".mp4")
    fidx0, fidx1 = np.min(frame_inds), np.max(frame_inds)
    new_video =
        frame_inds=np.arange(fidx0, fidx1 + 1),

    # Get frames in range.
    # TODO: Create an optimized search function for this access pattern.
    inds = []
    for ind, lf in enumerate(self):
        if == video and lf.frame_idx >= fidx0 and lf.frame_idx <= fidx1:
    trimmed_labels = self.extract(inds, copy=True)

    # Adjust video and frame indices.
    trimmed_labels.videos = [new_video]
    for lf in trimmed_labels: = new_video
        lf.frame_idx = lf.frame_idx - fidx0

    # Save.

    return trimmed_labels


Update data structures based on contents.

This function will update the list of skeletons, videos and tracks from the labeled frames, instances and suggestions.

Source code in sleap_io/model/
def update(self):
    """Update data structures based on contents.

    This function will update the list of skeletons, videos and tracks from the
    labeled frames, instances and suggestions.
    for lf in self.labeled_frames:
        if not in self.videos:

        for inst in lf:
            if inst.skeleton not in self.skeletons:

            if inst.track is not None and inst.track not in self.tracks:

    for sf in self.suggestions:
        if not in self.videos: